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[Mini-ITX] A6-3600 (4x2.1Ghz/2.4Ghz) + HD6530D
(2012-04-27, 01:46)eskro Wrote: no not you Jarjar72 Tongue

ah, okay... :-)

another PSU... hmmm, I have to check tomorrow. make some phonecalls. maybe our IT department at my office has something.

oh man, I want this to work finally. was so looking forward to get this device and now all this... typically me...

well I'll sleep now, it already 2 a.m. here after all this testing and reading. I am tired...

yeah get some sleep, start fresh tomorrow! Smile

keep your chin up!
have you tried using AMD post processing...like noise reduction, etc?

I'm curious as to how that 6530D GPU handles it. My HD 6450 does not handle it. I'd like to get an A6 or A8 but would like to see a substantial improvement in GPU post processing ability.
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
(2012-04-27, 01:46)eskro Wrote: im just saying to bluray that i know what i say Smile
Sometime, I'm not sure that you know what you are saying.....you keep asking the guy to try different things with the wrong PSU (in this case, the PSU is under power). If he have proper PSU for A8-3850, it'll work...... I hope that he haven't damage anything from all the tests.......Sleepy

(2012-04-27, 03:30)Livin Wrote: I'm curious as to how that 6530D GPU handles it. My HD 6450 does not handle it. I'd like to get an A6 or A8 but would like to see a substantial improvement in GPU post processing ability.
If you cannot do it with HD6450, you'll have the same result with HD6530D......it's pretty much the same GPU, and HD6450 have slight edge too...

>Alienware X51- do it all HTPC
>Simplify XBMC configurations
>HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
I refused to watch movie without bitstreaming HD audio!
(2012-04-27, 01:46)eskro Wrote: no not you Jarjar72 Tongue

the problem is that u dont have another desktop computer at home
which u can use to grab its PSU and try it on your ISK300...

thats where i am...

i mean, your right, Computer stuff is very unlogical sometimes...

but trying with another PSU would seal it and reveal all.

Hi all again,

I found a PSU!!! :-) The IT department at my office had one. It's from an old Dell Desktop computer and has only 160W though. But this should really, really do the job if the problem is the power, right?

I also just grabbed the two 512MB RAM modules that where in this Dell PC. They are two 512MB Apacer ECC * REG * DDR266 * PC2100 * CL2 * Do you think they will work with the ASRock Mobo? I mean just to test, not for regular use of course...


(2012-04-27, 12:44)Jarjar72 Wrote: I found a PSU!!! :-) The IT department at my office had one. It's from an old Dell Desktop computer and has only 160W though. But this should really, really do the job if the problem is the power, right?
It should work.....give with a shot, but make sure that everthing is securely installed first before you fire it up.....

I wouldn't mess around with those old 512MB rams.....

>Alienware X51- do it all HTPC
>Simplify XBMC configurations
>HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
I refused to watch movie without bitstreaming HD audio!
nope, dont use that ram!! dont!!

and for the record bluray,
dont to start a war, as it can get ugly.
lets put it to rest right now.

what i suggested to the guy is a 135W brick.
read posts correctly!!
but after reading on A8-350 on mini-ITX platform consumption, ==> http://i.imgur.com/nZN1e.png
i concluded the 120w should still work for him.

the you keep saying to people that your not afraid of cooling fans in your HTPC
and that stock 80mm CPU Cooler fans are quiet and keep
pushing the SCYTHE KOZUTI on people using the ISK300-65 case
when the 100mm and 120mm equipped SCYTHE Low Profile coolers fits in just fine!
And then, you drool for a FanLess system using the STREAMCOM FC8 htpc case...
its unReaL!!

look who answered you when u were a noob in the custom HTPC building hobby!
yeah, me!

so, you dont know ALL, and i dont too, its all part of learning..
we should both ==> BOTH keep in mind that if were not sure about something,
that we advise the buyer about it.
as we cant guinea pig everything...
would cost a fortune...

that being said, i hope this discussions ends peacefully.
as were all adults and what needed to be said is said.

now lets just move on.
Yes the ISK300-150 you need the stock cooler because it will hit the power plug.....


I agree with eskro.....

Let's recommend what works!
And I hope I get credit for it..... LOL seems im not! LOL

No serious lets shake hands.....
yeah that too,
HOOK's Big Shuriken doesnt even fit in the case recommended by bluray.
and then he goes out saying i dont know what i say LoL.
ahhh,,, humans... E.T's must be laughing at us all the time lol
First off, let me begin by saying that I respect both of you. Both of you have given me priceless info and great ideas so I'm not taking sides.

