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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs
(2012-06-05, 07:46)malte Wrote: This should not happen, Only situation when there is a prompt with an error message should be if RCB can't store any artwork for all of your files. Not finding artwork for one or more games is normal scenario and should not be prompted. Can you show me a log file of an import with this prompt?

Error message popped up at 22:38:06; error loading artwork, check log for details. Required me to hit OK. Did so at 01:33:54

22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Searching for game: Triple Play 96
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: 1 results found. Try to find best match.
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: PlatformSearchKey : 'PlatformSearchKey'
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: SearchKey : 'SearchKey'
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No searchKey found. Using first result
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: SearchKey : 'SearchKey'
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: SearchKey : 'SearchKey'
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Using result
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultKey: Filetypeboxback
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultValue: ['http://thegamesdb.net/banners/boxart/original/back/2491-1.jpg']
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultKey: Filetypecartridge
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultValue: ['http://pics.mobygames.com/images/covers/large/1273525606-00.jpg']
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultKey: SkippableContent
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultValue: []
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultKey: Filetypeboxfront
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultValue: ['http://thegamesdb.net/banners/boxart/original/front/2491-1.jpg']
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using url from previous scraper: http://www.mobygames.com/game/genesis/triple-play-96
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: description file (tokens replaced): http://www.mobygames.com/game/genesis/triple-play-96
22:37:54 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Encoding: utf-8
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: an error occured while parsing game description: http://www.mobygames.com/game/genesis/triple-play-96
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Parser complains about: [Errno socket error] [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using url from previous scraper:
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: description file for game Triple Play 96 could not be found. Check if this path exists:
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using url from previous scraper:
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: description file for game Triple Play 96 could not be found. Check if this path exists:
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Insert data
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Result Genre = ['Sports']
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Reviewer : 'Reviewer'
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Region : 'Region'
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Media : 'Media'
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Controller : 'Controller'
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Players : 'Players'
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Rating : 'Rating'
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Votes : 'Votes'
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: URL : 'URL'
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Perspective : 'Perspective'
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: OriginalTitle : 'OriginalTitle'
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: AlternateTitle : 'AlternateTitle'
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: TranslatedBy : 'TranslatedBy'
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Version : 'Version'
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: IsFavorite : 'IsFavorite'
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: LaunchCount : 'LaunchCount'
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: FileType: boxfront
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Get thumb from online source
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using key: Filetypeboxfront
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Get thumb from url: http://thegamesdb.net/banners/boxart/ori...2491-1.jpg
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Replacing [...] with *
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: new pathname: C:\Program Files\ROM project\ROMS\Sega Genesis\Artwork\boxfront\Triple Play 96 (F) *.*
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved files: []
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Download file to: C:\Program Files\ROM project\ROMS\Sega Genesis\Artwork\boxfront\Triple Play 96 (F) [b1].jpg
22:38:06 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: File does not exist. Starting download.
01:33:54 T:3348 ERROR: Unable to create file special://temp/screenshot000.png
01:34:08 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_ERROR: Could not create file: 'C:\Program Files\ROM project\ROMS\Sega Genesis\Artwork\boxfront\Triple Play 96 (F) [b1].jpg'. Error message: '[Errno socket error] timed out'
01:34:08 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: an error occured while adding game Triple Play 96 (F) [b1]
01:34:08 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error: need more than 2 values to unpack
01:34:08 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current rom file: C:\Program Files\ROM project\ROMS\Sega Genesis\Triple Play 96 (F) [b2].bin
01:34:08 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: gamename (file): Triple Play 96 (F) [b2].bin
01:34:08 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: gamename (friendly): Triple Play 96 (F) [b2]
01:34:08 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Start scraping info for game: Triple Play 96 (F) [b2]
01:34:08 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using scraper: thegamesdb.net
01:34:08 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: description file (tokens replaced): http://thegamesdb.net/api/GetGame.php?na...%20Genesis
01:34:08 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Encoding: utf-8
01:34:09 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Searching for game: Triple Play 96
01:34:09 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: 1 results found. Try to find best match.
01:34:09 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: PlatformSearchKey : 'PlatformSearchKey'
01:34:09 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Comparing Triple Play 96 with Triple Play 96
01:34:09 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Perfect match. Using result Triple Play 96
01:34:09 T:3800 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Using result Triple Play 96
Ok, thanks. Looks like I should add special handling for this error:
Could not create file: 'C:\Program Files\ROM project\ROMS\Sega Genesis\Artwork\boxfront\Triple Play 96 (F) [b1].jpg'. Error message: '[Errno socket error] timed out'
Usually when RCB errors at this point, it means that it can't write to the artwork directory (write protection, directory not found, ...). And this would happen for all artwork files. So I have to inform the user before he has to wait several hours just to see that there is no artwork for all of his games.

