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Release Audio Profiles - Easy switch between different audio settings
Installed on windows and works, thank you

audio profile service can be uninstalled ?
Yes. It is not needed.
I am currently using this very useful add-on to switch between speakers (wired) and a set of bluetooth headphones. Whenever I'm using the headphones, I have to set a +0.200 audio offset to compensate for some lag in the bluetooth link (from a fullscreen video, open "Audio and subtitles settings">"Audio offset")

Would it be technically possible to include this setting in the saved profile ?
Unfortunately not. It is not possible to change this value through the JSON API.
is there a place where i can download the 1.1.0 version.
from Regss repo
thanks Roby, i have the repo installed but i'm still on 1.01
that's strange, but looking at github i found the right one.
really strange, last was 1.05, are you sure you are not looking at audio profile service and not audio profile program ?

(@peppe su transifex se vuoi c'è la lingua italiana tradotta se vuoi dare una mano)
i'm looking at the service! 0.o
good you solved Wink
i would like to share my experience with you.
i changed a bit the configuration of "audio profiles switcher" in my system and now i have a "cool" strange behavior, really useful but that i can't reproduce on other devices.
i'm on win10, and Jarvis 16.1, i'm using three different profiles added as buttons in my skin, so i can activate the one i need.
noticed that any profiles i activate a "go to full screen" command is sent contestually.
this is cool but i can't figure it out how it works.
so i used also the "autoexec.py" tip from Regss and each startup i have my basic profile and also kodi in "full screen" if needed (if i changed to "windowed" before switch off).
cool...which file you edit ?
really don't know i added to favourite this
<favourite name="Hdmi Ref-Off">RunScript(script.audio.profiles,1)</favourite>
    <favourite name="Spdif Ref-On">RunScript(script.audio.profiles,2)</favourite>
    <favourite name="Hdmi Ref-On">RunScript(script.audio.profiles,3)</favourite>

then using it when kodi was windowed i see it go full screen just after i used on of new favourites.
so added autoexec.py in my userdata folder with this code

import xbmc

and stop.
now i'm looking in log "some light".


here is part of my log from :OnKey: return, to activate one of my profiles, to :OnKey: s that open the menu to shotdown kodi.
in the meantime the profile is changed and kodi turned in full screen mode.


it is because i saved profiles with first voice of video options "display mode" set to "fullscreen", i haven't noticed a thing like this. cool
good work, compliments
I all time get an error when i switch (i dont know why, a day before it works)

Any idear?
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Audio Profiles - Easy switch between different audio settings3