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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs
r3h4b Wrote:Hi Digitech,

Thanks for your reply. Too bad I can't remove a collection yet; I"ve edited it out of the xml for now (although the entries are still present in the database but the collection is not showing up anymore..

Regarding the .bat, do this:

1. create a .bat file called "launcher.bat" and place it in your Dolphin folder
2. edit it and put the following in it:
@echo off
cd /d %~dp0
dolphin.exe /e %1
Save and close
3. in RCB, point to the .bat file instead of the dolphin.exe and use just "%ROM%" as paramerer

that should do it Smile

Thanks im going to try it as soon as i can!
I'm having problems to import some games, specifically Pokémon Stadium and Pokémon Stadium 2 for the N64. Online scraping worked for my other N64 ROMs but those two somehow don't get scanned, even if I manually select the best match. I also manually written the .nfo files and set the scraper to "local nfo" but no success, the games just won't get scanned into RCB. Any ideas?

Example nfo:

  <title>Pokémon Stadium</title>

    <originalTitle />

    <alternateTitle />

    <platform>Nintendo 64</platform>

    <plot>The Nintendo Pokemon creations make their way to full 3D battles in a recreation of the Pokemon battle sequences seen in the cartoon series. All 151 original Pokemon appear in some way or form, either for you to battle with, against or for use on the Game Boy Pokemon series.</plot>


    <developer>Nintendo EAD</developer>



    <detailUrl />

    <maxPlayer />

    <region />

    <media />

    <perspective />

    <controller />

    <version />

    <rating>E - Everyone<rating />

    <votes />

Yes, it is the "é" in Pokémon. I guess you are on windows?

We had a lot of trouble trying to get this working in all situations and finally we gave up. We hope that the use of external python in next version of XBMC will help us to solve the problem. In the meantime just replace "é" with "e" in the local nfo.
I thought so and I actually renamed my ROMs and replaced the "é" with an "e". Automatic / select best match scraping still didn't work however. I will try to change this in the .nfo and use the local nfo scraper this evening. Thank you.
The problem is that the "é" is also found on the scraped site. So even if you rename the rom, the game name will be used from the scraped site. But if you change it in the nfo, it will work.
I replaced the é with e in both .nfo files, but still no luck with scraping them into RCB with the "local nfo" scraper.

- Does it matter that I chose to scrape data from the internet in the initial collection wizard?
- Does it matter that I have line breaks or tab characters in my .nfo files?
Can you show me the log after you tried to import the game?

I guess both of your questions don't matter.
I am attempting to run this program but all i get is a obscure error:

"Script error in: script.games.rom.collection.browser"

Obviously I have no idea what that means as an "error" could be anything. Any ideas on what to do to narrow this down?

I think my logs are here (the log addon does not seem to post to my account):

I forgot to mention I am running Windows 7 and the latest version of the addon.
Sorry, this seems to be a stupid bug in the latest version of the script (you are on 0.8.5?). I guess you can work around this one if you create a dummy autoexec file here: C:\Users\morikaweb\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\autoexec.py. Just create an empty text file at this place. I think this should be enough.

This bug is already fixed in my current development environment but I think I will need some more days to build a new release from it.
malte Wrote:@morikaweb:
Sorry, this seems to be a stupid bug in the latest version of the script (you are on 0.8.5?). I guess you can work around this one if you create a dummy autoexec file here: C:\Users\morikaweb\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\autoexec.py. Just create an empty text file at this place. I think this should be enough.

This bug is already fixed in my current development environment but I think I will need some more days to build a new release from it.

Thanks, ill try your solution and wait for the next version.
oxyris Wrote:I replaced the é with e in both .nfo files, but still no luck with scraping them into RCB with the "local nfo" scraper.

- Does it matter that I chose to scrape data from the internet in the initial collection wizard?
- Does it matter that I have line breaks or tab characters in my .nfo files?