But I guess I am able to differentiate these situations.
(2012-06-06, 07:24)malte Wrote:
DigiTech Wrote:Hi malte! is there any news about launching games in solo mode? i`m still having the problem of xbmc not returning with the same warning
If the explorer hack does not help on your system (iirc it doesn't) you may try to replace the applaunch.bat with JohnnyD2's solution: link. I have to admit that I did not try that myself. This is one of the many things on my list Smile. I will try to integrate this solution into RCB if it works correct.

Thanks malte i'll try JohnnyD2's solution but i have some questions (sorry to be a pain in the @$$),
In the new applaunch.bat, do edit and copy this to it?
@echo off
Title Running %*

REM Set Variables
REM Change to Userdata Directory
cd ..
set XBMCLaunchCmd="%XBMC_HOME%\XBMC.exe"
REM Check for portable mode
echo %XBMC_PROFILE_USERDATA%|find /i "portable_data">nul
if errorlevel 0 if not errorlevel 1 set XBMCLaunchCmd=%XBMCLaunchCmd% -p

echo Stopping XBMC...
taskkill /f /IM xbmc.exe>nul 2>nul
REM Give it a second to quit
cscript //B //Nologo "%cd%\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\Sleep.vbs" 1
echo Starting %*...

REM Restart XBMC
echo Restarting XBMC...
cscript //B //Nologo "%cd%\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\LaunchXBMC.vbs" %XBMCLaunchCmd%

Do i have to edit something above?,
i dont know how to create a wait script (sleep.vbs): and where folder do i put it in
On error resume next

do i have to edit something above?

and at last:
i dont know how to create a Restart XBMC script (LaunchXBMC.vbs) and where to put it in to work.
On Error Resume Next
XBMCPath="""" & wscript.arguments(0) & """"

Dim objShell
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.shell")
objShell.run XBMCPath & " " & XBMCParams

do i have to change something above?
i have my xbmc on this folder: "C:\Program Files\XBMC\XBMC.exe" and the explorer hack just worked for me once then one day got the same error i told you on my last post, thanks a lot for your patience!
(2012-06-06, 08:02)malte Wrote: So I have to inform the user before he has to wait several hours just to see that there is no artwork for all of his games.

Just to clarify, I am informed right away. The problem is it stops the process until I click OK, which is a bummer when you leave the computer on overnight and find it only got 30 minutes of work done before it hit this error and stopped. It's not a huge issue, just an inconvenience.

I usually see the error message 'First 10 games could not be added' or something similar to that pop-up and it will ask me if I would like to continue. That's the message that has gotten on my nerves a few times when trying to add a very large collection to the database. Is this similar to what you're seeing?
(2012-06-01, 08:38)Tomkun Wrote:
(2012-06-01, 07:44)malte Wrote: It works a little bit different. It is not the complete params that are replaced with the game command, only the string %GAMECMD% (if present). So, to work in your scenario it must be changed like this:

1. Rename your folder "pcsx2-latest" to "pcsx2"
2. Change your emu params to
3. Change your game command to
4. Change your batch file to
E:\Media\Games\Emulators\PS2\pcsx2%1\pcsx2.exe %2

Problem is: I am not sure if the empty string that is passed to the batch file will be interpreted as argument or ignored. Maybe I have to change the logic of the game command to support a scenario like this. I will also check if it is possible to change emulators on a per game basis.

