i was trying to install this great add-on (THX a lot for this) on openlec twice (ion_x64). once on openelec 2.0 once on 3.0rc3 (2.99.2) - it always failed with dependecies not met - it works like a charm under ubuntu 12.04 with xbmc on top and on raspmc.
Main question - which dependecies does it need? Any way to manually install them ?
Edit (30 Mins Later) IT WORKS ANYWAY ??
So there is a quick (and very dirty) workaround...
I tried to update/get the required Dependecies (to answer my own question above - they can be found in addon.xml) installed via apt-get, but Openelec wont let you do this easily
BUT - in the addon.xml you can edit the <required> Section as follows
<import addon="xbmc.python" version="1.0" optional="true"/>
<import addon="script.module.pysqlite" version="2.5.6" optional="true"/>
<import addon="script.module.elementtree" optional="true"/>
<import addon="script.module.simplejson" version="2.0.10" optional="true"/>
so all i did was setting the requirements to "optional" by adding optional="true"
it installed well then, and voila - it also worked perfect with first song i choose (Black Keys - Lonely Boy)
Funny Thing though - as i have also mortstars repo installer as an add-on - it gives me the option to update (i have 1.1.1 downloaded from github manually) - but there it straight away tells me the add-on is broken as dependencies are nor met...
As Openelec is a growing Base for XBMC USers i would recommend fixing it properly - but for me everthings cool now - again - thanks a lot for this add-on !!!
Edit 2 (~2 Hours Later) Works like a charm - every now and again a pop-up occurs saying dependecies not met - but still works
And i think more important - all of mortstars add-ons (liveFooty & Co) are reported to be broken as well - must be nothing for heros like u