(2012-04-27, 18:52)eskro Wrote: and u were the one who recommended the ISK300-150 to CpTHOOK,
and guess what happend, he ran into an issue right off the bat
since the power PSU lead wouldnt reach his motherboard...

Incorrect... Blu didn't suggest the ISK-300 150 to me. I made this mistake on my own due to my chronic impatience. The local Fry's had the 150 in stock, so i bought it not knowing that the CPU cooler in Beer's guide would be an issue with it.

(2012-04-27, 18:52)eskro Wrote: that being said, i hope this discussions ends peacefully.
as were all adults and what needed to be said is said.

now lets just move on.

Sometimes you just have to agree to disagree on issues your passionate about!!
(2012-04-27, 19:18)CpTHOOK Wrote: Incorrect... Blu didn't suggest the ISK-300 150 to me. I made this mistake on my own due to my chronic impatience. The local Fry's had the 150 in stock, so i bought it not knowing that the CPU cooler in Beer's guide would be an issue with it.

then if so, im not afraid to say sorry,
i thought blu pushed the isk300-150 on you like he tried with Beer40...
$5 more 150W bla bla bla...

(2012-04-27, 19:14)Beer40oz Wrote: I agree with eskro.....

Let's recommend what works!
And I hope I get credit for it..... LOL seems im not! LOL.

yeah blu gets your rep points.

(2012-04-27, 18:52)eskro Wrote: and for the record bluray,
dont to start a war, as it can get ugly.
lets put it to rest right now....
No war bud....just civil discussion with numbers. It would be childish to start war on Internet.....Tongue

(2012-04-27, 18:52)eskro Wrote: i concluded the 120w should still work for him
It's fine for the less demanding 65W APU. With 100W APU, it required different voltage and current

(2012-04-27, 18:52)eskro Wrote: and u were the one who recommended the ISK300-150 to CpTHOOK,
and guess what happend, he ran into an issue right off the bat
since the power PSU lead wouldnt reach his motherboard...
ISK300-150 is perfect for the stock 65W A6-3500......we talked about this in another thread, and there is no reason to talk about it here. As I stated in there, I might have suggested ISK300-150 to him but I never suggest to use it with aftermarket CPU cooler.....

(2012-04-27, 19:18)CpTHOOK Wrote: Incorrect... Blu didn't suggest the ISK-300 150 to me. I made this mistake on my own due to my chronic impatience. The local Fry's had the 150 in stock, so i bought it not knowing that the CPU cooler in Beer's guide would be an issue with it.
Thanks.....that is what I thought, and I don't remember recommend it to you either. With that said, it should still work with the stock A6-3500.....

>Alienware X51- do it all HTPC
>Simplify XBMC configurations
>HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
I refused to watch movie without bitstreaming HD audio!
Hey guys...

Don't mess with each other... We are all just here for our hobby. And we are all not pros! Especially me...

Okay, back to the case... I just tried to hook the PSU I got to the mobo. And guess what... It doesn't do a damn thing. Seems like the PSU I got is broken...


Of course I didn't test it in the office just picked it up...

There is also no On/Off switch on this PSU. Just the cable to plug into the electricity. Or do I have to fire it up in another way?

@eskro: don't worry I won't use the RAM. It wouldn't fit anyway.

(2012-04-27, 20:26)bluray Wrote: With that said, it should still work with the stock A6-3500.....

...and it does, very well indeed! I did order the ISK-300 65, came yesterday!! But I will send it back for two reasons.

First, I don't want to mess with this beautiful set-up I have currently. Everything is perfect IMHO especially now that I'm bit-streaming both HD formats flawless.

Second... I ordered the the Big Shrunken which will not fit natively in the case without cutting bracket. When the 65 came I was excited but then thoughHuh why change up in the first place, whats wrong with the set-up as it is currently. The stock cooler is working fine, temps are a bit higher than Beer's, but no cause for alarm when Idle is between 40-42c and 1080p no higher than 50c. The temps recorded originally where from BIOS which traditionally record a bit higher. ...and most of all, I can't hear sh*t coming from it unless I put my ear next to case which most of us will not do when HTPC'n. ....and ummmmm, who's booting from cold with an MCE remote??

...lol, Don't discount OG CpTHOOK's build, It may not be the perfect "A6-Pack", but it's pretty dayum close!! Don't believe me, then re-watch my vids!!

if CpTHOOK's happy, then, were all happy Smile
as long as it meets your expectations! then, its FTW!!

Jarjar72, your sure your PSU works in general?
and yes, if u see an on off switch in the back,
well, turn it ON!
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[Mini-ITX] A6-3600 (4x2.1Ghz/2.4Ghz) + HD6530D3