Almost worked! It does indeed ignore the empty variable, so that the command doesn't work. However, that was easily fixed by:
1. Changing emu params to
2. Changing the batch file to
E:\Media\Games\Emulators\PS2\pcsx2%2\pcsx2.exe %1

As %ROM% is always there, it will always be %1. If the %GAMECMD% is absent, it is safely ignored. Thanks for the help as always Malte!

Actually, now I come to think of it, this should be an easy way to have variable emulators. Just because I am using two versions of the same emu, doesn't mean they couldn't be different emus entirely.

I'm really having trouble wrapping my head around this one.

I want to use Snes9x for the majority of my SNES games, and ZSNES for a select few.

My emulator paths are ZSNES (/usr/bin/zsnes) SNES9x (/usr/games/snes9x-gtk). I don't use any special parameters for either emulator.

Could someone please give me the fool-proof version of how to make this work? I need to know what my batch should look like, what my SNES Emulator launch command should be, and what I need to put in the "Edit Game Command" for those select few games which will use ZSNES.
(2012-06-07, 00:23)altoiddealer Wrote: I'm really having trouble wrapping my head around this one.

I want to use Snes9x for the majority of my SNES games, and ZSNES for a select few.

My emulator paths are ZSNES (/usr/bin/zsnes) SNES9x (/usr/games/snes9x-gtk). I don't use any special parameters for either emulator.

Could someone please give me the fool-proof version of how to make this work? I need to know what my batch should look like, what my SNES Emulator launch command should be, and what I need to put in the "Edit Game Command" for those select few games which will use ZSNES.

OK, I'll give it a shot.

Basically, you will need to make 2 shortcuts, one pointing to each emulator.

Put the shortcuts in the same directory and name them so that the names are similar, but the alternate emulator is a bit longer. For example

emulator.lnk --> points to Snes9x
emulator-alternate.lnk --> points to ZSNES

Next, create a batch file and call it whatever you like, for example:


Inside the bat, put this:
emulator%2.lnk %1

The %1 and %2 are placeholders for arguments that we will pass to the batch file from RCB.

Start up RCB and configure your Snes collection so that the emulator is RCB.bat

The arguments need to be:


The order is important because %ROM% will become %1 in the batch file and %GAMECMD% will become %2

Finally, go to the game you want to start in zsnes and edit its game command to read "-alternate" without the quotes.

You should be sorted.
DigiTech Wrote:do i have to change something above?
i have my xbmc on this folder: "C:\Program Files\XBMC\XBMC.exe" and the explorer hack just worked for me once then one day got the same error i told you on my last post, thanks a lot for your patience!
The scripts should just work as is. I created 3 text files and copied the content of JohnnyD2s scripts into it. You can download the files here.

Just download and unzip these files to RCBs script directory (e.g. C:\Users\[yourname]\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser). Note that this will replace the exisiting applaunch.bat. Also note that any update of RCB will overwrite these files again. I will check if I can integrate this mechanism into the core.

stoutfiles Wrote:Just to clarify, I am informed right away. The problem is it stops the process until I click OK, which is a bummer when you leave the computer on overnight and find it only got 30 minutes of work done before it hit this error and stopped. It's not a huge issue, just an inconvenience.
Usually it should not even continue the process when you hit ok. RCB thinks this is a serious error that happens for all your games and should stop the import immediately. Anyway, there is something wrong with this part of the code. I have to check this.
(2012-06-07, 02:32)Tomkun Wrote: You should be sorted.

I will be very happy if this works! Can't wait to try this when I get out of work

Thank you so much for breaking it down for me
I have my RCB setup to run Mednafen for my NES games. When I run mednafen outside of calling it from XBMC the sound plays fine. When I call it from RCB I get no sound. Ive checked the parameters, making sure the correct sounddevice and sounddriver were being used. Ive successfully ran mednafen with sound while running xbmc, but if I try to run mednafen from XBMC nadda, bupkis, kip, zilch, zero.Any thoughts?
(2012-06-07, 19:47)stayupthetree Wrote: I have my RCB setup to run Mednafen for my NES games. When I run mednafen outside of calling it from XBMC the sound plays fine. When I call it from RCB I get no sound. Ive checked the parameters, making sure the correct sounddevice and sounddriver were being used. Ive successfully ran mednafen with sound while running xbmc, but if I try to run mednafen from XBMC nadda, bupkis, kip, zilch, zero.Any thoughts?

