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MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win (with music library scraping)
MediaElch is a MediaManager I created to manage my collection of movies, tv shows, concerts and music. It's build to generate nfo files. Posters, thumbnails, screenshots, fanarts and actor images will be stored along movies and tv shows. Built with Qt MediaElch is available for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.

  • Download information from internet databases
  • Multiple Scrapers supported
  • Edit Movies, TV Shows and Concerts/Music Videos
  • Import new movies, tv shows and concerts into your collection
  • Manage Movie Sets
  • Bulk edit genres and certifications
  • Compatible with Kodi
  • Can handle NFO (xml) files
  • Cross Platform (Mac OS X, Linux, Windows)
  • Support for images from fanart.tv
  • Integrated trailer downloader
  • Integrated TV Themes downloader
  • Compatible with “Movie Set Artwork Automator“
  • Compatible with “TV Tunes Addon“
  • Music library scraping
  • Bulk scraping of movies and tv shows
  • Custom movie and tv show scraper

More information http://www.kvibes.de/mediaelch

Latest Release: 2.4.1 (2016-03-20)
Prebuilt binaries for OS X, Ubuntu Linux and Windows can be found at the downloads page

Changelog for older and upcoming versions can be found at http://www.kvibes.de/mediaelch/download
interesting will take a look. I use EMM but development seems to have stalled and some functionality has broken and hasn't been fixed. Installing to check it out now.

EDIT: just checked it out and I like the interface and movie scraping seems pretty rapid. However it was only able to locate 3 TV Shows in my folder. My structure is pretty typical

--Show Name or Show.Name
---Season X
----ShowName.SXXEXX - episode name.ext

Thanks for trying it out!
Currently only "Show Name/...SxxExx..." as structure is supported. I'll add some more options in the next release along with support for tv show banners.
looking forward to it! just for the record this is programmed in C++?
Great little app. Nice simple GUI and very fast. Are you planning on adding the ability to auto-rename the movie folder + name of the movie file in the future (like renaming Avatar.2009.1080p.DTS-HD.mkv to the proper title, i.e. Avatar (2009) )? It would be a great feature that other metadata managers have (like Media Center Master)
+1 for a Linux version, but what I would REALLY ABSOLUTELY LOVE FOREVER is a Linux version that can run in the command line on a headless box.
I have a headless box with all my media storage, file sharing, SABnzbd, Sickbeard, Transmission, etc, running on it all the time.
The one thing that sucks is that I have no way to reliably let things like Sickbeard auto-update XBMC, since I can't run an XBMC instance on the server, and none of the other systems are up 24/7.
It would probably be a fork of the regular GUI version, I should think, since most of the scraping / file generation / database stuff would be needed, but none of the regular GUI stuff would be.
An alternative would be some sort of network / web-based URL like Couch Potato, Sickbeard, etc.
Catchy Signature Here
You'll be interested in the xbmc shared library thingy that is coming - a headless xbmc designed to do library updating etc on the server with minimal overhead.

it's on it's way - http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=132919
(but back on topic - this looks pretty - nice and simple!
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | Caber Toss | Switchback | XSqueezeDisplay | Kodi 2nd Display
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
The link for the Win binary is linked wrong, it should be http://mediaelch.kvibes.net/releases/0.9...-0.9.1.zip instead.
Downloading it now and trying. Thanks for this new alternative and great upcoming features! Looking forward to it, especially the music video scraping. There's no tool available, that ahs this functionality and it would really help all users with a big music video collection to get them sorted and organized! Smile

Edit: First impressions: FAST! Compared to Ember it's incredible fast in finding your already scraped files!
But I also got it already crashing. xD If you try to change the entrie, while scraping it will hang the program.

If you have a folder called for example Timecop (1994) and inside the folder the file is called dfdjcvchejfjdncf (just an example) the prog will search for dfdjcvchejfjdncf, instead of using the already proper folder name.

