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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs
No, this is just an info text. Did it already launch the rom or does it just display the text?

If 1) This was a bug in a previous release. The info text did not vanish after returning to RCB. This should be fixed with the current version (0.8.7).

If 2) There was an error with launching the rom. Check the xbmc.log again why it did not manage to launch the emu.
malte Wrote:@fional:
AFAICS your configuration looks correct. Can you check the command that is written to xbmc.log when you try to launch the game? Does this work when you launch it via command line?

Here is my log!


What happens if you launch this command via command line?

"C:\Cage\XBMC Addons\Roms\Mame\mame.exe" "C:\Cage\XBMC Addons\Roms\Mame Roms\bucky.zip"
malte Wrote:What happens if you launch this command via command line?

"C:\Cage\XBMC Addons\Roms\Mame\mame.exe" "C:\Cage\XBMC Addons\Roms\Mame Roms\bucky.zip"

The screen turns black a moment, then closes. There's no text for me to read, I'm afraid.
So it seems to behave the same when you launch it via command line and via RCB?

Good for me, its no RCB bug, bad for you, I can't help you.

Sorry, my MAME knowledge is not deep enough to go any further. Maybe someone else has an idea. Does MAME have a log file?
malte Wrote:So it seems to behave the same when you launch it via command line and via RCB?

Good for me, its no RCB bug, bad for you, I can't help you.

Sorry, my MAME knowledge is not deep enough to go any further. Maybe someone else has an idea. Does MAME have a log file?

Figured it was bad for me because I had the exact same config in vista and it worked Sad
Just to make it sure. Did you try this?
"C:\Cage\XBMC Addons\Roms\Mame\mame.exe" -inipath "C:\Cage\XBMC Addons\Roms\Mame" "C:\Cage\XBMC Addons\Roms\Mame Roms\bucky.zip"

In your first post on Win7 you mentioned a wrong inipath (with "roms" at the end):
fional Wrote:I've also tried it with the -inipath "C:\Cage\XBMC Addons\Roms\Mame\roms" "%ROM%"
to no avail.
Hi. I was hoping someone could help me out. I am 100% noob when it comes to emulating on Apple TV. I just purchased an Apple TV 2 (2nd gen) and have flashed and also installed the mame frontend through the xbmc interface. Honestly, I have no clue how to run this, or what I need to do. I have mame on my windows (vista) laptop, but am not familiar with how to install/setup/run it on the apple tv 2. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you - AR
Where do the video files come from and how are they played?
To learn more, click here.
Videos are not available via online scrapers, so you have to get them on your own and import them manually into RCB.

ressurectionxtras comes with in-game videos, another good source is emumovies (but it requires payed subscription to get video download). emumovies also provides a download utility that will do the complete download and renaming stuff for you, the same as RCBs online scrapers do with artwork.

If you just want to play around with some video files, you can download the local testdata pack from RCBs project site. But it is a bit out of date and only contains 3 video files.

Videos will be played automatically if you choose one of the "...Video"-ImagePlacing options. There will also be a button "Play video fullscreen" if a video file is available (but unfortunately this does not work with Dharma - with Eden this seems to work again).
I am enjoying RCB but I am also having numerous problems with this program.

1. Many times I am unable to exit RCB and am forced to Alt F4 Xmbc. When I attempt to restart XMCB I must first manually end the process.

2. When I open the detailed info window The info does not show up so I must press x to get some to appear. Other times it is difficult to close this info window.

3. No matter how many scrapers I try I can not seem to be able to scrape rating, players,perspective etc.

4. Many times when i click on the settings button it does nothing.

Just wondering if anyone has any answers, thanks!
benlen Wrote:1. Many times I am unable to exit RCB and am forced to Alt F4 XBMC. When I attempt to restart XMCB I must first manually end the process.
Can't remember that this happened to me. What is your environment (RCB, XBMC, OS) and when does this happen (after launching a game, playing a video, ...)? Can you show me the xbmc.log after this happened?

benlen Wrote:2. When I open the detailed info window The info does not show up so I must press x to get some to appear. Other times it is difficult to close this info window.
Again, did not happen here. Same questions as above. And: Are you using the Confluence skin or another one (Night or Carmichael)? What is your HTPC (slow and weak or fast and powerful)?

I am asking about your PC because there are some timing flags inside RCB to add wait cycles for the UI to react before the script continues. Maybe something goes wrong on your system with these settings.

benelen Wrote:3. No matter how many scrapers I try I can not seem to be able to scrape rating, players,perspective etc.
The info is not available on the scraped site. Only way to get it is via offline scrapers.

benlen Wrote:4. Many times when i click on the settings button it does nothing.
What is the settings button?
I made a first Eden compatible version of RCB: link.

All features that require autoexec.py won't work in this version. This is launching games in solo mode and using background scraping on XBMC startup. Autoexec.py is replaced by xbmc.service in Eden and I am not done with implementing these feature the new way. But I hope it will be ready in a few days.
And here is the Eden version with xbmc.service functionality.

In Eden you will need two addons to get the auto start features working: RCB and RCB Service. The service replaces the autoexec.py mechanism: It makes sure that RCB is automatically launched on XBMC startup after you launched an emu in solo mode. It also starts the background scraping if you enable this setting in RCBs global settings.

It all works the same as in previous versions. You just have to install two addons instead of one. There is even one little improvement: In Dharma you had to launch RCB to enable/disable background scraping, because it had to create/modify the autoexec.py file. This is not needed anymore, background scraping on XBMC startup will work as soon as you enable the setting.

RCB 0.8.9 - Eden version
RCB Service 0.1.0
mentaluproar Wrote:I'm running this in OSX and have two major issues (and one minor):

1 - I can't make this open actual roms. It loads the emulator (SNES9x) but my roms aren't opened.

2 - My playstation ISOs are scraped just fine, but I because I run them in ePSXe using Crossover games, I can't get this to run them either.

3 - how can I get this to scrap multiple-disc games?
On Windows 7 I am having the same issue as your #1
Emulator launches in fullscreen, but the ROM is never loaded.
Rodimus80 Wrote:When it comes to SNES, I'm using SNES9x. Problem is it won't start Full Screen. I go into the options and check it. But everytime I reload it goes back to window mode. Any suggestions?

Two solutions things, create a shortcut with the -fullscreen "%rom%" argument or enter -fullscreen "%rom%" in the config for rombrowser. I found I had to point to the shortcut as when pointing directly to the .exe caused snes9x to crash for some reason.

Upgrading to snex9x 1.53 fixes the .exe crashing so I can now point directly to that instead of a shortcut, but the ROM still won't load automagically.
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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs20