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CCM - Confluence Customizable Mod
Mudislander, larger posters. PLEASE!....Then will be perfect skin!

CCM was working fine for me a few hours ago, and this evening the skin is totally transparent, showing texts in white, nearly impossible to play with ? Have you changed the textures or anything else? Had to switch to Aeon for now - yuk ;o)

Thanks for your help.
I'm getting an error installation failed when trying to install the skin anyone having this problem?
(2014-05-31, 22:33)figasse Wrote: Hi!

CCM was working fine for me a few hours ago, and this evening the skin is totally transparent, showing texts in white, nearly impossible to play with ? Have you changed the textures or anything else? Had to switch to Aeon for now - yuk ;o)

Thanks for your help.

Sorted - Everyone else having this issue, just uninstall the skin, then reinstall from the rep, and you don't even lose your settings (this is what scared me). Everything goes back to normal.
(2014-05-31, 16:45)protocol77 Wrote: any chance of adding the main menu widget for new content that is in hybrid however there are some things i prefer about ccm over hybrid so if i could just get that awesome widget from hybrid onto CCM over another cool one would be the one in Amber (only because it has larger pictures so easier to see from further away)

Been thinking about this one, but I think as CCM is a Confluence MOD we want to stay within touching distance of Confluence, plus which it's a major amount of code to get the Hybrid widget up and running.

However I started the code for the request by FrodoPL for larger widgets. The setting can be found in "Skin Settings" in the "General Section2 under the "Home Screen Options" heading. As can be also seen in the screenshot below the option for "Now Playing" on the Home Screen then becomes disabled due to lack of space.

WIP code can be found on GitHub - Gotham Branch. ATM most the movie type widgets should be working


Noli illegitimi carborundum

YEAH! Thanks! Im waiting for Large Widget Layout option.
Maybe you add option - disable Favorites icon in home menu (star icon)?
(2014-05-26, 20:31)Mudislander Wrote: We need to move this discussion & not hijack the thread Smile But with a main menu playlist you need to set the widget to playlist. The script can be set to display recent or random, not sure if setting is in skin but small xml edit would give it to you. Must have been confused as to what you wanted before.

I moved discussion to proper thread. I confirm that now widgets are connected with menu item now.
I miss three things.
1. "Recently added" from submenu aren't filtered, shows all not only from playlist set in menu. I use submenu set "movies". Is it possible to have submenu set "playlist"?
2. I would like to have "watching" also limited to selected playlist. Now it's main menu option, could be submenu option as above
3. Sometimes movie doesn't have cover and widget shows nothing. Would it be possible to show any other art from this movie instead of empty space?
The default menu items are only there for first time installers to actually have a menu system when they first use the MOD. It's expected that users build up their own menu system over time and for that I try to supply as many of the XBMC commands that I can or know about Smile

Even the default "Movies" subset is just a name to make referencing that set of submenu items easier, you can change it or any of the others to whatever you want. So for a "Playlist" sub menu set choose one of the sets eg: "User Selection One" rename it as "Playlists" and start building up the set. The "Recently Added" command is a default XBMC command that covers the whole movie or tvshow section of your library. To get that action for a specific playlist you will have to build your own "Node" or playlist (There are threads on this elsewhere in the forum/wiki) and then add it into your submenu set.

I can't find your menu item "Watching" as a main menu item - only "In Progress" for TVShows? But the same applies you would need to create a node or playlist to cover that action.

The items offered for inclusion as main menu or submenu items are the same and come from the same list of actions. So if you can add it as a main item you should be able to add it as a submenu item

Re the missing movie covers - there should be a fallback image if the movie cover is missing. I've seen a few cases where nothing shows but that's normally a problem with the library data eg trying to get an image off a networked drive while it's still spinning up etc. If you look at the Hybrid thread you'll find a user complaining about using fallback images because they're all the same. The best course of action would be for users to check the movie etc that is missing it's cover and make sure it's there as obviously I can't please everyone.
Noli illegitimi carborundum

(2014-06-01, 22:12)FrodoPL Wrote: YEAH! Thanks! Im waiting for Large Widget Layout option.
Maybe you add option - disable Favorites icon in home menu (star icon)?

Re the favourite icon on the home screen, you're not the first to ask for this. So will think about it, but my problem is adding more unnecessary code. ATM the Mod knows that any "down" keypress from the submenu will go to the favourites icon and also that it will be there. To add the option of removing it would mean that the MOD would have to first check if it's there or not and if it's not is the "power icon" showing instead. All these decisions take time, even if they're only milliseconds on slower machines they become more pronounced and the MOD is considered even more power hungry.

Somewhere back up this thread is a user who happily just set the visibility of the button to "false" but as in the statement above I don't like to try and confuse your system.

Plus really the definition of favourites is that they should be easily accessed
Noli illegitimi carborundum

Why disable favorites? I agree mod shouldn't change this behaviour
(2014-06-02, 14:37)Marx1 Wrote: Why disable favorites? I agree mod shouldn't change this behaviour

I don't use favorites. So this icon is useless to me. I would like to be able to hide it.
Yeah but it doesn't hurt either.

I've tried to build my own submenu for playlist. The only options i would like to have are:
- in progress
I used predefined submenu option from movies group, hovewer it isn't limited to playlist
- added lately
Same as above, isn't limited to playlist.
ok I've tried to make playlist for this options and it's quite easy, thank you for idea. Playlists are really powerful.
(2014-05-31, 07:08)Mudislander Wrote:
(2014-05-31, 04:33)bigbully Wrote: I noticed that I am unable to change any scraper settings of the original sources. If I want to modify the scraper settings I have to switch back to the original Confluence skin, make the changes and then switch back. Is anyone else having this problem? It's the same in v2.0.3 and 2.0.4.

Scanning seems to work ok as long as scraper settings have been set in another skin.

You'll need to explain further. I've just tried to change my Movie scraper and had no problems. I went up videos to my movies, used the change content on the context menu and then just changed the scraper. XBMC then cleaned database and did a rescan of library.

I've been playing with this skin quite a bit over the past few days and having investigated this further, I've discovered a few issues. It turns out that the above issue is specifically caused by the latest nightly builds. It works fine with Gotham RC1, but if I upgrade to a nightly then the following happens:

1. The movie scrapers cannot be changed as mentioned previously.
2. Playlists cannot be fully created. More specifically, the playlist xsp file is created, but the string for the rule cannot be added unless I edit the playlist xsp file manually.
3. A home submenu item that goes to the root playlist window will only return the the last folder it was in instead of pointing back to the root list every time.

The weird thing is that these issues don't happen in the nightlies using standard Confluence. They only rear their heads when I switch to CCM in nightlies. I can workaround the first two by switching back to Confluence. The third is not a deal breaker, but still annoying.

I'm mostly using the nightlies to resolve an issue where the video aspect flag may be shown wrong. Gotham RC1 is sometimes looking at the cover art size instead of the video size. The nightlies fixed this, but introduced other issues that only show up with CCM. (I haven't tested any other 3rd party skins.) I'm considering switching back to RC1, but hopefully there's a way to fix the skin for post GothamRC1 releases..
Yeah I haven't used a nightly for a while now. Will look into it.
Noli illegitimi carborundum

Hello Mudislander and sorry to ask again...

any luck with the options on exit menu?
is it sth that can't be done on android or is it an adjustment from my side?

thank you very much for your time and efforts...
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