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[WIP] Neon - a new skin for XBMC
stoli Wrote:@filigran - I've sent a request to the font authors to redistribute it with the changes. While it is a freely distributable font, the license clearly states that changes may not be distributed....

Edit: Got a response - can't edit and redistribute, but he did say he will send an updated version in a few days, though he didn't say what was being updated....

Edit 2: The uppercase/lowercase is a known issue and looks like it is on the back burner until Eden...

Atleast he's doing something with it. Some people are really stubborn about those things.

Good to know it's known, and not unknown. Smile
New Visualization (jukebox remains as well for now)

Now you can see the bug:

stoli Wrote:Since I don't use subtitles, how do you get that notification to appear? I'm sure it's just a strings issue, but would like to be able to reproduce it.

I believe T is the default subtitles button, I have it bound to my remote so I can toggle shows with subtitles manually.

I like the new visualisation, but I can't stand those cheap plastic jewel case graphics, (they find their way into a lot of skins it seems) would much rather just have the cover art.

Of course it's your skin and I'm just giving my personal opinion, I don't want to give the impression I'm barking orders Smile
Jimmeh Wrote:I believe T is the default subtitles button, I have it bound to my remote so I can toggle shows with subtitles manually.

That doesn't appear to be a skin setting - try it in another skin and see what the results are.

Quote:I like the new visualisation, but I can't stand those cheap plastic jewel case graphics, (they find their way into a lot of skins it seems) would much rather just have the cover art.

I'm not sold on it yet either...

Quote:Of course it's your skin and I'm just giving my personal opinion, I don't want to give the impression I'm barking orders Smile

Opinions always welcomed. :-)

MindTooth Wrote:Now you can see the bug:

Fixed in git. I kept looking for it in movies and not tv.

Hi stoli. I'm checking this thread everyday and almost everyday I get some improvement on neon skin. Great joy for me. Thank you.
The skin is very nice, both in terms of the visuals and the usability. My only quibble is that for TV Shows, I prefer to have each view show how many episodes there on the machine. Other than that, it looks great.
ralob Wrote:The skin is very nice, both in terms of the visuals and the usability. My only quibble is that for TV Shows, I prefer to have each view show how many episodes there on the machine. Other than that, it looks great.

Do you mean overall episode count or for the show you are currently viewing?

The overall totals is a work in progress - there were conflicts among views and I basically just need to take a couple of hours and re-work it. Boring and tedious and I keep putting it off. I'll get done this week hopefully.

On a side note - I just pushed a fix for the logo downloads. These should work now.

stoli Wrote:Do you mean overall episode count or for the show you are currently viewing?

The overall totals is a work in progress - there were conflicts among views and I basically just need to take a couple of hours and re-work it. Boring and tedious and I keep putting it off. I'll get done this week hopefully.

On a side note - I just pushed a fix for the logo downloads. These should work now.


Hmm, I think per-show. Like, for example, you are using List View and scroll down to Bones, it would say something alone like lines of 26 Episodes, along with the normal genre, studio, rating, etc. I believe the 16x9 view currently has this in Neon.
Library totals have been added back in. Please let me know if you notice any inconsistencies.

I will revisit them and make them all optional at a later date.

Edit: Noticed some issues in TV views whereby time and counts are displayed twice. Will work that out...
Edit2: I think they are all fixed now...

Search button is missing (poster view, movies).
stoli Wrote:That doesn't appear to be a skin setting - try it in another skin and see what the results are.

No idea how to change it then, I have just installed RC2 and its still as per the screenshot. I will test it with another skin this evening and see what happens.

EDIT: Just tried it on Confluence and it does the same thing Undecided I'm pretty sure this is a recent addition so it must have come in with one of the RC clients.

EDIT2: Looks like ASS is the acronym associated with embedded subtitles in an .mkv file. Would rather it just say enabled since I'm not particularly fussed which type it decides to use, but its not that big a deal and evidently not something that is related to the skin.
smilenkovski Wrote:Search button is missing (poster view, movies).

Working on it. I'll be damned if I can figure out where/why it is missing...
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[WIP] Neon - a new skin for XBMC4