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Night Release Thread
I love the way this skin looks in the trailer, but I haven't been able to install it, can't figure out how to do it from within XBMC, so I downloaded from here:
unzipped and put in folder like this:
and also tried like this
C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\addons\skin.night

But the skin still isn't displaying as an option, what am I doing wrong?
what version of xbmc are you running?
Running latest version (XBMCSetup-Rev31520-dx.exe) from here: http://dsplayer.passion-xbmc.org/
I notice the zip has skin.night inside it make sure your dont have skin.night/skin.night in your adddons directory.
No clue why I have that skin.night on my server, it's an old version of Night anyways(7-22). Why not just install via addons in XBMC.

Or ppic and the XBMC-Passion site compile all skins every day, you can download a .zip of the 10.5 compatible Night - HERE

Check out The Carmichael - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Night - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Unfinished - A Skin For XBMC
Hi, i installed Night from current Dharma Addons and wanted to try the extrafanart. When i select the tv show (with the extrafanart) in xbmc the fanart that where set for this tvshow, before i activated extrafanart-Feature, is show'n for about 1/4 Second. Then it cycles through the extrafanart that i prepared. That always happends when i switch the shows and select the one with extrafan.

I hope i discriped it understandable. Do u have that too? Can i Fix it?
(View is: Fanart)
I tried installing through add-ons, but couldn't find an option to do so, how does it work?
Settings -> Addons -> Official repo -> skins -> Night.
KOROR Wrote:I tried installing through add-ons, but couldn't find an option to do so, how does it work?

I think I read that the "Get more" button is broke in beta1, but yea go through
Settings -> Addons -> Official repo -> skins -> Night and you should be good...

Check out The Carmichael - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Night - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Unfinished - A Skin For XBMC
pred Wrote:Hi, i installed Night from current Dharma Addons and wanted to try the extrafanart. When i select the tv show (with the extrafanart) in xbmc the fanart that where set for this tvshow, before i activated extrafanart-Feature, is show'n for about 1/4 Second. Then it cycles through the extrafanart that i prepared. That always happends when i switch the shows and select the one with extrafan.

I hope i discriped it understandable. Do u have that too? Can i Fix it?
(View is: Fanart)

I think it's more dependent on what the "default" fanart is. Like for me this one is really noticeable. Most of my other shows/fanarts I barely, if at all, notice the transition.

It's just one of those things that happen when something isn't supported by XBMC by default...

Check out The Carmichael - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Night - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Unfinished - A Skin For XBMC
@Ram2000 I unzipped the winrar file and put the folder skin.night in the addons folder C:\Users\ASROCK\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons

@mcborzu and Maxoo:
When I go in Add-ons in the XBMC software, I have Get Add-ons option, if I choose I get All Add-ons and XBMC.org Add-ons options, in both of those the only Add-ons are: Album-, Artist-, Movie- and TV Add-ons. Inside those there are only Add-ons like Amazon and so on, so no skin options.

I will try donwloading the combines skins from here and give it a go: http://passion-xbmc.org/index.php?PHPSES...ile;id=102
you should refresh the addon repo, you must have a skin section in it.
Somehow it refreshed itself, thank you for your help :-)

(post edited)
KOROR Wrote:Somehow it refreshed itself, I am able to install skins now, how come no Aeon skin is available?

This probably isn't the place to ask things of this nature.
If you have questions about the addon manager you should probably make a thread in the right area of the forum.
what does this mean? I don't recall making any local changes to this file

xbmc@XBMCLive:~/.xbmc/addons/skin.night$ git pull
remote: Counting objects: 35, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done.
remote: Total 19 (delta 12), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (19/19), done.
From git://github.com/bartowski/skin.night
   bab5a66..b3be8a9  master     -> origin/master
Updating bab5a66..b3be8a9
error: Your local changes to '720p/MusicVisualisation.xml' would be overwritten by merge.  Aborting.
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.

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Night Release Thread2