2012-09-05, 20:30
Sorry, wrong thread =)
(2012-09-06, 20:07)johnmerrick Wrote: this add on has deleted my database twice in the last week when cleaning is set to run after update.
thankfully I have taken a backup. I have had to turn cleaning off.
(2012-09-09, 17:22)robl45 Wrote: i'm getting the script error as detailed in http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=123793&page=2. also I set in the configuration for it to run 1 hour intervals and not while playing. I don't leave xbmc open all the time. I take computer downstairs hook to tv, turn start xbmc and watch my movies. What happens if it misses the interval? does it run the next time or will it not work for me? I'm trying to use this one over the library watchdog as that one only cleans the files out if xbmc is running when you delete the files off the computer.
EDIT: I tried the import OS thing mentioned in the other thread, still script error.
(2012-09-09, 18:04)robweber Wrote:(2012-09-09, 17:22)robl45 Wrote: i'm getting the script error as detailed in http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=123793&page=2. also I set in the configuration for it to run 1 hour intervals and not while playing. I don't leave xbmc open all the time. I take computer downstairs hook to tv, turn start xbmc and watch my movies. What happens if it misses the interval? does it run the next time or will it not work for me? I'm trying to use this one over the library watchdog as that one only cleans the files out if xbmc is running when you delete the files off the computer.
EDIT: I tried the import OS thing mentioned in the other thread, still script error.
The OS import fix was from a while back and is not necessary anymore - the addon does not use any functions from the os library, it is using the vfs library instead. Could you post a debug log from XBMC so I can see where the error is happening and it's exact wording? The posts you are referring to are old enough at this point that newer versions of the addon have been pushed to the repo.
To answer you question about the interval reads. On startup the addon reads in a variable for the last time it ran from a flat file in the addon_data directory. If it has missed one or more scheduled runs due to xbmc not running it will kick off a library update at that time. This gets rid of the need to use this addon as well as the "update on startup" system settings. You should be able to use this addon as you describe and still scan any files to the library that were added when XBMC was not running.
12:54:41 T:3816 ERROR: Error Contents: ('invalid syntax', ('C:\\Users\\Rob\\AppData\\Roaming\\XBMC\\addons\\service.libraryautoupdate\\service.py', 1, 20, 'import osimport time\n'))
(2012-09-11, 16:46)robl45 Wrote: So it doesn't remove files that are deleted from the directory like watchdog does? I wanted to use this one because that one only removes them if I delete with xbmc running.
from line 57 of default.py
log("cleaning %s library" % self.library)
xbmc.executebuiltin("CleanLibrary(%s)" % self.library)
from line 309 of the service.py file
#run the clean operation
self.log("Cleaning Database")
xbmc.executebuiltin("CleanLibrary(" + media_type + ")")