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Xperience Special Announcement
Hunger Strike: Day 1

Weight: 190 lbs (I'm tall, not fat)

It's cold and rainy here in NY. I have encased my laptop in saran wrap to keep it safe and dry. There are thousands of us desperate souls holding banners that say "PM3 is still pretty good but we would like something fancier!" Several news outlets have interviewed me regarding the purpose of this strike. However, they usually leave once I explain what Xperience is.
I think I saw one of those News Covers. The lady on the camera came walking up to a tall guy holding a laptop covered in some type of plastic, she asked him what this was all about and after he explained the camera went off ... The news station said there were technical difficulties due to boredom ...
Hunger Strike

Day 3: 186 lbs

Getting hungry. Some defectors have left so they can rest up for Super Mario Bros Wii, and word around camp is that some of the fatter strikers have ordered Papa Johns Pizza, although whether or not Papa Johns is technically food is debatable.

A homeless man, who has never even heard about XBMC, has taken over my make-shift shelter made from shopping carts and garbage bags. He must have been hungry too since he kept muttering "cracker". I lent him my laptop so he could revel in the glory that is XBMC, however my shack is still occupied, and the laptop is nowhere to be found.
Maybe I can entice you with some Ellipsis? Team Blackbolts other project will be out December 4th 2009. That should tide you over until Xperience hits.
Team Blackbolt - Digital Design
Twitter.com/TeamBlackbolt | TeamBlackbolt.co.uk
Hey Team Blackbolt!
I was just wondering when watching the Trailer on Youtube about XPerience... What Music is in that trailer? I like it quite alot, and goes very well with the Preview of Xperience Smile
Blackbolt Wrote:Maybe I can entice you with some Ellipsis? Team Blackbolts other project will be out December 4th 2009. That should tide you over until Xperience hits.

That would be lovely. I promise to hoard it for myself, and to leave my fellow strikers in the dark. They're a bunch of dorks anyway.
Blackbolt Wrote:Maybe I can entice you with some Ellipsis? Team Blackbolts other project will be out December 4th 2009. That should tide you over until Xperience hits.

Yay! Ellipsis is coming!

Try4Ce Wrote:Hey Team Blackbolt!
I was just wondering when watching the Trailer on Youtube about XPerience... What Music is in that trailer? I like it quite alot, and goes very well with the Preview of Xperience Smile

The song is Hourglass, By zircon. The end of the trailer has credits.

DDM123 Wrote:That would be lovely. I promise to hoard it for myself, and to leave my fellow strikers in the dark. They're a bunch of dorks anyway.

I don't blame you lol!
XBMCG33K: I know the Trailer has credits... It just said "Zircon - Impulse Prime" ... I looked for that in Google but I couldnt get the proper Info since "Impulse Prime" is the Album Name and contains 12 Songs. So I went into iTunes and via the preview feature I found out that Hourglass is the song's name, and bought it.
But thanks Tongue
Ah no problem Try4Ce, the credits should have actually said all the info, must have missed it Smile
No worries there Smile
Try4Ce Wrote:No worries there Smile
Trust me it's worth the wait, it's now my default skin, even the alpha is better than anything else out there with the exception of ellipsis as i aint a tester for that.
Many thanks to team B for all there efforts in creating what is the best designed skin to
date...........CoolBig GrinNod
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
Indeed paul, indeed. Some updates if anyone wants to read up on the happenings of Xperience head over here: http://forum.teamblackbolt.co.uk/index.php
Just a little teaser heres a sample of my home page in xperience
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
Odd, mine looks like this ...

Hey adam it's bad luck to be using Christmas decorations etc before Christmas!
And i have just sent my team of highly trained ninja dwarfs to kidnap santaclaus.Laugh
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
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