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WIP PseudoTV Skin
(2013-03-10, 19:04)NahsiN Wrote: I am not a skilled coder so I went to script.pseudotv.EPG.xml in the .xbmc/addons/script.pseudotv/resources/skin/default/720p directory and changed line 59 from <texture>$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearart)]</texture> to <texture>$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.poster)]</texture>. That didn't work. So can you be more specific on the files and line numbers that need editing?
(2013-03-09, 20:20)mrgrossm Wrote: @NahsiN: If your want the bottom to show the poster instead of clear art, just edit the code to say poster instead of clearart. Really simple; there are 3 lines that are close to: <texture>$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearart)]</texture> Just change the word clearart to poster, or even clearlogo if you want that instead.

Make sure you change all three of the clearart ones or just delete one of them and only keep two on should say Player.Art(poster) and the other Player.Art(tvshow.poster) - just tried on mine and it worked.
Just do a search or find in your editor, there are 3 instances of the word clearart, just change all 3 to poster.
Hi, with the work being done for this skin which I'm liking a lot for PTV, I thought I would ask this question here as well which I posed over in the PTV thread re: Channel Logo fading, as I am pretty new to the skinning process..

I'm trying to figure out how to get the channel logo to appear normally at first when you change to a new channel, but then fade out after x seconds...

Going through the xml configs, I'm think I'm getting warmer, and through looking at skins which change it's location, etc, I believe I've identified in the skin files where some of the settings, including any animations are set, but I'm not having any luck with changing the start= and end= fade opacity, or by adding the fadetime /fadetime lines where I think it ought to go..

Has anyone managed to get channel log fading working, and are the controls for the channel logo strictly in the TV overlay file, or is there settings for that elsewhere?
(2013-03-12, 01:14)ThorC1138 Wrote: Hi, with the work being done for this skin which I'm liking a lot for PTV, I thought I would ask this question here as well which I posed over in the PTV thread re: Channel Logo fading, as I am pretty new to the skinning process..

I'm trying to figure out how to get the channel logo to appear normally at first when you change to a new channel, but then fade out after x seconds...

Going through the xml configs, I'm think I'm getting warmer, and through looking at skins which change it's location, etc, I believe I've identified in the skin files where some of the settings, including any animations are set, but I'm not having any luck with changing the start= and end= fade opacity, or by adding the fadetime /fadetime lines where I think it ought to go..

Has anyone managed to get channel log fading working, and are the controls for the channel logo strictly in the TV overlay file, or is there settings for that elsewhere?

You could try adding <animation effect="fade" start="40" end="40" condition="True">Conditional</animation> in the code with your channel logo, haven't tried it myself but don't know if that would work. I'm assuming you're talking about fading when hitting info right? Setting timing would have to do with messing with the actual python code I'm guessing in the Overlay.py program. Keep in mind, users don't want to have to reinstall and to make the skin future proof you don't want to make changes to the code. Trust me Confused I do like the idea though and I am probably going to do different things like that with my personal setup. When I have more time, which I seem to be losing these days...

<control type="image"
<description>Channel Logo</description>
<animation effect="fade" start="40" end="40" condition="True">Conditional</animation>

Possible python code that may help, not sure though...

image = Image.open(logo location)
enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(image)
brighter_image = enhancer.enhance(2)
darker_image = enhancer.enhance(0.5)

A little update, I haven't had very much time at all lately due to heavy work load but I managed to get the info closer to what I'm going to go with. I still have a few minor changes to make but I think this weekend it should be ready for full release - assuming I have the time.

Looks good! Smile I am still a fan of having the poster in the upper left rather than the "channel" (I'm more interested in what I am watching than the "fake" channel it is on? But Once it is finished, it looks like we all may be able to customize it exactly as we each like. Smile Thank you for your work!
Actually, not when you hit info, but automatically after changing to the new channel was when I was hoping to get it to fade out - so it would be more like start="40" end="0" timer="5000" for a 5 second fade out, but that didn't work - I never see it fade, the channel just displays automatically at whatever the end="" opacity is - so if have it at 0, i see no logos even with them turned on, at 10, they are barely visible - like it never sees the start value and jumps right to the end value.

The only python I know is Monty, so I wasn't keen on going into the code either.
it would be great to show the cleart a little bit difussed as the channel logo in order to keep both images in the same condition
Kodi 19 + Arctic: Zephyr Reloaded
nVidia SHIELD 2017 + WD My Book
LG OLED65B8PLA + LG SP11RA 7.1.4
I may be in the minority but I think the clearart is a little overkill because you already have the show title displayed. Maybe have it as an option. Also, and I apologise if this is a repeat request, is the other info screen that was bottom aligned not planned anymore?


These are just questions, either way your doing an awesome job on this. Wink
(2013-03-12, 10:44)Ovokx Wrote: it would be great to show the cleart a little bit difussed as the channel logo in order to keep both images in the same condition

You're probably right, it's so funny how this works... I do something like clearart on my system and really like it difussed but then think to myself someone will say "how come the clearart brighter" lol so I changed it to regular. I agree though and I think I will make it more transparent, I'm struggling with positioning it. I kind of like it above the channel icon but at the same time it is pretty darn cool when it just sits at the very bottom of the screen like a regular skin. I think I'll keep it above the channel logo - it has more of a TV feel to it.

