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WIP PseudoTV Skin
In reference to the now playing menu:

The single-tone blue looks much more polished. I think with colors on a GUI when you're trying to go for that professional look, less is more. I love the way it's formatted and put together. I'm really liking the way it looks.

I'm wondering if it's possible to put the MPAA rating and IMDB rating just under \ or beside the title of the playing program. I personally think it would look better than being next to the clearart logo. You could then move the current time \ weather info in its place. This way it's all within the interface.

Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing this with us!
I think it looks great Big Grin All I would say is could the double-dip of the show title be avoided? If you have the logo is the show title necessary? As much as I like the two tone info screen, I think the blue probably works better. Without a real world test drive it's hard to say for sure. Major Kudos for all your hard work, looks awesome!!! Big Grin
I'm just so sick of that "blue" color. I hear the argument of "retail look" but what about "new look". I just feel like I have been looking at a "blue" info screen forever and in everything! lol Although I liked the two-tone in the 4 box view, but not in the 3 box view. "Too many cooks" right?

I personally would love a "beta" just because it;s driving me crazy not to play with it. You could then keep tinkering and release changes as you go. This may also help people give you feedback AND keep people from bugging you for a release date? Unless uploading the files now would be a pain?
How about adding the season and episode numbers in the info view?
sreriously though? "Duck Dynasty"? lol
I showed my husband the pics of the skin and he wanted the episodes of duck dynasty to be included in the skin! Smile
The 50/50 screenshot info bar looks the coolest to me, just thought I'd throw in my two cents. Big Grin
The skin is shaping up to be the best thing to ever happen to pseudotv under aeon nox. It would be great to have the option to change the skin color to a black and white color scheme so that it is more aligned with the color scheme of aeon nox so that it may have the same color uniformity all through out the skin. Great job on the skin and thanks for putting the time and effort in developing this.
I think the two bar, two colors setup works well. I'm not so sure if the purple goes well with the blue, but the more I think about it, the more I realize I can't think of a better alternate color to use.
Tman - can you test to see if your skin will work with angrycamels fork listed here? http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=141656

He has added some features
I think you went too blue personally. the solid color looks better though. The blue you had before imo looked more pleasant on the eyes.
I think I'm going to go with the screen below for the info screen, I'm not crazy over it but I think it's better. I've been making some good progress on the guide screen as well and I will have some screenies up later. The guide is looking really good now and it looks very similar to WMC, colors and all. I really wish someone with better photoshop or artistic skills would be willing to get involved for the info screen. Even some fresh ideas would be good - I just don't want it to look like an info screen for the skin, the skin info screens look great for their purpose but this is supposed to be like your watching TV so I want an info screen that looks like something you would see when watching TV.

(2013-03-06, 19:22)tman12 Wrote: I think I'm going to go with the screen below for the info screen, I'm not crazy over it but I think it's better. I've been making some good progress on the guide screen as well and I will have some screenies up later. The guide is looking really good now and it looks very similar to WMC, colors and all. I really wish someone with better photoshop or artistic skills would be willing to get involved for the info screen. Even some fresh ideas would be good - I just don't want it to look like an info screen for the skin, the skin info screens look great for their purpose but this is supposed to be like your watching TV so I want an info screen that looks like something you would see when watching TV.

The one you have here is fairly close to a real one. That and the brighter blue with duck dynasty are pretty darn close. If its not in the final release if u could just mention how to move it to the bottom. other than that i really think you nailed it.

I wish the actualy aeon nox skin itself info screen was as useful as yours. the summary is pretty key.
(2013-03-06, 19:30)hewligun Wrote:
(2013-03-06, 19:22)tman12 Wrote: I think I'm going to go with the screen below for the info screen, I'm not crazy over it but I think it's better. I've been making some good progress on the guide screen as well and I will have some screenies up later. The guide is looking really good now and it looks very similar to WMC, colors and all. I really wish someone with better photoshop or artistic skills would be willing to get involved for the info screen. Even some fresh ideas would be good - I just don't want it to look like an info screen for the skin, the skin info screens look great for their purpose but this is supposed to be like your watching TV so I want an info screen that looks like something you would see when watching TV.

The one you have here is fairly close to a real one. That and the brighter blue with duck dynasty are pretty darn close. If its not in the final release if u could just mention how to move it to the bottom. other than that i really think you nailed it.

I think it's fine just like that. Very similar to many STBs.
Like most people I think that this project looks great. My only suggestion would be to consider including the .xml file for the other info screen (the one you did for the movie Argo) I think that was the best one because it displayed the poster art instead of the channel's clearlogo. I just think that since the logo is already going to be on the bottom right of the actual video (In most cases) that having the poster art displayed really added something to overall look of the info screen. However if you are not planning on doing that, which is understandable, could you at least post the xml code that created it? Either way great work!
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WIP PseudoTV Skin9