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[LINUX] Apple TV Crystalbuntu (Ubuntu Linux and Crystal HD) Disk Image for Apple TV
kkillebrew Wrote:The upside of all this is that my wife is so sick of me jacking with the ATV and the LG TV in our bedroom that she has given her blessing to buy a new flatscreen LED so I'll stop.

hmmm... must try this at home with my wife...
fl0w Wrote:but i don't want to compile XBMC, thanks anyway Big Grin

someone tried to replace the internal HDD for a SSD? Is it faster when you run Crystalbuntu from the internal HDD?

Just to clarify for others... in this case you would be recompiling atvclient which is responsible for handling the front LED as well as the IR remote signal input. It's the remote signal input map that needs to be changed to support the harmony remote. This has nothing to do with XBMC code AFAIK. It was very simple and took only seconds to compile.

To answer your question: Yes, it is faster when run from the internal drive. There are instructions earlier on this thread.

Quote:Being a total linux rookie, how do a either download that file and rename that via ssn or upload such a file from my mac/windows to the appletv (ftp?)

I used curl to get the file directly from the ATV. It's a tool that allows you to download http(web) content from a command line. Another option is to use scp from your Mac terminal to copy the file over. i.e. scp <filename> xbmc@<appltvaddress>:/home/xbmc <-- would drop the file in the xbmc user's home directory.


I just upgrade my XBMC in Appletv to b4 and the latest crystalhd driver. I'm using xbmc in AppleTV OS. My broadcom card is new (iSupply) and improves a lot against my old configuration (Crystalhd 156, xbmc Dharma b3, old broadcom bought on ebay). Almost every movie does not produce more than 100 drop frames. I d'ont know exactly what made this progress, but is much better. I'll try the linux (live) instalattion this weekend and post my impressions.

Thanks again for the hard work.

I don't know if this has been covered but this thread has grown too large to search.
I restored the img file to my 4G buffalo usb stick,ATV boots and the linux logo showed,but it stops at the waiting for partition step.
'fdisk -l' can list the partitions,but gparted saids the stick is empty,no partition was defined.
and I can not mount any of the 4 partitions.
Is my stick not supported?
ngok Wrote:I don't know if this has been covered but this thread has grown too large to search.
I restored the img file to my 4G buffalo usb stick,ATV boots and the linux logo showed,but it stops at the waiting for partition step.
'fdisk -l' can list the partitions,but gparted saids the stick is empty,no partition was defined.
and I can not mount any of the 4 partitions.
Is my stick not supported?

sounds like it's not formated with parted to be GPT format.
I thought a img restore will take care of all the format matter,am I wrong?
fl0w Wrote:replace UUID=3ecb3176-9deb-46a4-9565-0acc0c13fdd2 by /dev/sda4 Wink

hi Fl0w,
I have the same issue... I can find the two different UUIDs by running
cat /etc/fstab


sudo blkid

but then were do I change it to point to the correct UUID in fstab? Is fstab a file, that I can change with vi editor?

Many thanks
You can view the UUIDs of your drive with the following command:

ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid

And yes /etc/fstab is file that can be editted with vi (sudo vi /etc/fstab).
Many thanks for your quick reply Belmore, it worked. 'Free' now shows a swap file!
simonp Wrote:I couldn't find anything referring to Harmony Remote support in the settings when I switched to crystalbuntu. There was such a setting in XBMC for OS X.

To get it working:

In the harmony software, setup the remote for use with the "Plex" app.

On the Linux/AppleTV you need to recompile and install atvclient using an altered source file.

sudo apt-get install git-core libusb-dev pkg-config
git clone git://github.com/Evinyatar/atvclient.git
cd atvclient

Get this file here: http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=ZSwp7snn
and rename it to atvclient.cpp

cp atvclient.cpp src/atvclient.cpp
./configure && make
sudo make install
sudo /etc/init.d/atvclient restart
cd ..

This is what it took for me with a Harmony 880 remote.

