2015-06-30, 23:52
New OpenELEC Isengard build #0630: RPi / RPi2
(Supercedes previous build)
Based on tip of OpenELEC master (ede96e9a, changelog) and tip of XBMC master (7da43a30, changelog) with the following modifications:
(Supercedes previous build)
# uname -a
Linux rpi512 4.1.0 #1 Tue Jun 30 22:06:11 BST 2015 armv6l GNU/Linux
# vcgencmd version
Jun 30 2015 15:05:35
Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom
version 15192535e0c684b620b6a925315c8dd7c4c13097 (clean) (release)
# lsb_release
OpenELEC (Milhouse) - Version: devel-20150630220516-#0630-gede96e9 [Build #0630]
# vcdbg log msg 2>&1 | grep DTOK
001562.126: Kernel trailer DTOK property says yes
# Kernel device tree status: Enabled
Based on tip of OpenELEC master (ede96e9a, changelog) and tip of XBMC master (7da43a30, changelog) with the following modifications:
- Includes newclock4 patches
- Excludes the OpenELEC fernetmenta patches due to conflicts with newclock4
- Excludes the OpenELEC linux-01-RPi_support patch in favour of sourcing these and possibly more recent patches directly from kernel branch rpi-4.1.y
- Default setting for "Show RSS Feed" changed to disabled (new installs only) [patch details]
- Disabled "Total Duration" in Confluence (see build #0221 for details)
- Includes latest dcadec master (2a9186e3, ahead +34)
- Includes latest kodi-platform master (33b6390b, ahead +1)
- Includes latest libcec master (a7cc070e, ahead +8)
- Includes latest libnfs master (68941809, ahead +25)
- Includes latest platform master (22e0f42b, ahead +2)
- Includes latest addons: pvr.argustv (1baf9e37, +7), pvr.demo (d3f52f7d, +3), pvr.dvblink (6de402c4, +1), pvr.dvbviewer (80784c1c, +2), pvr.filmon (3980f9f2, +1), pvr.hts (db0d1197, +8), pvr.iptvsimple (fcc49e71, +2), pvr.mediaportal.tvserver (980e4985, +9), pvr.mythtv (c27fdc1c, +5), pvr.nextpvr (55d283a9, +2), pvr.njoy (7866b34b, +2), pvr.pctv (04727872, +2), pvr.stalker (4063b00f, +1), pvr.vbox (020fb4e1, +2), pvr.vdr.vnsi (cf8473b5, +1), pvr.vuplus (abb25a65, +4), pvr.wmc (ff263c31, +1)
- Includes commits from shairplay/master, ahead +17 (juhovh)
- Exclude ffmpeg-99.0011-mpeg4video-Signal-unsupported-GMC-with-more-than-one.patch: Ignore, as already in newclock4
- Exclude kodi-999.20-PR7102.patch: Temporarily ignore dcadec settings and use newclock4 version
- Exclude kodi-999.21-configure.ac-dont-break-if-dcadec-is-missing-dcadec-.patch: Temporarily ignore due to breakage
- Include patch: Enable Wolfson 8804 SPI/I2C modules
- Include patch: Add experimental splash video
- Include patch: Add ffmpeg dependency and includes for HEVC optimisations
- Include patch: Enable vcsm kernel options for HEVC optimisations
- Include patch: Enable pvr addons
- Include PR:4221: plymouth-lite: fix a bug causing issues with framebuffer modes that are not /16
- Include PR:6919: added: also hide thumbs for unwatched episodes if option to show plot is off
- Include PR:7093: [AirTunes] - features
- Include PR:7353: mysql: always check the result of mysql_store_result() against NULL (fixes #16071)
- Include PR:7357: [guilib] auto-width for button controls
- New firmware
- Include fix for distorted OpenELEC splash images - please report if you had this problem which is now fixed (or you didn't, and it's now broken!) Thanks @Sam.Nazarko, @fritsch
- Updates for libcec
- Firmware (Jun 30):
- firmware: video_encode: Set nPortindex for BitRate too. See: link
- firmware: dispmanx: Allow exclusive elements like TAB/FP to share LBM
- firmware: dispmanx: Early frame sequential 3d support
- firmware: arm_loader: Distinguish parameter success/failure
- firmware: video_encode: Set nPortindex for BitRate too. See: link
- OpenELEC:
- libcec:
- (re)Added vc_cec_poll_address for sole purpose of LA neg. process (PR:100, 1 commit, 3 files changed)
- Add mechanism to deliver return value of CCECClient::Callback* functions. (PR:102, 1 commit, 2 files changed)
- fixed: use interruptable Thread::Sleep() instead of sleep() in RPiCECAdapterMessageQueue.cpp (a7cc070e)
- (re)Added vc_cec_poll_address for sole purpose of LA neg. process (PR:100, 1 commit, 3 files changed)
- platform:
- fixed: posix socket return value for connect. credits @FernetMenta (079eded7)
- bump to 1.0.10 (22e0f42b)
- fixed: posix socket return value for connect. credits @FernetMenta (079eded7)
- pvr.argustv:
- Coverity fixes (PR:15, 4 commits, 10 files changed)
- Coverity fixes (PR:15, 4 commits, 10 files changed)
- newclock4:
- kernel 4.1.y:
- New commits in this build:
- bcm2835-sdhost: Further improve overclock back-off (e270cec1)
- i2c-bcm2708: Increase timeouts to allow larger transfers (9f0eca00)
- spi-bcm2708: Increase timeout from 150ms to 1s (f2f27d5a)
- bcm2708-spi: Don't use static pin configuration with DT (77431a37)
- bcm2708-i2s: Don't use static pin configuration with DT (3e020f42)
- serial: 8250: Don't crash when nr_uarts is 0 (54cd39a8)
- BCM270X_DT: Add overlay to enable uart1 (28dea94a)
- spi-bcm2835: Support pin groups other than 7-11 (e3b936e8)
- BCM270X_DT: Change pio_limit of sdhost driver to 1 (f50edf3a)
- bcm2835-sdhost: Further improve overclock back-off (e270cec1)
- New commits in this build:
- Additional commits/pull requests/changes not yet merged upstream:
- Added: PR:4221: plymouth-lite: fix a bug causing issues with framebuffer modes that are not /16
- Added: PR:4221: plymouth-lite: fix a bug causing issues with framebuffer modes that are not /16