Context Menu - Simple Question
Is it possible with the current XBMC remote to open the context menu? Probably something obvious I am missing but cant seem to find this. Would be great to be able to refresh my movie collection from in there.

Long press on the menu button of the device will bring up the soft keyboard. Then click on 'c' and you'll get the context menu.
Hey! I'm relaunching the topic because that doesn't work anymore (I think) because of ICS suppressing hard buttons Sad Is there another workaround? I tried simply typing "c" with the text entry but that doesn't work. This is pretty much the last thing that keeps me from using only my Android!
Button called 'title' will take you to the context menu - top left on the 'arrow' pad
Oh sweet! My life is now complete Big Grin thx

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Context Menu - Simple Question0