2012-04-09, 18:35
I am now connecting and finding sources but all files are failing.
Using this search filter:
Here's my Log
Looks like we have a filename problem or possibly a timeout issue with addon.
What conventions are used here so I can configure my addon with the author??
And Do sources require to be autoplayed as in HULU?
Can someone help please?
Using this search filter:
Quote:<tvlinks path="plugin://plugin.video.tvlinks" recursive="true" regex_name="true" prefix="(TvLinks)">
<!--Top 10 TV Shows from tv-links -->
<subfolder name="Popular" max_videos="10" type="episodes">
Here's my Log
Looks like we have a filename problem or possibly a timeout issue with addon.
What conventions are used here so I can configure my addon with the author??
And Do sources require to be autoplayed as in HULU?
Quote:Post by anilkuj In another Forum with my thread.
its definitely getting all the sources , i can't open the User Guide for that addon from my workplace
but i did read here on the xbmc forum thread that the video names should be in certain format , not sure what he means by that , probably thats the reason its not showing any videos ?
Can someone help please?