Posts: 42
Joined: Aug 2009
Hi, I have installed XBMC And PseudoTV LIVE on my Acer Revo. I have to say I'm really impressed with the plugin. But I am totally new to this. I configured a few channels. A comedy channel. Action movies etc and also created an XSD file to only display movies released in 2013.
What I was wondering was if it is possible to integrate the channels from The TVCATCHUP addon into PseudoTV. I have tried reading this thread and it seems like it may be possible by extracting the .strm file from the TVCatchup config and adding it to the .XSD file but I am not entirely sure how to do this?
On another note one channel I also want to make is a PILOT channel that plays all the S01E01 episodes from every show. Do u think this is possible?
Posts: 91
Joined: Oct 2013
Nicely done. I was going to ask you about this a few days ago. Will the color scheme be from images or from code?
Posts: 115
Joined: Nov 2012
I want to say thank you Luna, amazing work.
Many of the dropbox links on page 1 are offline.
Could someone please provide me with the link to Ayerz
Orange skin and the file with fonts.
Thanks again.
Posts: 118
Joined: May 2013
Not entirely unrelated, but, does anyone use a second XMLTV Grabber in conjunction with MC2XML? I'm looking at the -easiest- way to pull US listings from my SD account generate a truncated (3 day) xmltv and merge it with a 2nd xmltv file from a second location for additonal EPG data.
First utility i've found doesn't allow a truncated listing pull.. so PTVL would take forever to parse the enormous XLMTV file, not ideal.
Sorry to go OFF topic, but this really is a question surrounding PTVL's EPG function and how/where to pull the XMLTV files from.