This may not help, but I was having sound issues with mednafen as well. I tried a million things, and this happens to be the ONLY thing that worked for me, and it works about as perfect as possible.

What this does is executes pasuspender immediately before launching the emulator. pasuspender will temporarily disable pulseaudio, which is probably the root of the issue. So this might work for you, if you can put the correct audio passthrough for your device

My emu cmd is:

My game command is:
Quote:--mednafen -sounddriver alsa -sounddevice hw:1,7 "%ROM%"

Hope the helps!
(2012-06-07, 02:32)Tomkun Wrote:
(2012-06-07, 00:23)altoiddealer Wrote: I'm really having trouble wrapping my head around this one.

I want to use Snes9x for the majority of my SNES games, and ZSNES for a select few.

My emulator paths are ZSNES (/usr/bin/zsnes) SNES9x (/usr/games/snes9x-gtk). I don't use any special parameters for either emulator.

Could someone please give me the fool-proof version of how to make this work? I need to know what my batch should look like, what my SNES Emulator launch command should be, and what I need to put in the "Edit Game Command" for those select few games which will use ZSNES.

OK, I'll give it a shot.

Basically, you will need to make 2 shortcuts, one pointing to each emulator.

Put the shortcuts in the same directory and name them so that the names are similar, but the alternate emulator is a bit longer. For example

emulator.lnk --> points to Snes9x
emulator-alternate.lnk --> points to ZSNES

Next, create a batch file and call it whatever you like, for example:


Inside the bat, put this:
emulator%2.lnk %1

The %1 and %2 are placeholders for arguments that we will pass to the batch file from RCB.

Start up RCB and configure your Snes collection so that the emulator is RCB.bat

The arguments need to be:


The order is important because %ROM% will become %1 in the batch file and %GAMECMD% will become %2

Finally, go to the game you want to start in zsnes and edit its game command to read "-alternate" without the quotes.

You should be sorted.

I did exactly as you said, but for some reason when I go to launch any SNES game, it just closes XBMC and opens it again (I use "Solo Mode"). I have the shortcuts and the RCB.bat together in the same folder.

I think my problem is that I am on Ubuntu, and I have absolutely no idea what the file extension is for shortcuts. Pretty much every file on the system shows an extension, but the shortcuts don't, and right-click properties doesn't show the extension. Google is not helping me either.
I have a bug to report with the latest update to RCB 1.0.1

I use Solo Mode. When I exit my game (any game, any emulator), and XBMC pops back up, a message pops up in the corner reading:

Remote Communication Server
Failed to Start

This only occurs when I exit a game through RCB
(2012-06-07, 13:03)malte Wrote:
DigiTech Wrote:do i have to change something above?
i have my xbmc on this folder: "C:\Program Files\XBMC\XBMC.exe" and the explorer hack just worked for me once then one day got the same error i told you on my last post, thanks a lot for your patience!
The scripts should just work as is. I created 3 text files and copied the content of JohnnyD2s scripts into it. You can download the files here.

Just download and unzip these files to RCBs script directory (e.g. C:\Users\[yourname]\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser). Note that this will replace the exisiting applaunch.bat. Also note that any update of RCB will overwrite these files again. I will check if I can integrate this mechanism into the core.

Thanks for your answer malte now everything works, just some inconveniences:
games launch ok, when i stop playing it then it goes back to start xbmc from the beggining then it does the transition to rom collection browser but when rbs beggins then it start to cache all the games in that screen again, then im back to the rcb screen where the game originally launched but between i stop a game playing and when it goes back it takes like a minute and a half to do so.
When the old solo mode was working with the explorer hack it fluenty stopped the game then in a matter of 5 seconds it went back to the rcb games screen, i miss that solo mode!!.
Thanks a lot i have my solo mode back with your tip but my patience is going away, i guess you can't have all the love in the world right Big Grin
So I figured out Ubuntu shortcuts use the extension .desktop

I used that in the .bat but it is still not launching the emu :/ odd.
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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs20