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Linux HOW-TO: Automated efficient XBMC install - Ubuntu 12.10/13.04 mini based
I've created version 2.4. Start post has been updated

- Fixed some small issues I bumped into
- Added lm-sensors installation support (including applying XBMC advancedsettings.xml). This will replace your current advancedsettings.xml!
- Added option to install an excellent (the best if you'd ask me) keymap configuration for the Motorola NYXboard remote
- Separated XBMC optional tweaks and additional packages to install into two menus
Unfortunately it's not possible to integrate the option to allow for 24p video since it depends on your tv and videocard too much. I did however configure it successfully on my ION1 machine using this excellent guide (dutch; use google translate if you need to): http://wasietsmet.nl/htpc/24p-in-xbmc-met-nvidia-ion/

You'll need to allow xbmc to adjust the screen to the video's refresh rate form the video settings afterwards to make it work.

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Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems

Have a look and use the examples whatever you like for your script Take all portions etc.... Find it here for history http://pastebin.com/rvrvE3dq

I can try and help you with this a little bit, but I will need a little help too. Ill start by updating the compile options? that way you can have a compile engine?
there are example on how to configure Lirc without user input... and other tricks too, Would you want to start carving it up? No rush!

Not sure yet which one is bugging me on the shutdown routine yet, after installing LMsensors and LCDProc my shutdown drops me into single user mode after a failed attempt to kill a service.
It doesn't show which one so i need to check the logs ( no idea which one so i be doing all Smile )
(2012-10-08, 00:43)uNiversal Wrote: @Bram77

Have a look and use the examples whatever you like for your script Take all portions etc.... Find it here for history http://pastebin.com/rvrvE3dq

I can try and help you with this a little bit, but I will need a little help too. Ill start by updating the compile options? that way you can have a compile engine?
there are example on how to configure Lirc without user input... and other tricks too, Would you want to start carving it up? No rush!

Is that your script? It's huge! Thanks for sharing. I'll certainly have a good look at it.
I have no need for a compile engine since I can choose from several PPA's that provide daily builds.

(2012-10-08, 08:22)Sevennl Wrote: @Bram77,

Not sure yet which one is bugging me on the shutdown routine yet, after installing LMsensors and LCDProc my shutdown drops me into single user mode after a failed attempt to kill a service.
It doesn't show which one so i need to check the logs ( no idea which one so i be doing all Smile )

Did you run the script again or did you manually install the packages?

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Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
(2012-10-08, 10:52)Bram77 Wrote: Is that your script? It's huge! Thanks for sharing. I'll certainly have a good look at it.
I have no need for a compile engine since I can choose from several PPA's that provide daily builds.

ah no its not my script, its something I found and used before, I suppose you can use it for reference on how some tweaks and lirc auto installs work and other stuff. Im no expert anyway just know a very little amount of bash commands.

I thought you would find it useful.
I do! Thanks Smile

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Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
Still running the old one and manually added lmsensors & LCD proc, i'll re-run the new script after shopping Smile

Some thing i was thinking about : order of starting the applications, as i get on every boot that xbmc can't find tvheadend ( it starts slower it seems )
Boot order should be something like : OSCAM - TVHEADEND - LMSENSORS - LIRC - XBMC ( at least xbmc as last option )
I can't really determine the order in which applications are started. You could add a startup delay in the init.d script of XBMC. But this is not something I would want to integrate into the script...

sudo nano /etc/init.d/xbmc

And add "sleep 15" without the quotes, where 15 is the amount of seconds te wait before starting xbmc, before the line that contains "start-stop-daemon --start -c $RUN_AS --background --pidfile $PID_FILE --make-pidfile --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS".

This would effectively solve your problem depending on the amount of seconds you enter.

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Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
(2012-10-08, 14:39)Bram77 Wrote: I can't really determine the order in which applications are started. You could add a startup delay in the init.d script of XBMC. But this is not something I would want to integrate into the script...

sudo nano /etc/init.d/xbmc

And add "sleep 15" without the quotes, where 15 is the amount of seconds te wait before starting xbmc, before the line that contains "start-stop-daemon --start -c $RUN_AS --background --pidfile $PID_FILE --make-pidfile --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS".

This would effectively solve your problem depending on the amount of seconds you enter.

you can, if you use upstart instead of the legacy init V. Upstart allows to define dependencies that need to be run first. Even with init, you can control what gets started first via the filename. e.g. S01tvheadend gets started before S02xbmc
Oh many thanks, i will read up on that as linux newb i need to read a lot Smile
PS: if anyone know how to get the Skystar HD2 IR module to work with Lirc i would be grateful

Installing the new script now .....
@ sevennl

A quick google yielded http://apfelboymchen.homeunix.net/gnu/notes/vdr.html
This seems to be just what I need. Can anyone confirm it's working with wireless only as well?
You'll need and internet connection during the installation. You'll be unable to configure your wireless connection during the installation and that's not possible. So wifi only is a no-go.
Unless you choose to install ubuntu server or ubuntu desktop (although I'm not sure that will work with the script) and configure wifi first, then run the script. But this kind of defeats the purpose of the script. Which is allows you to create a very minimalistic setup.

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Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems

I see you have added some code for the plymouth fixup, However if that is not working you may want to review another method. Again not mine but it works.
sudo apt-get install v86d hwinfo -y
sudo hwinfo --framebuffer
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Please enter the best resolution from the list above"
echo "It usualy looks like this >>Mode 0x0323: 1024x768 (+4096), 24 bits<<"
echo "And you have to enter it like this >>1024x768-24<<"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
read resolution
sed 's/GRUB\_CMDLINE\_LINUX\_DEFAULT\=\"quiet\ splash\"/GRUB\_CMDLINE\_LINUX\_DEFAULT\=\"quiet\ splash\ nomodeset\ video\=uvesafb\:mode\_option\='$resolution'\,mtrr\=3\,scroll\=ywrap\"/g' /etc/default/grub > ./newgrub
sudo mv -f ./newgrub /etc/default/grub
sed 's/\#GRUB\_GFXMODE\=640x480/GRUB\_GFXMODE\='$resolution'/g' /etc/default/grub > ./newgrub
sudo mv -f ./newgrub /etc/default/grub
sudo echo "uvesafb mode_option=$resolution mtrr=3 scroll=ywrap" | sudo tee -a /etc/initramfs-tools/modules
echo FRAMEBUFFER=y | sudo tee /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash
sudo update-grub2
sudo update-initramfs -u
echo "The resolution should be fixed after a reboot"

Hope this is helpful.
Thanks Smile. It helped me confirm that I was doing the right thing. I just made a type that was cousing the bootscreen problems.

I've made version 2.4.1 available!

* Bootscreen installation is working again
* Added selection menu to allow you to apply your screen's resolution to the bootscreen

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Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
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HOW-TO: Automated efficient XBMC install - Ubuntu 12.10/13.04 mini based11