Some other things felt strange imho:
If you search for the right movie, you chose it with ONE click, instead of two. I double clicked it multiple times and everytime chrashed the program, because I changed the db entry and so the scraping had problems.
I can't decide the fanart and poster for myself, just after scraping. And there's the one click "problem" again. I thought, I would get additional info, like the resolution when clicking on the psoter in the selection, instead it automatically chose the new file. Could you please add a bigger preview and a resolution information?

Already a great start for a new program. Will report more later.
(2012-07-18, 00:04)slithers Wrote: looking forward to it! just for the record this is programmed in C++?

Yes it is, C++ with Qt.

(2012-07-18, 05:05)GreenEyez Wrote: Great little app. Nice simple GUI and very fast. Are you planning on adding the ability to auto-rename the movie folder + name of the movie file in the future (like renaming Avatar.2009.1080p.DTS-HD.mkv to the proper title, i.e. Avatar (2009) )? It would be a great feature that other metadata managers have (like Media Center Master)

This is a feature that will be added in future releases but for now I'll concentrate on fixing bugs of already implemented features.

(2012-07-18, 12:52)MasterPhW Wrote: The link for the Win binary is linked wrong, it should be http://mediaelch.kvibes.net/releases/0.9...-0.9.1.zip instead.
Downloading it now and trying. Thanks for this new alternative and great upcoming features! Looking forward to it, especially the music video scraping. There's no tool available, that ahs this functionality and it would really help all users with a big music video collection to get them sorted and organized! Smile

Edit: First impressions: FAST! Compared to Ember it's incredible fast in finding your already scraped files!
But I also got it already crashing. xD If you try to change the entrie, while scraping it will hang the program.

If you have a folder called for example Timecop (1994) and inside the folder the file is called dfdjcvchejfjdncf (just an example) the prog will search for dfdjcvchejfjdncf, instead of using the already proper folder name.

Some other things felt strange imho:
If you search for the right movie, you chose it with ONE click, instead of two. I double clicked it multiple times and everytime chrashed the program, because I changed the db entry and so the scraping had problems.
I can't decide the fanart and poster for myself, just after scraping. And there's the one click "problem" again. I thought, I would get additional info, like the resolution when clicking on the psoter in the selection, instead it automatically chose the new file. Could you please add a bigger preview and a resolution information?

Already a great start for a new program. Will report more later.

Sorry, I fixed the link in the first post for the windows version.

I don't know what's the more common case, keeping movies in separate folders or storing multiple movies in the same folder. I'm also preferring the first, every movie in a separate folder. But taking the folder name as search base for scrapers would require another config option: Movies in separate folders. This will be added in the next version.

I will also add some things you mentioned: Resolution info for posters and the ability to choose your preferred preview size.
But I think I will stick to the one click solution as I'm trying to avoid double clicking when it's not really needed.
The other bugs are recorded and will also be fixed.
Found another bug: if trying to scrape another picture with the OFDB scraper, it will crash with following message appearing:
EDIT: another one: the tagline of the OFDB hits seems to migrate into its title.
(2012-07-18, 14:49)MasterPhW Wrote: EDIT: another one: the tagline of the OFDB hits seems to migrate into its title.

What do you mean with "migrate into its title"? Could you provide an example movie title where this happens?
For example Æon Flux: If you search it with OFDB it will be called Æon Flux - Blicke der Zukunft ins Auge and the tagline will be empty, all other scraper will call it Æon Flux and use the Blicke der Zukunft ins Auge for the tagline. It seems, that OFDB sometimes adds the tagline after the title, so it's not really an Elch problem.
Looks good, but I cannot compile.. CMakeLists.txt seems to be missing
I tried this out. It also didn't find my TV shows.

Show Title>>Season Folder>>S01E01

Same structure as most. I had it connect to my MySQL database as well as my Thumnails folder on the share. It didn't seem to pull in any information from those sources. No fanart, thumbnails or any movie information was pulled from the MySQL DB.
Thank you to everyone for this awesome software!
Jop, it seems it only finds the corresponding episodes, if they are in "...\series\series s01exx.***" format.
That are the only files it can find it my collection. Just try it and remove them from their corresponding season folders and it should find them.
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MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win (with music library scraping)9