(2013-03-12, 06:39)ThorC1138 Wrote: Actually, not when you hit info, but automatically after changing to the new channel was when I was hoping to get it to fade out - so it would be more like start="40" end="0" timer="5000" for a 5 second fade out, but that didn't work - I never see it fade, the channel just displays automatically at whatever the end="" opacity is - so if have it at 0, i see no logos even with them turned on, at 10, they are barely visible - like it never sees the start value and jumps right to the end value.

The only python I know is Monty, so I wasn't keen on going into the code either.

Well sorry bud, I'm almost positive this would have to be done in the python code and not one of the xml's. Why don't you talk to Jason about adding it to a future version, I personally love that idea and don't see why it wouldn't be added. If I were a skilled programmer I would add it, to me it should be just like cable - the logo stays for a few minutes then fades away then comes back for a few minutes...etc.

(2013-03-12, 05:55)tommymsw Wrote: Looks good! Smile I am still a fan of having the poster in the upper left rather than the "channel" (I'm more interested in what I am watching than the "fake" channel it is on? But Once it is finished, it looks like we all may be able to customize it exactly as we each like. Smile Thank you for your work!

I am too, but to me this is about having "fake" cable so it's supposed to look like something from a STB and I think having the channel makes it more so. I think what I'll do is put the code in for poster and comment it out and tell users how to change it to poster if they'd rather see it instead. Sound good?

(2013-03-12, 13:25)Deano316 Wrote: I may be in the minority but I think the clearart is a little overkill because you already have the show title displayed. Maybe have it as an option. Also, and I apologise if this is a repeat request, is the other info screen that was bottom aligned not planned anymore?

It will be easy to comment out the clearart code if you don't want to use it, I feel that it gives more of a cable feel to the skin. Think about when you watch Family Guy on TBS or something, they usually have a little family guy image above the logo. I consider it a "cool" feature and most of the "cool" features will be enabled by default and users can keep or remove anything they like.
(2013-03-12, 05:11)tman12 Wrote:
(2013-03-12, 01:14)ThorC1138 Wrote: Hi, with the work being done for this skin which I'm liking a lot for PTV, I thought I would ask this question here as well which I posed over in the PTV thread re: Channel Logo fading, as I am pretty new to the skinning process..

I'm trying to figure out how to get the channel logo to appear normally at first when you change to a new channel, but then fade out after x seconds...

Going through the xml configs, I'm think I'm getting warmer, and through looking at skins which change it's location, etc, I believe I've identified in the skin files where some of the settings, including any animations are set, but I'm not having any luck with changing the start= and end= fade opacity, or by adding the fadetime /fadetime lines where I think it ought to go..

Has anyone managed to get channel log fading working, and are the controls for the channel logo strictly in the TV overlay file, or is there settings for that elsewhere?

You could try adding <animation effect="fade" start="40" end="40" condition="True">Conditional</animation> in the code with your channel logo, haven't tried it myself but don't know if that would work. I'm assuming you're talking about fading when hitting info right? Setting timing would have to do with messing with the actual python code I'm guessing in the Overlay.py program. Keep in mind, users don't want to have to reinstall and to make the skin future proof you don't want to make changes to the code. Trust me Confused I do like the idea though and I am probably going to do different things like that with my personal setup. When I have more time, which I seem to be losing these days...

<control type="image"
<description>Channel Logo</description>
<animation effect="fade" start="40" end="40" condition="True">Conditional</animation>

Possible python code that may help, not sure though...

image = Image.open(logo location)
enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(image)
brighter_image = enhancer.enhance(2)
darker_image = enhancer.enhance(0.5)

A little update, I haven't had very much time at all lately due to heavy work load but I managed to get the info closer to what I'm going to go with. I still have a few minor changes to make but I think this weekend it should be ready for full release - assuming I have the time.


I may be in the minority but I think THIS design is STELLAR!! It looks EXACTLY the way it SHOULD for what the add-on is trying to achieve. LOVE IT!
Prob. Mentioned already but fade animation should be dropped... or drastically increased... also maybe move this to refocus topic... since it resembles that skin more then aeon box.
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
Image PseudoTV - Forum | Website | Youtube | Help?
(2013-03-12, 16:46)Lunatixz Wrote: Prob. Mentioned already but fade animation should be dropped... or drastically increased... also maybe move this to refocus topic... since it resembles that skin more then aeon box.

Already increased it by 50% and uploaded in the latest beta.
(2013-03-12, 16:49)tman12 Wrote: Already increased it by 50% and uploaded in the latest beta.

Sounds good, and the info screen looks great!

Any word on fixing the issues with the guide? I even installed Aeon Nox to try it out, and it was the same thing there.

Also, the fade in, I realize now why its so pleasing, or at least maybe partially why..........by the time the fade is is over, the 'channel' has switched. So it's smoothly fading out from one thing, into another. Hopefully the adjustment to the fade time doesn't affect that negatively, but it shouldn't.
@tman12: I see your point about the clearart, although maybe it shouldn't be ever present and perhaps stay for 30 seconds or so before disappearing. Even on cable the little animations etc. go after a while. I'm all for authenticity, so I totally get where you're going with this Wink
(2013-03-12, 17:41)Deano316 Wrote: @tman12: I see your point about the clearart, although maybe it shouldn't be ever present and perhaps stay for 30 seconds or so before disappearing. Even on cable the little animations etc. go after a while. I'm all for authenticity, so I totally get where you're going with this Wink

I think you don't fully understand the screen capture, the clearart only shows up when you click info. As soon as the info screen goes away, so does the clearart. It's not there the whole time you're watching your show/movie.So it shows when changing channels (although a little laggy) and when clicking info.
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WIP PseudoTV Skin9