RamFm -Eighties Station- with XBMC Plugin!
Hi guys,
Just wanted to bring this to your attention, being a lover of the 80's, and using shoutcast etc for streams, i always found stations, but found they always played the same songs after a while, and never really played a variety of songs....

That has now ended now i have stumbled upon:

This station plays a brilliant variety, even down to two tone, they even let you request songs via the XBMC plugin, so go to the site, check out the plug in on the left!
Let us know what you think of this station!!!
Thanks guys!
XBMC just gets better this addon is great, it makes a nice change to listen to a music station that play only eighties music and the integration of Last FM Slideshow gives you that visual image of the artist.

Liking the request option which is fast and also being able to chat live via Ram fm chat box is very cool.

They just updated the chatbox! Loving it!!
131 views.....and not ONE comment!!! Come on guys!!!!

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RamFm -Eighties Station- with XBMC Plugin!2