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How to Install XBMC PVR Xvba for AMD/Nvidia/Intel GPUs
for debug log, look at my signature.
compositing is mostly just eye candy, much like aero is for windows.

If you just want a desktop, try lxde, its lightweight and fast, well suited for an E350. It might not have all the bells and whistles, but it works. Xfce with compositing turned off should work as well.
(2013-03-17, 08:29)FernetMenta Wrote: (...)Same here, it dies in logger. There's a lot of python activity. Could you disable you addons and try to reproduce. Once negative, start enabling addons one by one in order to find the culprit.

Tried it with confluence skin. Same results http://paste.ubuntu.com/5628678/

Will try with everything possible disabled.
Jan0sh, please also update your version of XBMC. Your build is quite old.
(2013-03-19, 18:42)wsnipex Wrote: for debug log, look at my signature.
compositing is mostly just eye candy, much like aero is for windows.

If you just want a desktop, try lxde, its lightweight and fast, well suited for an E350. It might not have all the bells and whistles, but it works. Xfce with compositing turned off should work as well.

It seems you have just read my mind, hehe

I'm downloading Linux Mint 14 with Xfce, I googled a bit about different desktops and decided to try it.

Beyond that, If I could make it work on Cinnamon it would be great, and the tests I've just perform says you are on the right direction with the "compositing".

I found this post in other forum telling how to disable:

Talence Wrote:I'd like to report that I managed to solve the issue.

Basically, go to /etc/X11/xorg.conf and look for a line called Composite:

Section "Extensions"
    Option         "Composite" "Disable"

If you Change "Disable" to "Enable", then you'll get Cinnamon. Otherwise, you'll get the fallback.

Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.

But there is no xorg.conf in this folder, so I don't know how to handle it.

In other post I've read this:

terdon Wrote:Hi,
well, the xorg.conf is at /etc/X11/xorg.conf. However, if I remember correctly Ubuntu does not use it by default (I am on LMDE). You can create one there though and it should be recognized. In any case, assuming you are using gnome, the easiest way to disable compositing would be:

killall compiz.real; cinnamon --replace &
gtk-window-decorator --replace&

The first command kills compiz, the second loads cinnamon (gnome's window manager). You can replace cinnamon with whatever window manager you are using. Let me know if you need more help, I haven't tested this with cinnamon or any of the new gnome3 desktops.

I've copy the code to a terminal, and after this, when I run XBMC problem is solved! But if I close the terminal window I lose all desktop and have to reset computer. How can i have the same effect on boot and not losing desktop?? I would like to know how to disable this "compositing" feature...

Everyways I've just download LM14 xfce and I'm gonna make a fresh install with it

Thanks and regards

OH MY GOD!! I'm gonna commit suicide! I'm trying to install LM14 with xfce and when the installation should start appears this error message:

"The ext4 file system creation in partition # of SCSI6 (0,0,0) (sda) failed."

If I try to make partitions manually it always says:

"No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu"

But I've try all options with no result.

I've try 2 different hard disks.....

I think it's because the volume is mounted before setting the file system in the installation!!!
(2013-03-19, 19:23)FernetMenta Wrote: Jan0sh, please also update your version of XBMC. Your build is quite old.

Well I am using xbmc-xvba ppa from Wsnipex, as suggested in the first thread.

Is this one outdated?!

The description in the first thread reads like: xbmc-xvba contains tested git builds so it is more up to date as xvba stable but also more stable than xbmc-xvba-testing

Am I getting something wrong?
Even thoe the xbmc-xvba-frodo was the last updated one, the version numer is something like 2:12.1 where as xbmc-xvba ppa version number is like 2:13.1 which looks higher = newer. Or am I getting something totally wrong?

Should i switch to xbmc-xvba-frodo or what?

Thx 4 reply

its safe to say your xbmc version is quite new. So stay as you are.

With regard on Gotham which is in early alpha one month is rather old. This version is heavily under development. A bug report on a version which is that old is meaningless, it might have been already fixed. When reading the logs we match those against the current code base. We already do this for 13 alpha and 12.x which is released. Please don't expect us to do this for every nightly.
Well than there is no other way to either use 'more stable' xbmc-xvba-frodo ppa or wait until xbmc-xvba will be updated to more current development version?

And to sort thigns out:
wsnipex's xbmc-xvba is currently an outdated pre Gotham version?
wsnipex's xbmc-xvba-frodo is currently the most up-to-date Frodo version?
current gotham version is in the testing ppa, https://launchpad.net/~wsnipex/+archive/...ba-testing
xbmc-xvba-frodo has 12.1 as of now.
(2013-03-19, 22:56)wsnipex Wrote: current gotham version is in the testing ppa, https://launchpad.net/~wsnipex/+archive/...ba-testing
xbmc-xvba-frodo has 12.1 as of now.

and xbmc-xvba? something between ?
Thanks for the great work on the 12.1 update, it really makes a difference compared to the vanilla XBMC.
(2013-03-19, 22:58)Jan0sh Wrote:
(2013-03-19, 22:56)wsnipex Wrote: current gotham version is in the testing ppa, https://launchpad.net/~wsnipex/+archive/...ba-testing
xbmc-xvba-frodo has 12.1 as of now.

and xbmc-xvba? something between ?

No xbmc-xvba should be Gotham V13 monthly ppa, testing ppa is probably not built as often, unless the wsnipex has changed the way the ppas meant to be used.

Didn't know we were supposed to move from xbmc-xvba to xbmc-xvba-frodo Smile
xbmc-xvba: Tested by mainly me and wsnipex
xbmc-xvba-testing: automatic build of fernetmenta master tree
xbmc-xvba-frodo: Fernetmenta Frodo tree

xbmc-xvba is a bit behind currently as we did have basically zero time to test anything as upstream job was a bit demanding. If wsnipex gives his +1, we will copy over the latest package to xbmc-xvba and let you do the testing this time :-)
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
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How to Install XBMC PVR Xvba for AMD/Nvidia/Intel GPUs23