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Volume bar stuck on screen
I'm not sure what happened but my volume designation bar is always displayed on screen. The volume bar is shown at all times. During movies or at the home screen. The attached screenshot is showign the volume bar at the home screen. The volume stays constant unless I ue the keyboard to change the volume level. I have tried changing to different skins but the volume OSD will not go away.

How can I prevent the volume bar from permanently staying on screen?

I am using XBMC Eden 11.0 on Ubuntu 12.04.
I had this problem before and completely reinstalled XBMC which fixed the problem. Somehow the volume bar is permanently displayed again and I don't want to reinstall XBMC every time this happens.



Thanks for any help.
I've got the same issue, just suddenly popped up and I can't work out how to get rid of it. No volume options were changed and nothing pressed to make it appear, just started about 5 minutes into an episode.

Windows 7 x64 (I know this is the Linux forum but it's happening to me on Windows as well)
XBMC nightly build (rev.121206)
Aeon Nox
I also saw another post on this forum where the user had the permanent volume bar display at all times. The only resolution for that user was to completely reinstall XBMC which I would like to avoid. I still have the problem but I just ignore the volume bar hoping that a solution will come along.
The volume bar displays at all times even when viewing pictures or playing music.

I would even be happy with completely disabling the volume bar. Does anyone know how to prevent the volume bar from showing at all?
You could try just removing/deleting the guisettings.xml file in the userdata folder (wiki). Visual settings will get reset, but your library and such will be intact.
(2012-12-17, 08:34)Ned Scott Wrote: You could try just removing/deleting the guisettings.xml file in the userdata folder (wiki). Visual settings will get reset, but your library and such will be intact.

Thanks for the suggestion Ned Scott.
I tried deleting guisettings.xml from my user data but the volume bar remains permanently on the screen.
* un1versal points to remote fault stuck button/signal or receiver just conked and always doing something with very likely the LCD TV CCLF bulbs infra red emission is confusing the IR'

A solid theory, however I don't have any remotes or other IR/RF devices. That said it has now changed to a seekbar which pops up then seeks to be beginning of the file (only the seekbar, not the video) then just sits on 00:00 while the video plays as normal.
Can you get us a debug log (wiki)? That should record various input devices and might give us hints.
Either of you using a Dell laptop, especially an Inspiron 1501 or similar? If so, check out this post:
(2012-12-24, 01:50)uNiversal Wrote: * uNiversal points to remote fault stuck button/signal or receiver just conked and always doing something with very likely the LCD TV CCLF bulbs infra red emission is confusing the IR'


Turns out this was my problem. I have a wireless keyboard and a wireless mouse and two wired game controllers. I had unplugged the mouse and keyboard and restarted only to find the volume bar still on the screen. I didn't think the game controllers were causing the problem since they are wired. I noticed that the volume bar would disappear when XBMC was not in focus and another program was in focus but the volume bar would return when XBMC was in focus again. This gave me the hint that something was indeed sending a signal. Unplugged the controllers and restarted and no more volume bar.

Thanks for all the help and responses.
Must of been a malfunctioning USB device kodi did that to me then I realized my xbox controller was upside down on the ground
I had the same problem. After a little research (very little) and investigation (a lot). I found out that the Xbox controller that I have connected is the problem. My Kodi is set up on a PC. So to correct the problem I would check the peripherals that are connected to your device. Good Luck.

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Volume bar stuck on screen0