2017-01-19, 15:53
You can use my build from my ppa: janbar
Choose pkg kodi-pvr.mythtv-krypton
Choose pkg kodi-pvr.mythtv-krypton
08:52:01.763 T:2966931392 DEBUG: PVR - Create - creating PVR add-on instance 'MythTV PVR Client'
08:52:01.764 T:2966931392 DEBUG: ADDON: Dll Initializing - MythTV PVR Client
08:52:01.766 T:2966931392 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(/usr/local/share/kodi/addons/pvr.mythtv/pvr.mythtv.so.4.12.12)
08:52:01.767 T:2966931392 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/local/share/kodi/addons/pvr.mythtv/pvr.mythtv.so.4.12.12
08:52:01.795 T:2966931392 ERROR: ADDON: Dll MythTV PVR Client - Client returned bad status (6) from Create and is not usable
08:52:01.795 T:2966931392 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
08:52:01.795 T:2966931392 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogConfirm.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
08:52:06.384 T:2966931392 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 157120:0000000080010160 00 KEY_OK devinput-32 (KEY_OK)
08:52:06.384 T:2966931392 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
08:52:06.627 T:2966931392 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
08:52:06.637 T:2966931392 ERROR: UpdateAddons - failed to create add-on MythTV PVR Client, status = 6
08:52:06.638 T:2966931392 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
08:52:09.830 T:2966931392 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 160566:0000000080010160 00 KEY_OK devinput-32 (KEY_OK)
08:52:09.830 T:2966931392 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
08:52:10.077 T:2966931392 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
08:52:10.106 T:2966931392 DEBUG: CAddonMgr: enabled pvr.mythtv
08:52:10.156 T:2966931392 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://user/xbmc.pvrclient)
08:52:10.156 T:2966931392 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://user/xbmc.pvrclient]
08:52:10.628 T:2579467072 DEBUG: CAddonMgr::GetAvailableUpdates took 451 ms
DEBUG: PVR - Create - creating PVR add-on instance 'MythTV PVR Client'
09:08:56.182 T:2967054272 DEBUG: ADDON: Dll Initializing - MythTV PVR Client
09:08:56.183 T:2967054272 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(/usr/local/share/kodi/addons/pvr.mythtv/pvr.mythtv.so.5.0.9)
09:08:56.183 T:2967054272 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/local/share/kodi/addons/pvr.mythtv/pvr.mythtv.so.5.0.9
09:08:56.315 T:2967054272 ERROR: ADDON: Dll MythTV PVR Client - Client returned bad status (6) from Create and is not usable
09:08:56.315 T:2967054272 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
09:08:56.315 T:2967054272 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogConfirm.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
09:08:59.608 T:2967054272 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 110146:0000000080010160 00 KEY_OK devinput-32 (KEY_OK)
09:08:59.608 T:2967054272 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
09:08:59.869 T:2967054272 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
09:08:59.879 T:2967054272 ERROR: UpdateAddons - failed to create add-on MythTV PVR Client, status = 6
(2017-01-24, 16:45)rdoac Wrote: Ok - this one has me stumped. I have installed Kodi Krypton - rc3 via the package manager on Gentoo (x86). It works, but I can't get the pvr.mythtv add on compiled and functioning beside it. This is the first time it's simply refused to work.
I also removed the package manager version and installed from scratch.
I don't get much in the way of logs
ERROR: ADDON: Dll MythTV PVR Client - Client returned bad status (6) from Create and is not usable
I have unpacked the source and also compiled it locally and use that to try and build a .zip. This error occurs when I try to add the zip to the addons.
I changed branch on pvr.mythtv to Krypton, and built it using:
cmake -DADDONS_TO_BUILD=pvr.mythtv -DADDON_SRC_PREFIX=../.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../xbmc/addons -DPACKAGE_ZIP=1 ../../xbmc/project/cmake/addons
make package-pvr.mythtv
Everything compiles OK, it simply refuses to load.
Degub logs?
Code:08:52:01.763 T:2966931392 DEBUG: PVR - Create - creating PVR add-on instance 'MythTV PVR Client'
08:52:01.764 T:2966931392 DEBUG: ADDON: Dll Initializing - MythTV PVR Client
08:52:01.766 T:2966931392 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(/usr/local/share/kodi/addons/pvr.mythtv/pvr.mythtv.so.4.12.12)
08:52:01.767 T:2966931392 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/local/share/kodi/addons/pvr.mythtv/pvr.mythtv.so.4.12.12
08:52:01.795 T:2966931392 ERROR: ADDON: Dll MythTV PVR Client - Client returned bad status (6) from Create and is not usable
08:52:01.795 T:2966931392 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
08:52:01.795 T:2966931392 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogConfirm.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
08:52:06.384 T:2966931392 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 157120:0000000080010160 00 KEY_OK devinput-32 (KEY_OK)
08:52:06.384 T:2966931392 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
08:52:06.627 T:2966931392 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
08:52:06.637 T:2966931392 ERROR: UpdateAddons - failed to create add-on MythTV PVR Client, status = 6
08:52:06.638 T:2966931392 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
08:52:09.830 T:2966931392 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 160566:0000000080010160 00 KEY_OK devinput-32 (KEY_OK)
08:52:09.830 T:2966931392 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
08:52:10.077 T:2966931392 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
08:52:10.106 T:2966931392 DEBUG: CAddonMgr: enabled pvr.mythtv
08:52:10.156 T:2966931392 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://user/xbmc.pvrclient)
08:52:10.156 T:2966931392 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://user/xbmc.pvrclient]
08:52:10.628 T:2579467072 DEBUG: CAddonMgr::GetAvailableUpdates took 451 ms
(2017-01-24, 18:36)MikeB2013 Wrote: Don't know about Gentoo, but have you "in pvr.mythtv/build/pvr.mythtv-prefix/src/pvr.mythtv-build/" got a zip file called "addon-pvr.mythtv-4.12.12.zip". If so you can try putting it in .kodi/addons/ and unzipping it i.e.
unzip -o addon-pvr.mythtv-4.12.12.zip
This should override whatever is in /usr/local/share/kodi/addons/pvr.mythtv...
13:29:16.552 T:2601507648 DEBUG: PVR - Create - creating PVR add-on instance 'MythTV PVR Client'
13:29:16.552 T:2601507648 DEBUG: ADDON: Dll Initializing - MythTV PVR Client
13:29:16.553 T:2601507648 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(/home/atom/.kodi/addons/pvr.mythtv/pvr.mythtv.so.4.12.12)
13:29:16.553 T:2601507648 DEBUG: Loading: /home/atom/.kodi/addons/pvr.mythtv/pvr.mythtv.so.4.12.12
13:29:16.577 T:2601507648 ERROR: ADDON: Dll MythTV PVR Client - Client returned bad status (6) from Create and is not usable
(2017-01-24, 21:31)rdoac Wrote: Still no joy..
Am using GCC 5.4 am not sure if that's what's making a difference. I can't get Kodi to compile on 4.9.4 which is the alternative.
I tried by unpacking the .zip in /usr/local/share/kodi/addons and also manually unpacking it in the UI. Both are giving the same error.
Code:13:29:16.552 T:2601507648 DEBUG: PVR - Create - creating PVR add-on instance 'MythTV PVR Client'
13:29:16.552 T:2601507648 DEBUG: ADDON: Dll Initializing - MythTV PVR Client
13:29:16.553 T:2601507648 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(/home/atom/.kodi/addons/pvr.mythtv/pvr.mythtv.so.4.12.12)
13:29:16.553 T:2601507648 DEBUG: Loading: /home/atom/.kodi/addons/pvr.mythtv/pvr.mythtv.so.4.12.12
13:29:16.577 T:2601507648 ERROR: ADDON: Dll MythTV PVR Client - Client returned bad status (6) from Create and is not usable
(2017-01-24, 22:07)kyfalcon Wrote: I have a channel that will no longer play in kodi, either livetv or recording. Get the hourglass and then exits to guide. I am using Kodi 17.0 RC3 and Mythtv PVR client 4.12.12.
If I downgrade to Kodi 16 and myth tv pvr 3.4.14 everything works. I can provide a short recording file if that would help.
(2017-01-25, 01:32)rdoac Wrote:(2017-01-24, 21:31)rdoac Wrote: Still no joy..
Am using GCC 5.4 am not sure if that's what's making a difference. I can't get Kodi to compile on 4.9.4 which is the alternative.
I tried by unpacking the .zip in /usr/local/share/kodi/addons and also manually unpacking it in the UI. Both are giving the same error.
Code:13:29:16.552 T:2601507648 DEBUG: PVR - Create - creating PVR add-on instance 'MythTV PVR Client'
13:29:16.552 T:2601507648 DEBUG: ADDON: Dll Initializing - MythTV PVR Client
13:29:16.553 T:2601507648 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(/home/atom/.kodi/addons/pvr.mythtv/pvr.mythtv.so.4.12.12)
13:29:16.553 T:2601507648 DEBUG: Loading: /home/atom/.kodi/addons/pvr.mythtv/pvr.mythtv.so.4.12.12
13:29:16.577 T:2601507648 ERROR: ADDON: Dll MythTV PVR Client - Client returned bad status (6) from Create and is not usable
I'd really like to fix this, I don't mind compiling from source. Can I put the addon inside kodi and compile it at the same time? How do I check the versions are the same?