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xbmc minified as a server?
Thx! I edited the video/VideoInfoScanner.cpp from Frodo-12.0 and it worked!
I see, it's committed in the actual git already.

Edit: Is it possible to create a "xbmc-server.deb" with "checkinstall"?
Philips TV with Kodi 20.2 with IPTV --- Orbsmart 500 Android 21 alpha/beta as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
(2013-02-03, 18:34)Solo0815 Wrote: Edit: Is it possible to create a "xbmc-server.deb" with "checkinstall"?
Afaik checkinstall is just a wrapper around make install, keeping track of where all the files go. Since you're not actually doing a make install on xbmc-server, I don't see it working.
OK, i got xbmc-server up and running. But now there's another problem:
in the xbmc.log (from xbmc-server) are many warnings:
19:59:45 T:139655459464960  NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
19:59:45 T:139655459464960 WARNING: Process directory 'smb://' does not exist - skipping scan.
19:59:46 T:139655459464960 WARNING: Process directory 'smb://hoppetz/MediaOnHighdy/FilmeHD/' does not exist - skipping scan.
19:59:46 T:139655459464960 WARNING: Process directory 'smb://hoppetz/MediaOnHighdy/FilmeHD/name-deleted.mkv/' does not exist - skipping scan.
19:59:46 T:139655459464960 WARNING: Process directory 'smb://hoppetz/MediaOnHighdy/FilmeHD/name-deleted-too.mkv/' does not exist - skipping scan.

The SMB-Share works fine from ATV2 and is accessible from other PCs and in the ATV2. Whats wrong?
IP from xbmc-server and SMB-Share:
SMB-Name: hoppetz (HOPPETZ in xbmc-server doesn't work, too)
Philips TV with Kodi 20.2 with IPTV --- Orbsmart 500 Android 21 alpha/beta as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
(2013-02-04, 21:15)Solo0815 Wrote: OK, i got xbmc-server up and running. But now there's another problem:
in the xbmc.log (from xbmc-server) are many warnings:
19:59:45 T:139655459464960  NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
19:59:45 T:139655459464960 WARNING: Process directory 'smb://' does not exist - skipping scan.
19:59:46 T:139655459464960 WARNING: Process directory 'smb://hoppetz/MediaOnHighdy/FilmeHD/' does not exist - skipping scan.
19:59:46 T:139655459464960 WARNING: Process directory 'smb://hoppetz/MediaOnHighdy/FilmeHD/name-deleted.mkv/' does not exist - skipping scan.
19:59:46 T:139655459464960 WARNING: Process directory 'smb://hoppetz/MediaOnHighdy/FilmeHD/name-deleted-too.mkv/' does not exist - skipping scan.

The SMB-Share works fine from ATV2 and is accessible from other PCs and in the ATV2. Whats wrong?
IP from xbmc-server and SMB-Share:
SMB-Name: hoppetz (HOPPETZ in xbmc-server doesn't work, too)

You may be missing samba-client package.
Or you can check xbmc ./configure output for activation of libsmb.
So I was playing around with getting addons to work with a headless XBMC install. Specifically trakt and artwork downloader are very nice to have. Trakt to keep your watched status in sync when Sickbeard or Couchpotato replaces a video file, artwork downloader to have the latest artwork (duh).

Trakt (the new 2.0.0 version) is easy: just configure it on your XBMC with GUI and copy the settings over. Make sure to set it to update after sync. You could also use the XBMC API to run the plugin, but I don't really see a point if you're using it specifically to keep the watched status in sync. Download the zip from github and extract it in your addons directory.

Artwork downloader is a little bit trickier as it does some GUI things which xbmc-server doesn't like. I took the master version from github and made the following modifications:

In default.py set all 'self.settings.background' to 'True' (not sure if really necessary, but didn't care to test it without).

In resources/lib/utils.py comment the section between 'if not background:' and 'if background:' (place a # at the beginning of each line). Leave the two if-statements in tact! Also put 'return False' just above 'if background:' (don't comment it).

In resources/lib/viewer.py comment the lines 'xbmc.executebuiltin( "ActivateWindow(%d)" % ( self.WINDOW, ) )' and 'self.window = xbmcgui.Window( self.WINDOW )'

Don't forget to create a settings.xml file in userdata/addon_data/script.artwork.downloader/ (I took it from a client).

You can run the plugin with the following command (add it to your cron or something):
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"method\": \"Addons.ExecuteAddon\",\"params\": {\"wait\": false,\"addonid\": \"script.artwork.downloader\",\"params\": {\"data\": \"None\",\"sender\": \"xbmc\", \"params\": \"update\" }},\"id\": 2}" http://[email protected]:port/jsonrpc
hello i have a problem installing xmbc headless using KRavEN method.

after these commands:


