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HOW-TO: Automated XBMC minimal installer v0.93 for Ubuntu 12.04 > 14.04 - [4/19/2014]
For anybody that has a Lenovo Q190
Audio, video and ethernet work well "out of the box" using this script, with Ubuntu 13.04 mini (x64) and XBMC Frodo (12.3)
Bootup feels really really fast, around ~20 seconds (with a regular HDD).

Installation TIP: if installing from a USB drive, pull it out right before it prompts you to install GRUB. If you leave it in, it will confuse sda with sdb and not install grub in your HDD (it'll throw an error).

I've been trying to hide the terminal messages that come (a) right after the plymouth splash and (b) right after a reboot/shutdown:

I tried:
Disabling tty1-6 terminals (by renaming tty .conf files in /etc/init) gets rid of "xbmc login:" text.
Disabling the greeting (by sudo nano /etc/issue) gets rid of the Ubuntu banner.
But you still have a blinking cursor and some flashing text.

I also tried:
putting "setterm -term linux -foreground black" on the /etc/init.d/ scripts, but no luck

Any ideas how to get hide or change the color of terminal text in Ubuntu 13.04 on boot / reboot ?
(2014-05-09, 17:20)rsramirez Wrote: Yes, I'd like to know if this is ready as well for Gotham. I've used it for Frodo on a number of Acer Aspire Revo AR1600's and they've worked great. I'd like to upgrade them this weekend or sometime soon.

Thanks for your hard work!

Works fine on all variants of gotham i've tried, last few betas and final but I haven't tried 13.1 b1
I'm a Idiot. The Back Button isn't the "App Exit" Button... This was falsely configured under Openelec which made m think it should work this way !!! Problem solved!!!!!

Hi there! I installed XBMC using your guide and script! Everything works perfectly and I realy appreciate your great work! I have one minor Problem tough. I'm using a MS-TECH MC-80 cas ewith a built in IR reciever and a remote. Everything I need is working on the remote how I want it too but what I can't use anymore is the back button.

When I used XBMC under an Openelec installation there was a button on my remote called "App exit" which worked just like a back button to get back to the main menu or to get back from settings i.e. . Can you tell me what I could do to make the button work again? Many thanks in advance!
Is there a way to "force" the script to do NVIDIA? My machine has an onboard intel graphics card, and I have added a Nvidia card. The script fails saying my card is unsupported and I have an "INTEL NVIDIA" card.

I also tried disabling the onboard card in the bios but Linux systems in general ignore the setting and activate the hardware anyway.
(2014-05-29, 23:47)DiabboVerdde Wrote: Is there a way to "force" the script to do NVIDIA? My machine has an onboard intel graphics card, and I have added a Nvidia card. The script fails saying my card is unsupported and I have an "INTEL NVIDIA" card.

I also tried disabling the onboard card in the bios but Linux systems in general ignore the setting and activate the hardware anyway.

Never mind... changed one of the statements at the beginning of the script, where is using lspci and grep to detect an added an extra grep for NVIDIA, filtering further. Anyway, I think that detecting on the script and offering a choice between detected cards would be a great addition to this great script.
OK need some help on this one. i've used this script MANY times in the past years with great success. decided it was time again to do a fresh install, to many customizations before.

so followed the instructions usb unetbootin, i've tried 12/13/14 ubuntu versions all with the same results.
after the final step:
Confirm that the system clock is set to UTC with “Yes”
When finished remove the bootable USB drive and press Enter to reboot the machine.

I remove the usb and machine reboots but to only sit at a blinking cursor but unable to type or ssh or anything else into the box.

never had this problem before in the past with this script.

acer revo r3610

I have an Intel NUC. It has an Intel HD Graphics 5000. What drivers do you recommend?
The script will install the correct drivers.
(2014-06-05, 17:21)pumkinut Wrote: The script will install the correct drivers.

So I should not be worried about using these?
Don't worry about it at all, if you're using and Intel IGP, just let the script do its work. Everything should be fine afterward. I've used it on two Intel NUCs which use the HD IGP, and they've been fine.

I have followed Bram's intructions and did the install, rebooted the laptop and got greeted by the xbmc loading screen I was very exited it took me a good four days just to get linux to boot from the hard drive so this was a big tipping point. Well the loading screen went away and the splash screen passed without a hitch.

