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Local harddrive buffering / caching for LAN network streamed content sources?
Now I have disabled Hardware Acceleration/DXVA (whatever that means and whatever are the consequences) -- and the problem has completely vanished.

(This is an Arctic MC001 system with Dual Core Atom D525 @1.8GHz and ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5430 512MB)

(2013-01-07, 13:18)benobee Wrote:
(2012-12-21, 02:31)Ned Scott Wrote: Setting <advancedsettings><network><cachemembuffersize>0</cachemembuffersize></network></advancedsettings> in advancedsettings.xml (wiki) for XBMC v12 (Frodo) will now write the cache to disk rather than RAM.

Hi there

First time post so my apologies if I've missed something along the way here.

Regarding Ned's quote above, what would be the default location on the hard drive for this local disk cache?

If I want to write this local cache to a specific folder on the hard drive, how would this be configured?

And finally, does this tweak work on Eden v11, or only Frodo v12?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



I would like to know this answer to this as well. I just set up this setting in my xbmc because I would try to stream a movie and I think it is the server I am streaming it from but it was slow and it kept buffering. streams from 180 i've never had an issue with in HD. just that one server but I set it up and was also wondering where on the disk does it now save and can it be designated to a specific location?
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Local harddrive buffering / caching for LAN network streamed content sources?2