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Media Companion 3 beta's - Now with Music Video support
Thanks for the immediate fix of the imdb scraper.

(2012-11-25, 18:12)vbat99 Wrote: Two things. Trailers should have -trailers at the end of the file. And I thing, not sure, but flv extension only at the moment. Might be wrong there.

Quick Qs on the trailer:

1) Any chance for it to flag movies having a trailer, which do not have a .flv extension

2) How is the trailer download currently working? From youtube and hdtrailers?
Server: Asus Sabertooth Z77 | Intel Core i5 3.4 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 | 128 GB SSD, 82 TB (9 x 6 TB, 7 x 4 TB)
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(2012-12-01, 06:46)steve1977 Wrote: Thanks for the immediate fix of the imdb scraper.

(2012-11-25, 18:12)vbat99 Wrote: Two things. Trailers should have -trailers at the end of the file. And I thing, not sure, but flv extension only at the moment. Might be wrong there.

Quick Qs on the trailer:

1) Any chance for it to flag movies having a trailer, which do not have a .flv extension

2) How is the trailer download currently working? From youtube and hdtrailers?

Hey Steve

No prob on the patch. Actually AnotherPhil did the fix, I just gathered the required files to be able get MC to work again for us all.

As for Trailers. I know it was asked for before, and I hope they will allow any extension soon. I know that if the trailer file is a mp4, you can just change the extension to .flv and it'll still play.

As for where it's downloaded from, I believe hdtrailers. But you have to use the XBMC TMDB scrapers in Media Companion.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
(2012-12-01, 04:58)vbat99 Wrote: AnotherPhil has fixed MC. I've made a zip file with relevant files to replace in your MC folder.
IMDB Patch

Just extract the files and overwrite them in your Media Companion folder.

This corrects the scraping of Movie files with "#overview-bottom .add_to_watchlist," being used as movie title.


Thx for the effort dude. Much appreciated Smile
ZOTAC IONITX-D-E Intel Atom N330 Dual Core 1.6 GHz NVIDIA ION with LIVE on SSD (now updated to Nvidia Shield Pro (P2897)
(2012-12-01, 04:58)vbat99 Wrote: AnotherPhil has fixed MC. I've made a zip file with relevant files to replace in your MC folder.
IMDB Patch

Just extract the files and overwrite them in your Media Companion folder.

This corrects the scraping of Movie files with "#overview-bottom .add_to_watchlist," being used as movie title.


Just tried this, but it does not work.
I'm not running the latest MC,as when I upgraded, it failed to start, so rolled back to v3.5.0.7

Will that patch only work on the latest?


Re-downloaded and upgraded. Used patch and program starting ok.
Go to scrape new movie and MC crashes with:

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Media_Companion.Utilities.DownloadImage(System.String, System.String, Boolean, Boolean)'.
at Media_Companion.WorkingWithNfoFiles.mov_NfoSave(String filenameandpath, FullMovieDetails movietosave, Boolean overwrite)
at Media_Companion.Form1.mov_StartNew()
at Media_Companion.Form1.mov_BckWrkScnMovies_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)

Great program only one slight issue some movies were missing the year even through it scrape correctly. I had a dozen or so I had to change the date from 0000 to year.

Now that I am done. I am impress with this program and it may end up replacing EMM. My next goal is to add TV Shows and see how that works.
(2012-12-01, 10:35)TH3 M0L3 Wrote: Just tried this, but it does not work.
I'm not running the latest MC,as when I upgraded, it failed to start, so rolled back to v3.5.0.7

Will that patch only work on the latest?


Re-downloaded and upgraded. Used patch and program starting ok.
Go to scrape new movie and MC crashes with:

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Media_Companion.Utilities.DownloadImage(System.String, System.String, Boolean, Boolean)'.
at Media_Companion.WorkingWithNfoFiles.mov_NfoSave(String filenameandpath, FullMovieDetails movietosave, Boolean overwrite)
at Media_Companion.Form1.mov_StartNew()
at Media_Companion.Form1.mov_BckWrkScnMovies_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)

Right, still having issues with this..

Reinstalled MC, re-patched it and it's still naming files "#overview-bottom .add_to_watchlist,"

I will continue to use XBMC scraper until a proper fix is in place

I had same issue but I just reloaded all my movies and #overview-bottom.add_to_watchlist fix itself.
Running with IMDB patch

1. Going to the Wall tab all the posters are zoomed in. Is that expected?

2. Does the movie poster download the highest resolution? I'm confused because when I double-click on one image and it says "Full Resolution Image 682x1023" but when I go to the Poster tab it says "Current Loaded Poster - 346 x 450".

