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Xperience Special Announcement
The exec at FOX, would that be Bartholomew Ignatius Torrent III?
(his friends all call him 'Bit')
tmc701 Wrote:The exec at FOX, would that be Bartholomew Ignatius Torrent III?
(his friends all call him 'Bit')

Ah yeah! Sounds very familiar ... Wink

I bow down to you guys.

Your talents are beyond my comprehension.
Now that's what I like to hear! Smile
Genius design by Microsoft, loving the movie view
Awesome video, can't wait to make a 1080p mod of this. Smile
`Black Wrote:Awesome video, can't wait to make a 1080p mod of this. Smile

lol, i guess your being sarcastic Smile
No, I'm not. ^^... I'll change some things but I like it. Smile
`Black Wrote:No, I'm not. ^^... I'll change some things but I like it. Smile
Once you use it you will realise there is nothing needs doing with this skin apart from some more views, but then there still working on it.....Big Grin
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
paul Wrote:Once you use it you will realise there is nothing needs doing with this skin apart from some more views, but then there still working on it.....Big Grin

The skin still needs work, don't be giving false promises. Of course its not complete, it would be out now if it was!!! Aren't you meant to be a tester?
Team Blackbolt - Digital Design
Twitter.com/TeamBlackbolt | TeamBlackbolt.co.uk
He thought you were after teasers not testers.
All of our awesome Alpha testers were enough to put Xperience in a Beta status for this Christmas Weekend. So thanks to the 40 or so of them we're releasing when we are.
Ok if anyone is wondering why this post was moved. I did it, this topic really isn't about "development" of the skin or how to skin but more of an announcement and then end user idle chit chat about the announcement.

Was it wrong to move it maybe... but Ive been debating doing it for days now
No problem mate I understand it needed moved. Could have been moved to an Xperience sub-forum though since the skin is like only a few days away ... Tongue
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