Thanks, I got it working now. However one issue remaining, I now lost functionality to show the Codecinfo (holding menu on the Appleremote) to check my dropped frames, for testing purposes.

The joystick.AppleRemote.xml file from the userdata directory seems to be overruled.

Any idea?
ngok Wrote:I thought a img restore will take care of all the format matter,am I wrong?

I'm guessing you restored it in Windows, and didn't restore in Device Mode
rolandb5 Wrote:Thanks, I got it working now. However one issue remaining, I now lost functionality to show the Codecinfo (holding menu on the Appleremote) to check my dropped frames, for testing purposes.

The joystick.AppleRemote.xml file from the userdata directory seems to be overruled.

Any idea?

I've been looking for that functionality as well.

It's possible the Harmony remote isn't representing the held key in the same way as the apple remote. That's pure speculation on my part though. I'm no C programmer but I just spent a few minutes looking through that a.cpp file and it "appears" that the EVENT_HARMONY_HOLD_MENU event is mapped just the same as the EVENT_HOLD_MENU from the apple remote.

When I get a chance I'm going to look at the advanced setting for the plex configuration in the logitech software and see if it's "repeating" button presses. i.e. When you hold down a button it sends the button over and over rather than just one down, and one up event like it should. There's a 500ms (I think) hold timeout setting in the code that might be relevant as well.

Fortunately the atv with crystalHD is performing so smoothly that I haven't felt the need to check those statsSmile

mrhyde69 Wrote:just like the title says...xbmc restarts (crashes) when a HD video is stopped, either manually or @ the end of the video. I'm running Pin's image from the internal hdd.

XBMC r34731


any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

ok, i wiped out my hdd and reinstalled everything, formated, etc.....now, when I try to watch ANY video xbmc immediately crashes/restarts

xbmc crash log

i'm running r35068
again, any help will be greatly appreciated...
I've read through several guides to install either Sam's or Pin's disk image onto the internal AppleTV hard drive using parted and other tools, but all of these methods disable the ability to boot to the AppleTV OS (in case one wants to take advantage of the airtunes or other functionality that xbmc does not offer at this time).

Is it possible to have the atv-linux OS (or at least all the media files such as fanart and thumbs) live on the internal drive, but only boot to atv-linux when the thumbstick is installed? And when the thumbstick is not installed, boot to the original AppleTV OS? It would be a nicety if the AppleTV OS had access to the xbmc library files that atv-linux uses, but this would be secondary.

The reason I want this is so that I have more room for the artwork files with my growing library, and some increased speed with the swap file on the internal drive instead of restricted by USB.
vinnieb Wrote:OK so trying to make best use of the ATV's internal hard drive.

First added the UUID of /dev/sda4 to /etc/fstab (as hfsplus type) in Pin's image to have access to the ATV's internal drive after boot. This is already done in Sam's image.

I discovered that by default Ubuntu mounts my Apple TV volume as read-only because of dirty unmounts (= consequence of unplugging, I just don't like to leave the ATV on all the time).
To copy files over from my mac I first needed to repair the hfsplus volume, which is in my case /dev/sda4:

ssh [email protected]
sudo umount /dev/sda4
sudo fsck.hfsplus -r /dev/sda4
sudo mount -t hfsplus /dev/sda4 /media
sudo chown -r xbmc /media/Media
sudo chmod -r 774 /media/Media

I've tried to follow this post so that I can access the internal drive while using the usb image, but I'm not sure what my fstab should look like to get the drive to show up. Also, after mounting /dev/sda4, I do have access to the drive but read only. I cannot write to it, thus preventing me from gaining use of the drive.

Now running the guide from pin78 here - http://forum.xbmc.org/showpost.php?p=552...tcount=359

Got it working now. For some reason I didn't see this guide originally. Note, I had to 'sudo mkswap -c /dev/sda6' to get sda6 formatted.
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[LINUX] Apple TV Crystalbuntu (Ubuntu Linux and Crystal HD) Disk Image for Apple TV15