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Win XBMCLauncher / Launcher4Kodi - All in One Tool for Change Shell, Set Focus and more
I use XBMC in a dual monitor setup, so the TV has XBMC running while I do other tasks on my computer monitor. I think it'd be great if there were a way I could look in the taskbar to quickly see if launcher has focus or is disabled. Currently I have to click the system tray arrow then right click on the xbmclauncher icon to see if it is enabled or disabled.
(2012-07-24, 15:50)baijuxavior Wrote: Features added in XBMC Launcher V3.0
[*]Option to start upto three applications and to disable focus if needed.

Sorry guys, probably stupid question. How does in work?
I mean, I add two apps, now how can I start them from xbmc?

Or I didn't undertand correctly what this function does?!
You can't start the additional apps from within xbmc, but from xbmclauncher. Enable the option to start the applications when xbmclauncher is started.

Latest version is 3.1 and you can add 6 applications.
Ok thanks! Wink
Hey baijuxavior,

I heavily using remote desktop to manage my HTPC but would like to use XBMC as shell replacement at the same time.
But in a remote session I would like to use my PC 'normal' and not XBMC.
The shell replacement setting is a global setting thus its very annoying to wait for XBMC to start and shutdown and manually start explorer after every logon.

I modified your script so that XBMC won't launch if connected via RDP and explorer starts automatic.
If anyone else likes this feature here are my changes:

; line 264 right after the "launch applications" comment

; if running in a remote session don't start XBMC
SysGet RemoteSession, 0x1000 ; SM_REMOTESESSION

If (GetSettings("DontRunXBMCOnRDP", 0) = 1 and RemoteSession <> 0)
    Run,  %A_WinDir%\Explorer.exe, %A_WinDir%
Else If (StartAtWinLogon = 1)
; ...

Someone stated on MSDN that SM_REMOTESESSION is not reliable. But in my (limited) tests it worked just fine.

I also found a possible bug in your script. If you run the installer as User A it creates a ini file in the A's appdata. But if you're using a different User B to run XBMC (like me) the script fails to save settings in the ini file because in B's appdata the XBMCLauncher folder was never created. One way to fix the bug is by adding a "EnsureDirExist" call right before every IniWrite call.
I actually done that work already, so if you like to get my changes I could send them via pm to you.

Thank you for this very useful tool! Big Grin
^^ Thanks. You are free to modify the code to suite your needs. Just paste your new code to pastebin and post the link here. I am more than happy to include the codes in a later version.
Ok, quick question.

I have xbmc launcher running, (Perfect for my windows 8 HTPC THANK YOU!) but I am running into one problem.
I launch Steam Big Picture from advanced launcher in XBMC, and it launches fine, but when I exit steam, XBMC is minimized and does not regain focus.

I set application 1 - steam.exe
to prevent xbmc focus.

after closing steam, I thought xbmc would refocus. any one help me out?

its probably something stupid on my part Smile
Please check the option 'First Group Apps prevent focus' is enabled.

For some weird reasons if xbmc is minimized the refocus will not work. This I have seen in Windows 8. I will check if there is any other option to maximize the window.
(2013-02-05, 11:24)baijuxavior Wrote: Please check the option 'First Group Apps prevent focus' is enabled.

For some weird reasons if xbmc is minimized the refocus will not work. This I have seen in Windows 8. I will check if there is any other option to maximize the window.

Sorry, I do have the option 'first group apps prevent focus' enabled, like you stated the xbmc is minimized. I will keep tinkering.

I'm using Win 8 Pro with last XBMC Frodo and XBMC Launcher 3.1.
When I insert a BD inside my computer, Powerdvd launches correctly but the focus is still working on XBMC... So I tried to specify the application to avoid focus but I get this window:


Do you know how to fix it ?

Kind regards,

Seems like some problem with the code. I tested it in my pc, but could not reproduce the problem. For now, use any other program options or the dedicated menu 'Set External Player Path' just above the 'Set Application 1'. You can also manually set the program by opening the settings files in the xbmc launcher application folder which can be accessed from the menu 'Open XBMCLauncher Settings folder'. Open the Settings.ini file in notepad and add or edit the setting App1_Path=C:\Program Files\PowerDVD\PowerDVD12.exe

Im not at home but the command "Open XBMCLauncher Settings folder" didn't work... nothing happened!
I checked the folder in program files but there was no settings.ini... If I do remember!

I'll try in a few hours, hope that'll work!

Thnaks a lot!
The folder is not under program files folder, but is in your application data folder which is usually hidden and the path is like 'C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\XBMCLauncher'. If the settings file is not there then reinstall xbmclauncher.
Is there a way to disable the launch of XBMC when using the green button? I use both Media Center and XBMC - I would like to still be able to use the green button as intended but still use the launcher as well
You need to edit the script xbmclauncher.ahk. Remove the line LaunchApplication(XBMCPath) just under the shortcut '#!Enter:: ; Win+Alt+Enter shortcut key'. Then compile the script and replace the existing exe file.
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XBMCLauncher / Launcher4Kodi - All in One Tool for Change Shell, Set Focus and more20