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WIP Avalon
(2012-10-28, 10:40)noiz13 Wrote:
(2012-10-28, 08:42)reazorFX Wrote: Hey folks

Avalon 0.3.9 will be soon finish.

I'm moving my repo to xbmc.nerds (german community). Install the new Repo:

Many thanks to the xbmc-nerds: mad-max, don and all the other great guys from xbmc-nerds.

greetz reazorFX

at the moment i am in the hospital an get udate's via my smartphone and hate that i cant try it out.

get well soon mate!

(2012-10-28, 19:53)Shinu Wrote:
(2012-10-28, 08:42)reazorFX Wrote: Hey folks

Avalon 0.3.9 will be soon finish.

I'm moving my repo to xbmc.nerds (german community). Install the new Repo:

Many thanks to the xbmc-nerds: mad-max, don and all the other great guys from xbmc-nerds.

greetz reazorFX

looking forward to the update. Smile i know you're really busy, but i made a mockup of some things that enhance the look of the Slide view....

Like maybe lessening the spaces between the posters and having the focused poster partially cover the two unfocused ones to each side. i also like seeing the star rating under the poster like in the list view, as well as the Avalon watched icon instead of the Aeon one (gives the skin its own style). finally, as u don't have anything in the skin that utilizes movie/series logos, maybe you can added it to the 'video window' space when a video isn't playing. i for one like the way it looks. Nod.

and maybe you can have an option to turn fanart on and off. looks nice both ways.

as i said, i know you're busy, but seeing the new view gave me some ideas and i had to share them. Big Grin

PS: one other minor request. can u have the series plot and info visible on the season level for tv shows? thanks.

Hi Shinu,

and once again really good suggestions!!! I think for the most part can implement Wink
once I've time I'll get to work Big Grin

cu bro!

(2012-10-28, 19:53)Shinu Wrote: looking forward to the update. :) i know you're really busy, but i made a mockup of some things that enhance the look of the Slide view....


Like maybe lessening the spaces between the posters and having the focused poster partially cover the two unfocused ones to each side. i also like seeing the star rating under the poster like in the list view, as well as the Avalon watched icon instead of the Aeon one (gives the skin its own style). finally, as u don't have anything in the skin that utilizes movie/series logos, maybe you can added it to the 'video window' space when a video isn't playing. i for one like the way it looks. :nod:.


and maybe you can have an option to turn fanart on and off. looks nice both ways.

as i said, i know you're busy, but seeing the new view gave me some ideas and i had to share them. :D

PS: one other minor request. can u have the series plot and info visible on the season level for tv shows? thanks.

(2012-10-29, 11:41)reazorFX Wrote: Hi Shinu,

and once again really good suggestions!!! I think for the most part can implement ;)
once I've time I'll get to work :grin:

cu bro!

Wow, Those mockups look great!
Hope you'll be able to implement them reazorFX!
Great to see this skin still being developed :)
thx. glad u like it Smobbo. and thank u reazor for taking it under consideration. Smile
is already in operation Big Grin

(the other changes coming soon)

greetz reazorFX


it's.....so.......beautiful. can't wait to see it finished! Nod
(2012-10-30, 16:35)Shinu Wrote: Image

it's.....so.......beautiful. can't wait to see it finished! Nod

real nutcase Rofl

I love this view!! Next weekend i have time to work on it.

cu bro
most things are codet. Nod

Are you going to add a grid view?
(2012-11-01, 15:00)bigbodiehard Wrote: Are you going to add a grid view?

yes it is planned Angel
(2012-11-01, 10:50)reazorFX Wrote: most things are codet. Nod


Love it!
(2012-11-01, 21:21)Icarus3000 Wrote:
(2012-11-01, 10:50)reazorFX Wrote: most things are codet. Nod


Love it!

x2. lookin really good meng! Big Grin
I also include Shinu´s Logos Tongue

(2012-10-28, 19:53)Shinu Wrote: PS: one other minor request. can u have the series plot and info visible on the season level for tv shows? thanks.

check and done !

The new view looks awesome reazorFX. I have a request. Can you please make the 'Now Playing' widget larger? It's a bit small as it is now. Thanks. Love your work so far.
im loving this Big Grin looks realy clean, happy to see u are including the idea's from Shinu especially the watched flag HD logo on movie case and the movie/serie logo
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