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Media Companion 3 beta's - Now with Music Video support
MC 3.558B Released

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Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Hi all. I've just started using media companion, but XBMC is not using the data I create using it. Custom fanart, etc. I have chosen is not showing up despite the .jpg, .nfo and .tbn files being in the same directory as the movie sharing the same name. Any idea what I'm missing? I was under the impression local library data had the priority.
If your running Frodo, make sure Media Companion is set to Frodo or Both option under general preferences.
IF your running Eden or earlier, make sure MC is set to Pre-Frodo or Both.

It sound as if this may be the cause of your exasperation. (Damn, thats a big word.) LOL
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Running Frodo with MC set to Frodo. No joy:

Fanart in MC
Fanart in XBMC
MC Settings

Any other ideas?
Using Clockwork Orange as an example, please list out the exact filenames for the movie, nfo and artwork please.

Also, what happens if you refresh the data for Clockwork Orange in XBMC? Select Info, refresh, not from internet.

Can you also upload snapshot of first two tabs of Movie Preferences.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Movie Preferences tab 1
Movie Preferences tab 2

If I refresh the data manually and choose not to refresh from the internet it, oddly, notices the local cover, but not the local fanart.

Thanks for the help so far!
OK, I see the issue. Frodo doesn't like the naming convention for multi-part movies.

On MC, Movie Preferences>General Tab, untick "Name Mode", and tick "Enable Manual Movie Renaming", then click Apply changes.

Back on Movie list, right click Clockwork orange, and select "Rename Selected movie in list".

This will rename the artwork and nfo to:
A Clockwork Orange (1971)-fanart.jpg
A Clockwork Orange (1971)-poster.jpg
A Clockwork Orange (1971).nfo
and leaves the video files as
A Clockwork Orange (1971) CD1.avi
A Clockwork Orange (1971) CD2.avi.

in XBMC refresh the movie and see if all the artwork is correctly uploaded to XBMC.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Thanks vbat99 - that's the art working properly now!

One more Q though - shouldn't the titles in XMBC be the same as they are in MC? Some of my foreign films aren't following the names I've given them.

That's one I can't answer.

I suppose as a guess it might be selected language or alternate title? I would assume that XBMC show display what ever the title tag is in the nfo, unless another option in XBMC is selected.

I'm really guessing here as don't have any foreign films in my collection.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Hey Huey, I know at one point, you said you were contemplating adding a "Reload Templates" option to the menu, to avoid having to restart MC everytime templates are changed / added.

Is that any closer to happening? I was gonna work on TV Shows, but am trying to avoid the constant closing / opening of MC Smile

(2013-04-09, 06:09)caffeinedreamer Wrote: Thanks vbat99 - that's the art working properly now!

One more Q though - shouldn't the titles in XMBC be the same as they are in MC? Some of my foreign films aren't following the names I've given them.


can you post the .nfo files for the titles that aren't showing correctly? It could be a character set mismatch, and I can check that.
Added Reload Html Templates to Tools drop list. Hope this does the job for you.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
(2013-04-10, 04:53)vbat99 Wrote: Added Reload Html Templates to Tools drop list. Hope this does the job for you.

so I dragged the divider above the filters all the way down to see more movies in the list, but now I can't drag it up at all. How do I get the filter list back if I've hidden it?
rclick the bottom bar, customize it and add a few filters back in. it re-appears. I've asked Phil to check why this is happening. So someone'll get onto it.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
hey Huey, I have another request to add into the html template vars

Can you add a <<date_added>> var? (date the move was added to the database)
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