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Right, bit of an issue.

My TV is only 720p unfortunately, so I have it set to 1280x720. As you do.

Tonight when I turned on the TV, xbmc (openelec) had reset to 1920x1080 for whatever reason. I changed it back (bit of a pain actually) and redid the screen calibration.

The menus all look fine, but when I play a video and hit info or menu, it's a bit out of whack. The top, bottom, right and left are all off screen a bit

Here's a pic:


Anyone got any ideas? I tried increasing the space in video calibration but that just messed up the xbmc menus Sad

EDIT: OK fixed that by disabling sync refresh rate Smile
Hi Marcos,

with MQ4 on the horizon, can you confirm if 2.01 is the final version of MQ3, if it is can you release the uncompressed textures, thanks.
@SmithersJ0nes, I think to see what's new in version 4, you will not want to continue to use 3.

MediaBrazil forum Website - Youtube Channel
MQ9- - 09.15.2023 - Aeon MQ Skin Team
MarcosQui Website Donate and support us.
(2012-06-15, 11:41)Wanilton Wrote: @SmithersJ0nes, I think to see what's new in version 4, you will not want to continue to use 3.

That I do not doubt but I like to wait a few builds before upgrading. The reason I am asking is MQ3 will be on show next weekend (house warming party) and as I'm only halfway through adding custom CD art to 1000+ albums I was looking to replace the default cdart.png which I think is bland with my own for albums I haven't got round to adding the custom versions to yet.
Just trying again: How can I use artwork instead of thumbnails for episodes? I don't want to see thumbnails as XBMC's algorithm shows a thumb far too much into an episode and spoils things often, but I'd still like to have Recently Added on the main menu, just with the art instead of thumbnails when I highlight it. I can't find this option, appreciate any help!

Do you know if the new MQ4 will show a bit more love to videos who can´t be inserted into the library because they are just some small vids or self created ones.

I have many self created little video clips and they are so many that I just can´t insert them one by one into the video library...don´t have the time for that ><
So I can only use a few video views which arent very nice or are even broken (no preview picture coming up)

I don´t know if it is skin related or XBMC related...but it would be really nice to see 1-2 great video views for that kind of material.
Has anyone tried to/does this Aeon MQ3 run alright on the ATV2?

I have pre-eden and an old version of this skin running on it at the moment and posters are a bit of a stretch for smoothness but overall its a gorgeous skin, just wondering if Eden+this update = better
Artist art is working really nice, but I can only see the background images in the main screen. If I switch to fullscreen mode with TAB the background image dissapears and i get a default grey xbmc background?
I just downloaded Aeon MQ3. Nice skin!

While playing music, how do I get the screen to just show the music visualization? I see the visualization in the background but still have album, track and song information displaying as well. Usually with other screens it will shows for a few seconds and the screen will then clear and only have the visualization. I'm assuming I missed a setting somewhere?

Hi there,

sorry if this was asked before.

Im trying to setup backgroud images for my video playlists. Is it possible to set up a slideshow based on covers of the results from the playlist?

(2012-06-23, 02:02)andydufresne Wrote: I just downloaded Aeon MQ3. Nice skin!

While playing music, how do I get the screen to just show the music visualization? I see the visualization in the background but still have album, track and song information displaying as well. Usually with other screens it will shows for a few seconds and the screen will then clear and only have the visualization. I'm assuming I missed a setting somewhere?


Nevermind, played around with all the settings and discovered how to get it to look like I want. Great skin
Hey, I'm having a couple of problems with Advanced Launcher and Aeon MQ3.

First problem is that I can't seem to get Extra Thumbnails to work with Showcase view in Advanced Launcher. I've tried everything I can think of to get it to work, but no luck. I enabled debugging and I noticed this in the xbmc.log:

13:06:25 T:4540 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - Unsupported protocol(plugin) in plugin://plugin.program.advanced.launcher/extrathumbs/thumb4.jpg
13:06:25 T:3016 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
13:06:25 T:3016 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - Unsupported protocol(plugin) in plugin://plugin.program.advanced.launcher/extrathumbs/thumb1.jpg
13:06:25 T:3340 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - Unsupported protocol(plugin) in plugin://plugin.program.advanced.launcher/extrathumbs/thumb2.jpg
13:06:25 T:3980 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - Unsupported protocol(plugin) in plugin://plugin.program.advanced.launcher/extrathumbs/thumb3.jpg
13:06:25 T:3016 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - Unsupported protocol(plugin) in plugin://plugin.program.advanced.launcher/extrathumbs/thumb1.jpg
13:06:25 T:3340 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - Unsupported protocol(plugin) in plugin://plugin.program.advanced.launcher/extrathumbs/thumb2.jpg
13:06:25 T:3980 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - Unsupported protocol(plugin) in plugin://plugin.program.advanced.launcher/extrathumbs/thumb3.jpg

Second problem I'm having is that there doesn't seem to be many view options for advanced launcher. Every view type available seems to force the thumbnails into DVD Case ratio images by either stretching the image or cropping the sides off leaving half of the thumbnail missing. Is there anyway to use the rectangle "landscape" and box views that are available in other areas / skins?

Thanks in advance and great work on the Aeon skins.
First post, great work on this skin Marcos. Installed Frodo Alpha 2 yesterday on a fresh Windows 7 install and changed the MQ3 setting to Frodo Alpha. I immediately noticed that scrolling a fairly large movie collection is different, when holding down left or right I'm getting the same poster repeated several times instead of each movies poster, as it used to be in Eden. It's as if the GUI is not being refreshed in time. Is this a known issue, do I need to reinstall the skin from scratch?
@rwttm001, this is new feature in xbmc frodo, Image Caching Improvements

One major area targeted for improvement for Frodo is the XBMC library. In particular, we are focused on making the library faster and smarter. The first step in this process, led by Jonathan Marshall, is a dramatic improvement in the way the library handles images. In the past, images would be cached in a local file and XBMC would have no knowledge of where that local file came from or what it was for. Now, XBMC will log where an art file comes from and where it is cached. In addition, XBMC will log what kind of file it is, whether it is a poster, a banner, clearart, or whatever. This means, as this framework is extended, skinners will be able to use locally cached art in numerous different views, regardless of whether the art type is banner, thumb, or other. Users will be able to change the art, simply by placing a new art file in the folder where the media is located and letting XBMC automatically note that the file has changed. And MySQL users will no longer have to worry about pathsubstitutions, as each client will maintain its own thumbnail cache that gets registered in the bigger database.
This means XBMC needs to recache all your lovely art, which will be done as you browse each item in your library. You’ll notice the first time you browse a listing the art will take a bit longer than usual to come in, but once recached, everything will be nice and snappy again. At the moment, only the smart links to your various image files are part of the May Cycle; however, as XBMC starts to take advantage of these improvements, libraries and skins should experience dramatic improvements in the months ahead.

Download the more recently frodo, there are new fixes...download here; http://mirrors.xbmc.org/nightlies/win32/...master.exe, Windows version.

MediaBrazil forum Website - Youtube Channel
MQ9- - 09.15.2023 - Aeon MQ Skin Team
MarcosQui Website Donate and support us.
Currently Frodo is a no go area for me. I have a collecton of just under 10,000 movies and loading posters just does not happen for me, it is a nightmare. Until it is fully in place my advice is stay away from Frodo if you have large movie/music collections which you browse in full, browsing in small listings, by year for example should be ok although not as smooth as with Eden.
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