3. In Ember Media Manager there is a drop-down option for the MPAA setting which I *think* writes something different in the NFO file. EMM also has the same Cert text field that MC does. Will this affect the way MPAA ratings are displayed in various XBMC Skins?

4. This may be more of a feature request, but reading the XBMC wiki on naming conventions for Frodo it states movie.nfo is read first before <moviename>.nfo. Can we get an option for the naming convention of each file, instead of it being grouped in to one big "Save files as "movie.nfo", "movie.tbn", & "fanart.jpg""? I'd rather name mine like movie.nfo, movie.jpg / poster .jpg, and fanart.jpg.
(2012-12-04, 02:30)joecooper84 Wrote: Question:
Running with IMDB patch

1. Going to the Wall tab all the posters are zoomed in. Is that expected?

2. Does the movie poster download the highest resolution? I'm confused because when I double-click on one image and it says "Full Resolution Image 682x1023" but when I go to the Poster tab it says "Current Loaded Poster - 346 x 450".

3. In Ember Media Manager there is a drop-down option for the MPAA setting which I *think* writes something different in the NFO file. EMM also has the same Cert text field that MC does. Will this affect the way MPAA ratings are displayed in various XBMC Skins?

4. This may be more of a feature request, but reading the XBMC wiki on naming conventions for Frodo it states movie.nfo is read first before <moviename>.nfo. Can we get an option for the naming convention of each file, instead of it being grouped in to one big "Save files as "movie.nfo", "movie.tbn", & "fanart.jpg""? I'd rather name mine like movie.nfo, movie.jpg / poster .jpg, and fanart.jpg.

Hey Joe

some answers:
1. Sorry, caused by patch and partial code change by HueyHQ. I couldn't build without his code changes and that's caused the 'ZOOMED' look when on 'Wall' tab. Will Ask HueyHQ for advise on what to do here. (MC3.507b without patch works for Wall but not for scraping. Darn it)

2. Currently loaded poster is the shrunk size. If you double click the poster, it'll display the full size resolution. As for downloading size, usually MC picks the largest resolution by default.

3. Can't answer this one, sorry.

4. Yes, Looking into having option to name Frodo way or old-school (eden/dharma). May have the function to save both ways till we decide on layout. As I'm sure people will want to see both their poster, banners and fanart for each movies.

Hope this helps.

Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
It helps a lot! Thanks for the quick response vbat99.

For number 4, will I have to rescan my library or is there an option to just rename the files?
Not until No. 4 is completed, not sure. Sorry.

The issue is trying to have MC compatible with those still on Dharma or Eden, as well as have the goodies for Frodo.

Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Why does Media Companion use .nfo when looking up movies? Why not just the name minus whatever .Huh is? I had a lot of movies with correct covers etc but wrong names. I thought I had them all right until I notice the issue when downloading trailers.

I am guessing it doesn't like how EMM renamed the movies.

I have an issue loading today sometime it gets hung at loading TV database and nothing happen splash screen stays on screen. If I reboot my machine then restart program it loads no problem. Any ideas?
(2012-12-04, 03:29)vbat99 Wrote: Unitl No. 4 is completed, not sure. Sorry.

The issue is trying to have MC compatible with those still on Dharma or Eden, as well as have the goodies for Frodo.

Would it be easier to just end of life the current version and leave 3.5 as Eden and prior and then start on 3.6 as Frodo Compatible or something instead of trying to make one version compatible with all the versions of xbmc?
(2012-12-04, 16:23)Kelemvor Wrote:
(2012-12-04, 03:29)vbat99 Wrote: Unitl No. 4 is completed, not sure. Sorry.

The issue is trying to have MC compatible with those still on Dharma or Eden, as well as have the goodies for Frodo.

Would it be easier to just end of life the current version and leave 3.5 as Eden and prior and then start on 3.6 as Frodo Compatible or something instead of trying to make one version compatible with all the versions of xbmc?

While this would be an option, there are people who have mixed versions of XBMC. I'm one of them. Dharma, Eden and Frodo.

Plus it would mean a large rewrite of code and layout either way around.

2 Options
1. would be a switch for Frodo file format or Eden/Dharma
2. Have both file formats together. This would mean a few more images stored with Video's, but realistically they don't take up much more space, but it does make it a bit messy to look at.

I'd opt for no. 2 right now to get the functionality into MC, then we could look at adding option 1.

But, this depends on how many dev's are available to make the changes. It's been quiet on MC recently, and I hope more work will occur soon.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
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