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tv show next aired script - new features for skinners
cruzannavy Wrote:

I cant seem to figure out what this visible change to v4.1.3

where / how / why are you using that visible condition ?

we've made this change:
Quote:NextAired.%d.Foo now only sets properties for shows airing today

so there's no need anymore to use visible conditions to filter out shows airing today.
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On my own tv guide screen, kinda like the one built in to the script now, I have my own tv guide xml, it used to display a show ( logo, time, date etc) if the show was airing on monday , tuesday etc on the same screen.. so i can omit the visible all together?

to be honest i never really understood what was meant by NextAired.%d.Foo

ultimately i want my page to load the logo airdate time and network for all my shows showing this week on one page.. which it did before with the before mentioned visible, with its respected day replaced"tuesday""wednesday" etc..
<item id="1">

this is an example of what i had
cruzannavy Wrote:On my own tv guide screen, kinda like the one built in to the script now, I have my own tv guide xml, it used to display a show ( logo, time, date etc) if the show was airing on monday , tuesday etc on the same screen.. so i can omit the visible all together?

right...you've got some catching up to do :-)

basically it's all explained in the first post:
Quote:2) the script will provide a TV Guide window.
there's no need to construct your own tv guide with hundreds of visible conditions anymore.
you can simply use the one provided by the script and/or skin it to match the look and feel of your skin.

so ditch your own tvguide screen and use the one provided by the script.

in case you never skinned script windows before, you need to copy script-NextAired-TVGuide.xml to your skin and adjust the look & feel to match your skin.
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I figured as much, but i was really hoping not to since it did take me time to do this, but i guess i should keep up with the times.. shouldnt be too hard i hope..
i should be able to use the same xml to create a daily tvguide separately, im sure i can, but just double checking, ie on focus for monday, onclick, load monday xml ( which would be script-NextAired-TVGuide.xml edited and renamed) to just include moday variables right?
cruzannavy Wrote:i should be able to use the same xml to create a daily tvguide separately, im sure i can, but just double checking, ie on focus for monday, onclick, load monday xml ( which would be script-NextAired-TVGuide.xml edited and renamed) to just include moday variables right?

Check your PMs cruzannavy - it's the list id part I mentioned that dictates what day is visible.
ronie Wrote:none of the above, it's a xbmc bug.


Unfortunately that does not fix it. Easy reproduce: run the script in backend mode and try logo downloader in solo mode --> always freezing of Xbmc with nothing in debug log.
Big_Noid Wrote:Unfortunately that does not fix it. Easy reproduce: run the script in backend mode and try logo downloader in solo mode --> always freezing of Xbmc with nothing in debug log.

could you test one thing please, in the logo-downloader script, default.py
remove this line (line 673):
xbmc.executebuiltin( 'XBMC.ReloadSkin()' )

and test if that fixes your issue.
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ronie Wrote:could you test one thing please, in the logo-downloader script, default.py
remove this line (line 673):
xbmc.executebuiltin( 'XBMC.ReloadSkin()' )

and test if that fixes your issue.

The issue with logo downloader seems to have gone away by itself Smile
Big_Noid Wrote:It was found out that when running next aired as backend you can't search youtube or vimeo addon:

I made a debug log, but it doesn't show any errors.


I'm a bit confused as to where the solution for this must:
- next aired script?
- youtube/vimeo add-on?
Atm I have a workaround to not load the backend when opening add-ons, but this gets bypassed when it's added as favorite to the main menu. I can also only load it when entering the tv show library through main menu, but then it will break next aired data when smart playlist are added to main menu or when the tv show library is entered through the videos menu.

Any action taken on this?
v4.1.5 is now in the repo.

it'll include all the features discussed previously:
  • added NextEpisodeNumber, NextSeasonNumber, LatestEpisodeNumber, LatestSeasonNumber properties
  • automatically update the database every day at midnight
  • NextAired.%d.Foo now only sets properties for shows airing today

one new thing i've added:
if you click on an item in the tv guide, it'll take you to the tv show listing in the library.
no skin changes are needed for this.
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ronie Wrote:v4.1.5 is now in the repo.
one new thing i've added:
if you click on an item in the tv guide, it'll take you to the tv show listing in the library.
no skin changes are needed for this.
Big Grin

I always intuitively selected a show and I suspected it go go to that show. Now it finally can Big Grin
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Oh yeah that's excellent - nice work!
Yep very nice addition. Smile
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tv show next aired script - new features for skinners0