Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Playlists, party-mode, auto-queue fubar'ed
System: Ubuntu 11.04
XBMC: 11.0 Eden, Beta 3

I'm new to XBMC, so I'm not sure if this is a bug in Eden or behaviour that existed before.

Actions taken:

1. Set "autoplay next item" to false, and "default action is queue" to true
2. Play a smart playlist
3. Click on an item from the music library
Result: Item is added to queued playlist at random position.

1. Set "autoplay next item" to false, and "default action is queue" to true.
2. Play a smart playlist in party mode
3. Click on an item from the music library
Result: Item is played immediately, ignoring the default action is queue setting.

1. Set "autoplay next item" to false, and "default action is queue" to true.
2. Play a smart playlist in party mode
3. Right click an item from the music library and select enqueue.
Result: Item is added to now playing list immediately after the currently playing item.

The final one is the only one that is behaving correctly. I assume that this is not desired behaviour (enqueuing an item places it in a random position in the playlist).

Am I doing something wrong here, or is this a bug?
Can anyone at least confirm this behaviour, and I'll do a bug report?
File a bug report. I haven't had time to check this yet (checking a bunch of other stuff right now. Currently rescanning my library for some MySQL tests with Mac OS X), but it sounds like this shouldn't be happening. Best to file a bug report now so it can be looked at before v11 RC1 is released.

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Playlists, party-mode, auto-queue fubar'ed0