I've just discovered this thread having raised a 'similar' proposal in the feature suggestions thread (for non developers).
I'm a former software architect for elements of the Symbian operating system, along with being a former developer on a number of handsets for Nokia, SonyEricsson and Motorola. Sadly, like most folks I stopped coding and spent more time drawing UML then more time infront of 'managers to becoming a manager. Suffice to say, I don't know the XBMC code, but I'm not a total 'flake' either.
At the risk of sounding patronising, or being too simplistic I think it's important to get right back to basics:
1) We have media on the users system, and we 'force' the user to at least classify it as TV, Movie, Music etc. Whether this is entirely necessary is up for debate, but it's how things stand right now.
2) In some cases, we ask the user to go a little further still and help us 'classify' media with more detail by having them stick to SOME semblance of a scheme... e.g. using a filename that might help define the media, or a TV season/episode scheme that regex can parse etc.
3) Based on what we can 'deduce' from 1 and 2 we then try to obtain additional meta information and content (trailers, thumbs, fanart etc).
3a) it SEEMS that XBMC introduces some 'core' functionality that attempts to find some additional meta info and content from the 'local' sources - typically side by side, or within a sub folder of the media itself.... (I'm talking about the NFO file, tbn, jpg etc)
3b) If we can't find that 'local' stuff, or we deem there wasn't enough stuff found, or that local stuff explicitly pointed to online resources, we then use 'scrapers' to try and get meta info and content from online resources
My assertion is this:
3a and 3b are the same thing.... 'an attempt to obtain meta info and content'. The highly abstract concept is that XBMC is saying to a scraper:
PHP Code:
BMC Scraper Level 42
This is what I know so far, find
more info please
----------------------------------------------> He's asked me to ask you
It's a lousy movie from 1982
Lousy Movie (1982)
How 'Scraper' finds its information should be of no concern to XBMC. XBMC only needs to provide the scraper with as much information as it possibly can in order the 'help' the scraper.
It would be a mistake to make assumptions on how Scraper might do its work... so to assume it will search online, and only provide it with simplistic hints such as 'we think the movie is called Lady In Red' isn't enough.
We COULD provide it with:
- The media resides at 'C:\my movies\lady in red\man in blue.mp4'
- We THINK the movie title is Lady In Red
This allows the scraper to think for itself!... it can go along with our suggestion of 'lady in red' OR it attempt to be smarter and opt for 'man in blue'.
With me so far?
So here's my particular small suggestion in the grand scheme of things (and I'll comment more on the bigger picture later!)....
***** Make the 'local meta / content' detection a scraper like all other scrapers (putting aside the current limitations of scaper API's.*****
The fact that that content exists in the local file system as opposed to an online resource simply doesn't matter. The local file systems IS a 'scrapeable resource' and should be scraped by a scraper.
That means of course that scrapers would have to be able to exercise logic and effectively be 'executable modules' in some way. But it makes sense to me that scrapers have this ability.
It abstracts the collection of metadata retrieval away from core XBMC in a consistent manner through the use of 'scrapers'.
XBMC makes no assumptions whatsoever on how a scraper deduces the information
It allows (theoretically) for an entirely different local NFO / tbn / jpg scheme to be implemented as long as there's a scraper that supports it
It moves the NFO / tbn / jpg scanning functionality out of XBMC core and into a scraper
It's probably a lot of work initially and widening of scraper capability
There's more to come.... e.g. a strategy for 'daisy chaining' scrapers so that Meta Data and content can progressively be enhanced (sequentially / via priority)
There's even scope for a more complex parallel scrape where multiple sources of Meta Data and content are collated and rationalised.
It's a lot of words, but a simple concept, and I THINK it's in keeping with the OP's line of thinking.
If it's way off, I'll gladly drop out and leave you guys to it. I'm at an 'abstact' level... you guys are at a practical level... but there's a chance somewhere in between lies perfection ;-)
I'll possibly come back with the 'daisy chaining' / sequentially scraping stuff later....