I had that problem too, i was able to scrap those pokemon stadium from n64 roms using just the mobygames scraper with users selection and renaming the original files, when finished scraping, the games have strange characters but are readable, maybe that could work for you too.
Hey Morikaweb, I tried to PM you this a few times but my forum CP still says I have 0 sent items, so I'll just post it in here instead. (Sorry if the PMs went through as well)

I'm a novice C++ programmer working on the next version of my project Source Media Arcade.

SM Arcade is setup to read info from XBMC NFO files (specifically for movies) and extract all needed information such as Title, Description, and Screenshot/Marquee urls.

I have your addon installed into XBMC and was pleasantly surprised when I saw that SM Arcade automatically extracted the information from the NFO files created by Rom Collection Browser as well.

RCB is great at downloading artwork, but it does not store the download URLs of these images in the NFO files like XBMC movie NFO files do.

I am messaging you to request that you add the download URLs of the ROM artwork images to the NFO files that RCB creates so that SM Arcade will be able to fully utilize the RCB "library" that a user might have.

I understand that it's impossible to do every request that you get and thank you for taking the time to consider mine.

The reason that the download URLs are so important to SM Arcade is due to the Multiplayer servers. If there are no HTTP download URLs specified for the artwork of a game, the artwork images are transferred directly from the host to the clients. The servers are peer hosted, so poor residential upload rates makes it take AGES to transfer the images to clients. If the host is able to supply download URLs for the artwork images, clients are able to connect immediately and silently download the artwork images in the background.

These artwork download URLs are extracted automatically from XBMC movie NFO files and it would be fantastic if SM Arcade was able to extract them from Rom Collection Browser NFO files as well.

Thanks again for your consideration of my request.
I need help. I cannot add any of my MAME roms. I have tried every type of combination of local file, nfo, online scrape, etc. Pretty much every single option available in Rom Collection Browser I have tried to no avail. I always get one error or another.

Could someone please explain to me in detail how I should setup/organize/name/whatever my MAME collection so I can scrape it or even add it? I don't mind adding them manually either (I've tried and failed).

I'm on Windows 7.
Hi All!
Is there any way I can switch xpadder profiles when running different emulators? I'm using xbox360 controller which is configured for NES and SNES emulators' inputs. If I create simple cmd file:

@echo off
start "" dendy.xpadderprofile
start "" nestopia"

then roms cannot be loaded. Please help!
SM_Sith_Lord Wrote:I'm a novice C++ programmer working on the next version of my project Source Media Arcade.
Wow. Looks amazing (just checked the videos).

SM_Sith_Lord Wrote:RCB is great at downloading artwork, but it does not store the download URLs of these images in the NFO files like XBMC movie NFO files do.

I am messaging you to request that you add the download URLs of the ROM artwork images to the NFO files that RCB creates so that SM Arcade will be able to fully utilize the RCB "library" that a user might have.
I already thought about doing this in the past but I did not find any reason to add it. Now I might have one. I guess this will be a little and easily doable change so I will add it to my list. Is there any specila format or tag name that you require? (I did not yet check how XBMC does it)

micster Wrote:I need help. I cannot add any of my MAME roms. I have tried every type of combination of local file, nfo, online scrape, etc. Pretty much every single option available in Rom Collection Browser I have tried to no avail. I always get one error or another.
Which version of the script do you use and what errors do you get?

Usually it should be very simple to add your MAME roms. Just select MAME as system in the config wizard and use maws.mameworld.info as scraper (mobygames and others won't work for MAME).

ALNiKO Wrote:Is there any way I can switch xpadder profiles when running different emulators? I'm using xbox360 controller which is configured for NES and SNES emulators' inputs. If I create simple cmd file:

@echo off
start "" dendy.xpadderprofile
start "" nestopia"

then roms cannot be loaded. Please help!
I guess you must add the rom files as parameter to your cmd and pass them from RCB.
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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs20