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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs
Malte, is the "fileTypeForMainView2" working? No matter what I try, I cannot get system logos to appear. I used the wizard to set up the filetypes, so I assume that my config.xml is correct.
Oh, sorry. I removed it while reworking the skin files and forgot to add it againBig Grin

It is only working in the Thumbs view now. But it is not done very well atm. I have to think about how to add console images in a better way. Any input is welcome.
I cannot manage to get the RCB to run on a Dharma Installation on Ubuntu 11.04.
At first, I had the error with pysqlite2, so I placed those three files in /usr/local/lib/xbmc/addons/script.module.pysqlite/lib/pysqlite2. This error was solved but now I get another one with zlib missing:

15:38:18 T:140396365604608 M:12079931392    INFO: -->Python script returned the following error<--
15:38:18 T:140396365604608 M:12079931392   ERROR: Error Type: exceptions.ImportError
15:38:18 T:140396365604608 M:12079931392   ERROR: Error Contents: No module named zlib
15:38:18 T:140396365604608 M:12079931392   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/script.games.rom.collection.browser/default.py", line 51, in ?
                                                import gui
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/script.games.rom.collection.browser/resources/lib/gui.py", line 7, in ?
                                                import dbupdate, helper, launcher, util, config
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/script.games.rom.collection.browser/resources/lib/dbupdate.py", line 6, in ?
                                                import zlib
                                            ImportError: No module named zlib
15:38:18 T:140396365604608 M:12079931392    INFO: -->End of Python script error report<--

I did not find a solution to this, can anybody here help me with that problem?

im having serious problems with rom collection browser / xbmc returning to focus after exiting the emulator. Im using XBMC 10.1 and rom collection browser 0.8.7, running on windows xp sp3 on a athlon x2 / geforce 6100 / nforce 720a board.

out of the box problems:

xbmc is running in fullscreen (not windowed fullscreen), choosing a rom starts the emulator (zsnes). after exiting the emulator with escape, xbmc / rom collection browser behaves very strange. keystrokes are often ignored, rom artwork is not showed, sometimes i can't get out of the collection list oder any other part of the add-on. if i can manage to get out of rom collection browser, it will not startup again until i restart xbmc (i also have to kill the task, because xbmc exits to desktop, but xbmc.exe is still running), and often wohle xbmc simply freezes complete.

i have no problems with any other part of xbmc, this only happens with the rom collection browser. i think it could be a problem with xbmc losing focus as a fullscreen app and returning to that state, so i experimented with the "windowed fullscreen" and "solo mode" options.

solo mode:

windows xp doesnt have the "wait" command used in the applaunch.bat, so this command would not work. there is a workaround using a ping or a windows 2003 toolkit which i found for this, but thats not the problem. the harcoded path "Program Files" doesnt work also, because i've got a german system. it would be better using %PROGRAMFILES% instead. starting xbmc with the batch file results in a crash of xbmc saying "CApplication::Create() failed". putting "explorer" in front auf the start line (as read in a post), makes windows xp wanting to download the exe with internet explorer and then running it, or something like that.

windowed fullscreen:

same behavior as non windowed fullscreen / out of the box Sad

anyone a idea?



seems like the python package under ubuntu natty was not compiled with zlib.

i would anyway recommend using plain debian, since ubuntu is too often "cooking their own soup" Smile
cyablo is right. It is a problem with the python libs provided by your linux distribution. But it is the first time that I see somebody having trouble with zlib. And there already are a lot of Ubuntu users running the addon without problems. Is there anything special with your python environment?

Do you see any errors in xbmc.log when you try to return to XBMC after exiting the emulator? It does not sound like a focus problem, I guess there is an error in RCB before or after the launch of the emu. When you have problems with exiting XBMC, there is also an error with stopping the python engine after exiting the script.

What skin are you using?

About troubles in solo mode:
There is no wait command in applaunch.bat. Do you mean the "sleep"?

I will check the %PROGRAMFILES% option. But you will also have to check the path manually in some cases (I have XBMC installed in sub directories for Dharma and Eden e.g.).

The "explorer" issue is strange. Sounds like the command is linked to ie instead of windows explorer on your system. no idea if there is an option to change this. I am not good in batch file programming but maybe there is another option to add a second process to the launching part (something like "start" or "call"). Or you could try to write a second batch file that starts XBMC and invoke this batch file instead of XBMC directly.

Have to check the log file this evening.

Im using the Standard-Skin in 10.1, this is a completely fresh Win XP, XBMC installation without any modifications or add-ons, besides the rom browser.

Yes i meant "sleep", sorry Smile

Its is possibe to do a "start C:\Programme\XBMC XBMC.exe" for starting, but this also results in XBMC crashing with: "CApplication::Create() failed".


Okay now, here's a log . What i did:

start up xbmc and fired up rom browser. selected 1 rom an launched it. rom browser is configured to work not in solo mode, because of the xbmc restart problems with batch script. zsnes comes up, all fine. zsnes is exiting with esc, because im using it in no-gui mode. xbmc comes up again afer zsnes exits.

there is no active element when it comes back, so if i press a cursor button, the top menu of rom browser drops down. i select SNES once again to get the cursor to the rom list.

now if i scroll through the roms, no wallpaper and rom infos are showing up for roms i had not scrolled through before launching the the rom. to be exact: all roms under the one i launched.

if i want to launch a rom again, nothing happens. i can scroll through the list and press enter, but it wouldnt work.

sometimes after the a few trys, it launches all the roms which i tried to launch, after another.

so on comes up, i exit it and in a second the next launches.

somestimes the whole xbmc freezes.

if i go back to the xbmc main menu, im not able to enter rom browser again. it doesnt show up when clicking on the menu item.

most of times xbmc freezes, after repeatly trying to launch rom browser again.

heres the log:



Hmmm, I don't see any relevant errors in the log. This will be hard to fix for me as I can't reproduce it here. I will check the code again if I see any obvious things but I don't think that I will be able to fix it this way. Did you already try with other emulators?
This is emu independent and also happens if i even dont launch a game. as soon as xbmc gets minimized. if i only start up rom browser, browsing trough the games and then switching to desktop and back to xbmc again, rom browser is f*cked up. Sad

no problem in video or audio section with minimizing und switching back to xbmc. also suspend to ram and wakeup works perfect, got this problem only with rom browser.

will try this on a complete other system this evening.


completely other PC, same problem Sad
Got it working with emu in solo mode and some AutoIt scripting instead of applaunch.bat Smile
I am currently running the 0.90 version for my pre-eden setup. The problem that I keep running into is that when I scrape my games, then I shut down XBMC, the restart XBMC, RCB isn't picking up any of the art that it downloaded. It shows all the info just fine, just not the art work. Have you ran into this yet Malte?? That is the only thing that is bugging me about it. Everything else is running perfect. Great work!! Now all we need is for XBMC to implement actual emulator coding so you can use this great script to play the games within XBMC instead of having to pop up the actual emulator and putting XBMC into the foreground focu...LOL
malte Wrote:@And1.G:
cyablo is right. It is a problem with the python libs provided by your linux distribution. But it is the first time that I see somebody having trouble with zlib. And there already are a lot of Ubuntu users running the addon without problems. Is there anything special with your python environment?

I seem to be having the same issues as And1.G with a natty x64 minimal install. Like mentioned above ubuntu doesn't ship python 2.7.1 with zlib enabled, so I tried to compile 2.7.2 with zlib enabled but after many attempts and trying many different possible options I just couldn't get rcb to work. If I run 'python' from the command prompt it shows I'm using 2.7.2 and when I compile the python modules in my xbmc source directory as per this post upon completion it says that zlib is available. Im using rcb 0.8.7 (from the addon manager)This so frustrating as my hardware works great with natty but my favourite addon doesnt!

I know this isn't a rcb issue but maybe some one can shed some light on this issue?
Finally, after hours of browsing the net and testing, I've got RCB up and running. Malte, thank you for making this awesome addon. I can't stress enough how great it is to be able to browse the games with info and pictures. An excellent way to relive my childhoodSmile My friends, most of them not very tech-savvy, are always blown away when I tell them XBMC and your plugin is free.

Also, I'd like to thank DigiTech for solving my MAME problem, as the roms would not load. Your advice on page 123 solved my problem (I was about to knock my head into the wall, so thanks).
cyablo Wrote:Got it working with emu in solo mode and some AutoIt scripting instead of applaunch.bat
Glad to hear. I will check if I am able to reproduce this issue anyway.

lunerceli Wrote:The problem that I keep running into is that when I scrape my games, then I shut down XBMC, the restart XBMC, RCB isn't picking up any of the art that it downloaded. It shows all the info just fine, just not the art work. Have you ran into this yet Malte??
No, never seen this. Does this happen every time you launch RCB or only the first time after you scraped games? Did you ever see artwork in RCB?

teeedubb Wrote:I seem to be having the same issues as And1.G with a natty x64 minimal install. Like mentioned above ubuntu doesn't ship python 2.7.1 with zlib enabled, so I tried to compile 2.7.2 with zlib enabled but after many attempts and trying many different possible options I just couldn't get rcb to work. If I run 'python' from the command prompt it shows I'm using 2.7.2 and when I compile the python modules in my xbmc source directory as per this post upon completion it says that zlib is available. Im using rcb 0.8.7 (from the addon manager)This so frustrating as my hardware works great with natty but my favourite addon doesnt!

I know this isn't a rcb issue but maybe some one can shed some light on this issue?
zlib is used to compute the crc values when importing game descriptions from offline scrapers. So when you just use online scraping it will be fine when you skip the import.

In XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\resources\lib\dbupdate.py edit line 6 like this (or remove the import zlib completely):
#import zlib

I will also check if there is another solution.

dillinger Wrote:Finally, after hours of browsing the net and testing, I've got RCB up and running. Malte, thank you for making this awesome addon. I can't stress enough how great it is to be able to browse the games with info and pictures. An excellent way to relive my childhood My friends, most of them not very tech-savvy, are always blown away when I tell them XBMC and your plugin is free.
Thanks. And don't forget all the emu authors out thereBig Grin.
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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs20