2012-09-08, 10:17
This looks great! But I'm also getting script errors when starting the plugin
22:27:38 T:16168720 WARNING: FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
22:27:38 T:16168720 ERROR: CFileCurl::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
22:27:38 T:16168720 ERROR: Open - failed to open source <|X-Spotify-Token=992d68
22:27:56 T:16168720 ERROR: ADPCMCodec: error opening file|X-Spotify-Token=992d
22:27:58 T:16168720 ERROR: CAudioDecoder: Unable to Init Codec while loading file
22:27:58 T:16168720 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 28, path [
(2012-09-02, 17:18)fableman Wrote: I have the latest nightly build on xbmc and then I installed this addon but nothing shows up in the addon no search, no nothing. I only see the logo and meny but nothing else.I would like to see the log file this issue produces. This is a similar issue reported previously, but I was unable to gather enough information to reproduce it.
I tried to reinstall The normal version of eden but still same error. DHO!
(2012-09-02, 21:16)Tolriq Wrote: Hi I'm the dev of Yatse (see sign), and effectively you correctly set the thumb information for the playlist but strangely the info is not set for currently playing item.Mmm, will have to look if it's related to local proxy server issues.
Here's the result send by Xbmc :
Quote:2012-09-02 11:39:08.423 Verbose/JsonRpc: e.b@242: Response : [{"id":2,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"audiostreams":[],"canseek":true,"currentaudiostream":{"bitrate":1411200,"channels":2,"codec":"WAV"},"currentsubtitle":null,"partymode":false,"percentage":22.610687255859375,"playlistid":0,"position":0,"repeat":"all","shuffled":false,"speed":1,"subtitleenabled":false,"subtitles":[],"time":{"hours":0,"milliseconds":240,"minutes":0,"seconds":59},"totaltime":{"hours":0,"milliseconds":0,"minutes":4,"seconds":22},"type":"audio"}},{"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"item":{"album":"Sympathy For The Download 00","albumartist":"","artist":"The Walkmen","fanart":"special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/Music/Fanart/9b4468f2.tbn","file":"|X-Spotify-Token=13e5626fdc2abc814a5b457cb7e2141f51969e45&User-Agent=Spotimc%2F1.0-beta1+%28XBMC%2F12.0-ALPHA3+Git%3A20120621-858a0a0%29","genre":"","label":"The Rat","rating":51,"thumbnail":"","title":"The Rat","track":3,"type":"song","year":0}}}]
As you can see thumbnail is empty.
Quote:If you are using OSX 10.5 or below, try upgrading to at least 10.6.x. The underlying libspotify library seems to require 10.6+.(2012-09-05, 16:37)billchase2 Wrote: Hello, new member here. I've used XBMC on my original Apple TV 160 GB for a couple of years now, but recently reformatted and started from scratch. I have installed many add-ons and am refreshing my memory on how all of this works.
My question: how do I get this to work on my ATV 1? I've read that it works on the first generation, but it won't connect for me. I'm at work right now so if I need to include more info on the error, I can do that later.
Thanks!(2012-09-06, 13:26)mikseymono Wrote: I'm in the same boat as billchase2....
seems a great addon, but it just won't work for me, keep getting script errors....
M(2012-09-08, 10:17)cledus Wrote: This looks great! But I'm also getting script errors when starting the plugin
Thanks!(2012-09-10, 17:00)Nicho75 Wrote: I also get a script error when trying to start the addon on my ATV1. Isn't that just due to the known problem with OSX 10.4. At least my log file looks a lot like the posts on that issue.
(2012-09-06, 21:16)Varazir Wrote: Can you pre start the proxy server to quicken up the upstart of the script/addon?The proxy server startup is deferred to a background thread, so overall startup won't get a significant performance hit from that component. The most time consuming operation is the skin patching process, which requires a skin reload, and sadly can't be avoided currently.
(2012-09-08, 22:38)orrie Wrote: When I try to play a song in XBMCbuntu with this plugin, I got tons of these errors in the log-file:Spotimc starts an embedded proxy service that acts as a bridge between libspotify and XBMC. This service will start listening on the first free port on the 8080-8089 range.
Code:22:27:38 T:16168720 WARNING: FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
22:27:38 T:16168720 ERROR: CFileCurl::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
22:27:38 T:16168720 ERROR: Open - failed to open source <|X-Spotify-Token=992d68
In between I also get errors like:
Code:22:27:56 T:16168720 ERROR: ADPCMCodec: error opening file|X-Spotify-Token=992d
22:27:58 T:16168720 ERROR: CAudioDecoder: Unable to Init Codec while loading file
22:27:58 T:16168720 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 28, path [
I have tried it with the skins Aeon Nox and Confluence.
As we can see from the log here, it tries to request a localhost-URL.
Only problem is that I'm not running something on port 8081 @localhost.
I'm running XBMC through a proxy on my local net, if that could help you guys.
Someone know a quickfix for this?
(2012-09-11, 11:50)essaym Wrote: You are my friking hero!Thanks for your support!
(2012-09-11, 14:27)rsuter Wrote: Just tried your addon. I had no problems at all and it worked very good... (fast, reliable, etc... on Asus EEE PC with XBMC Live on Ubuntu). I like the simple style (like Metro or Modern UI). Maybe you should use a solid green (without gradient) header... And it would be cool to have the possibility to add an album as playlist. Very good addon, where to donate?
(2012-09-11, 21:27)mazkolain Wrote: I'm deferring all feature additions and changes after 1.0 final. Also, I'll may setup a donation option after this release.
Oh, and as an anecdote, here's how Spotimc's header looked on pre-alpha days. It almost burnt my eyes:
Anyway, thanks for the feedback!
Quote:Mmm, will have to look if it's related to local proxy server issues.
BTW, I'm totally unaware of how XBMC and remotes talk each other, so how do you get back the provided image? XBMC sends back a full path (presumably the full url of the image), or you get the cached image's id that can be fetched later by querying a specific json method?
(2012-08-21, 18:28)mazkolain Wrote: After watching the videos it seems that Spotimc was unable to write to the first skin (and therefore install include defs.), which is strange since there's a check to verify that the skin is writable. Which OS were you using? Spotimc had some issues on Win7, but they where fixed long ago.
(2012-09-14, 17:03)Nicho75 Wrote: > If you are using OSX 10.5 or below, try upgrading to at least 10.6.x. The underlying libspotify library seems to require 10.6+.
I didn't know this was possible on the ATV 1? I use ATV Flash on it. Is there an older version of the spotify library that might still work?
(2012-09-19, 09:07)mbm1000 Wrote: Sorry for asking if it has been discuss earlier, but is it only for Premium members of spotify plugin works ?
Because as a free member I havent been able to login