2012-11-12, 23:46
Okay well i'm at college and can't get into my routers settings, would that be the problem? or can I fix it via my laptop
(2012-11-13, 21:32)joethefox Wrote: @StefanK, never tried but IIRC if the login screen is disabled, the master profile should be automatically logged inLast active user actually, but disabling the login screen is only plan B. The odd thing is that while the remote does not work before login, airplay does work when on the login screen...
(2012-11-05, 11:26)joethefox Wrote: @graphiccontent, thank you!
It's a while that was decided to substitute the most beautiful and misunderstood icon in the world!!! There is an icon that has nothing to do with the context? It's the remote app icon!
I'm kidding of course and I am conscious that I have to bend me to the will of the people (you're not the only one who have it pointed out). You don't see the reference to the pop art and to the Andy Warhol's Campbell’s Soup Can?
A guy is already working on it, but maybe we can join our force to realize the most most beautiful app icon in the world!
(2012-11-15, 11:44)joethefox Wrote: @dazz87, your XBMC alpha version is too old, a lot of things are changed from that alpha, including the way on how the covers are retrieved. If you can, you need to upgrade your XBMC installation.
(2012-11-09, 17:29)joethefox Wrote: @lowridin_guy understood, so the keyboard function of this app works but with a very bad lag.
Here with the 07 november 2012 nightly build everything seems works as expected. We need to investigate what's happening on XBMC side when the lag occurs, I need to look into your xbmc.log.
To upload the debug log use a pastesite such as http://xbmclogs.com or http://pastebin.com .
More info on debug log file http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Log_file