./configure  --enable-shared-lib  --disable-debug --disable-vdpau  --disable-vaapi --disable-crystalhd  --disable-vdadecoder  --disable-vtbdecoder  --disable-openmax  --disable-joystick --disable-xrandr  --disable-rsxs  --disable-projectm --disable-rtmp  --disable-airplay --disable-airtunes --disable-dvdcss --disable-optical-drive  --disable-libbluray --disable-libusb  --disable-libcec  --disable-libmp3lame  --disable-libcap

make -j2

i got:

xbmc/music/tags/musictags.a(TagLibVFSStream.o): In function `MUSIC_INFO::TagLibVFSStream::TagLibVFSStream(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool)':
TagLibVFSStream.cpp:(.text+0xb82): undefined reference to `TagLib::IOStream::IOStream()'
TagLibVFSStream.cpp:(.text+0xd42): undefined reference to `TagLib::IOStream::~IOStream()'
xbmc/music/tags/musictags.a(TagLibVFSStream.o): In function `MUSIC_INFO::TagLibVFSStream::TagLibVFSStream(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool)':
TagLibVFSStream.cpp:(.text+0xdb2): undefined reference to `TagLib::IOStream::IOStream()'
TagLibVFSStream.cpp:(.text+0xf72): undefined reference to `TagLib::IOStream::~IOStream()'
xbmc/music/tags/musictags.a(TagLibVFSStream.o):(.data.rel.ro._ZTIN10MUSIC_INFO15TagLibVFSStreamE[typeinfo for MUSIC_INFO::TagLibVFSStream]+0x8): undefined reference to `typeinfo for TagLib::IOStream'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [libxbmc.so] Error 1

and then typing the next command:

sudo cp libxbmc.so /lib

i got:

root@Server:~/xbmc# sudo cp libxbmc.so /lib
cp: impossibile eseguire stat di "libxbmc.so": No such file or directory

pls some can help me?? Thanks in advance!
Your taglib is broken, which is a known issue. There are some instructions in this topic that can fix it, but the instructions in docs/README.ubuntu should work as well (they did for me).
when it says:

For <= 12.04

We need a new version of taglib than what is available. We supply a Makefile in
lib/taglib to make it easy to install into /usr/local.

# make -C lib/taglib
# sudo make -C lib/taglib install

followed that commands, relaunched "make -j2" (the make process has resumed from previous stopped point) but after a bit:


sorry but i cant paste the output because its too long
Try make clean and compile again. Might be an issue with whatever has been cached.
Good stuff. I was able to get xbmc-server compiled just fine after getting the dependencies covered. Howevever, I was suffering from segmentation faults when I tried to use it. I'm sure that I'm not the typical user in this thread.

First the setup:

I was wanting a simple UPnP/DNLA renderer for my Archlinux desktop. I was not needing this to server up a stream to another device, rather to be on the receiving end. I have an Android table running BubbleUPnP (recommended) that can take any server and controlt the output to any receiver (renderer). I have another server that is running minidnla that handles the serving of data. I have a TV, a receiver, the tablet, and (now) a desktop computer that can receive the music/pictures/video from the server.

Now, back to xbmc-server. As I said, it was generating a segfault every time I tried play music to it. The problem was confined to one source file, xbmc/dialogs/GUIDialogCache.cpp b/xbmc/dialogs/GUIDialogCache.cpp. Routines are being called, related to GUI, even though the object was never initialized. I was able to add lines to each subroutine/method to simple exit the routine, if the GUI object was NULL.

Just wanted to help, in case someone else ran into this problem. I have submitted a bug ticket at http://trac.xbmc.org/ticket/14065. It also has the modified source file.

Thanks for everyone's help in this thread. It was very instrumental for me and I just wanted to pay some back.
Frodo 12.0:
The library-update (music and video) via curl doesn't work:
Edit: figured it out: you have to add the username and password to the IP: (change user and password to match your setup)
curl -s -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"VideoLibrary.Scan","id":1}' -H 'content-type: application/json;' http://user:[email protected]:8585/jsonrpc?VideoLibrary.Scan

Please edit "Kravens" tutorial to help others Wink

Edit #2:
If I try to show the thumbnails from the webinterface, xbmc-server is crashing Sad Can someone help? Nothing about this in the debig-log.

Edit #3:
I've got this line in the xbmc-server-log:
ERROR: Unable to load libvorbisfile.so.3, reason: libvorbisfile.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ERROR: Previous line repeats 94 times.
What can I do to get rid of this error?

Thx for all answers
Philips TV with Kodi 20.2 with IPTV --- Orbsmart 500 Android 21 alpha/beta as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
Hi all!

I'm very interested about the plans on a more centralized xbmc architecture.

And to be honest I didn't read this thread fom beginning to end. But I understand that you run a headless xbmc on the server machine.

Unfortunately I don't understand exactly what benefits I get.
And I'm a little concerned about the CPU usage.
(2013-02-12, 01:07)Powderking Wrote: Unfortunately I don't understand exactly what benefits I get.
And I'm a little concerned about the CPU usage.
If you don't understand what it does, it might not be for you... But basically you can do whatever XBMC does, except for the playback functions and menu's. Most probably use it mainly for indexing their files, so it manages a centralized database. However, the whole API becomes available so you can do much more. For instance, I've hooked in two plugins that manage my artwork and watched flags (syncing with trakt).

CPU usage is fine in my case. On my server, idling, it's currently using 1.2% CPU and 1.5% MEM.
Thanks for your explanation!

I have a PXE setup but I'm not happy with XBMC's lack of support for distributed solutions.

So is xbmc server a replacement for mysql database?
Updating the database is also possible via each frontend. That's why I'm a little confised.

I have different users with different databases.
I can't imagine it can sync new content (except the watched flag)?

Your CPU usage seem fine. What processor do you have?
I use an Intel i3 CPU 550.
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