I then came to the xbmc home page and it started flickering a bit and 15 sec or so later it froze up. rebooted same problem, reinstalled the script but the problem did not go away even after fierces yelling and name calling. So I saw your script and ran that went through the hoops and no change.

Here are a few details that might help:
HP compact nx 7400
256mb ram
80gig hard drive
no gpu
Centrino Duo

I know this is an old piece of shit laptop but i've ran xbmcbuntu off a live usb and everything was fine I hoped the minimal install would speed things up a bit, but as I explained the only thing it did sped up was the growth of frustration.

So please if you could point me in even a remotely the right direction I would appreciate it
Thanks in advance
Will installing XBMC this way give you silky smooth 24p playback and HD bit-streaming with appropriate hardware?

tried installing this on ati 4200 onboard graphics. Minimal 14.04

xbmc asks to login, then complains no video drivers installed.

"needs hardware accelerated openGL rendering, install appropriate graphics driver"

use apt to update mesa, replies that mesa is already latest version ... glxinfo? ... can't open display.

what do i do now? rerun the script using ati fglrx drivers and hope for best?

if i follow the manual install steps for xbmc video/audio drivers here http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=174854
then figure out how to configure openBox, and install bluez-d driver... then I will have achieved the same as this script, no?

thanks for your help. Angel
For Bananapeal:
-1.) Hardware Requirements / Software Requirements UVD 2.2 or higher
ati 4200 is UVD 2 and not 2.2, sorry you card is not supported.
You can try the original XBMC release and not the OSS Version aka try
from the oss ati howto.

1b) Installation of the team xbmc repository with gotham final mainline builds

or even better get a UVD 2.2 or higher card

For the mainainer of the script.
to make sure you have the "Adviced" kernel for the ATI OSS XBMC version.

add this to the script. ( or something better )

wget http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=174854
cat showthread.php\?tid\=174854 | grep "wget http://kernel" | cut -c41-999 | rev | cut -c7-999 | rev

result: wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mai..._amd64.deb http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mai...35_all.deb http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mai..._amd64.deb

(2014-06-12, 07:16)voona Wrote: Will installing XBMC this way give you silky smooth 24p playback and HD bit-streaming with appropriate hardware?

it does for me.
running AMD E350 , ati oss XBMC, ubuntu 14.04
sabnzbd, sickbeard, couchpotato, headphones, autosub, apache mysql postfix samba.
sdd + 2x 4TB raid1 setup 8Gb ram, 4Gb for Mysql.

and.. while playing 24P move only 20% cpu load at 800Mhz. ( max 1.6Ghz)

i can copy from my server or to my server with about 100MB/s
download at abaout 5-8Mb/s
extrating at same time
AND playing a 24p move, only then, sometimes a very little hickup..

so yes... this works great.
(2014-06-01, 18:46)bostoneric Wrote: OK need some help on this one. i've used this script MANY times in the past years with great success. decided it was time again to do a fresh install, to many customizations before.

so followed the instructions usb unetbootin, i've tried 12/13/14 ubuntu versions all with the same results.
after the final step:
Confirm that the system clock is set to UTC with “Yes”
When finished remove the bootable USB drive and press Enter to reboot the machine.

I remove the usb and machine reboots but to only sit at a blinking cursor but unable to type or ssh or anything else into the box.

never had this problem before in the past with this script.

acer revo r3610

when installing ubuntu 13.x or higher from usb stick.

1) DONT install grub in the default MBR ( aka /dev/sda ) this is your usb stick. !
select no and type /dev/sdb * or there where your disk is with your os on it.
2) some USB keyboards wil cause a hang after the reboot.
fix : before you run "finish" change to a other console. ( ALT-F2 )

chroot /target
lsmod | grep -v Module | cut -d" " -f1 >> /etc/initramfs-tools/modules
switch back to your installer screen. ( ALT F1 )

3) network problems, above should also fix this, and if that does not work, i bet you set a static ip.
change it to dhcp and it will work. just add mac-ip on you dhcp server, and its solved, dont know why this happens.

now finish the installation.

These problems exist as of ubuntu 13.04 13.10 14.04 because of bug in initramfs-tools.

Hope this helps some people.
( for me the needed modules for initramfs-tools where )

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HOW-TO: Automated XBMC minimal installer v0.93 for Ubuntu 12.04 > 14.04 - [4/19/2014]3