Help changed router and now I have problems

I'm having one problem with XBMC and router Asus RT-N66U. My system:

Cable Router - Asus - LAN computers.

My main computer is running Linux Mint 14 with NFS server active and the other is running ubunutu mini with XBMC, my system was running OK but when I added the Asus router my NFS server became very slow, changed to Samba and it's working ok but some addons don't work when connecting to the internet or are very slow (artwork downloader and xbmc logs). the problem is not with the ubuntu mini because I have the same problem running xbmc on android tablet. There's something wrong with this router and XBMC. Can samebody help me?

My log:
I started artwork downloader just for logo, all ok, fast as always. Started artwork downlaoder for all artwork (auto) very slow. started xbmc log uploader, no response. browsed nfs share, very slow and the system freezes for a some time.
why do you need two routers?
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I have fiber internet but my ISP router is a piece of.. so I have this setup:

ONT - ISP router ( for TV and VOIP net disabled - ASUS router for the internet part ( all of my computers connect to the asus. I don't have any problem acessing internet with all other computer's (two notebooks) or two tablets. just with XBMC (computer or tablet), any ideas?
Perhaps MAC filtering is going on.

Its a misconfiguration tbh and nothing we say is going to fix it, its up to you to Network everything properly and not assume because something works your doing nothing wrong.

Is reverse DNS working with the new router (I mean withion your LAN). Failure of reverse DNS can make services awfully slow.
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Running 2 lots of NAT on your connection can't be helping matters. Can I ask why you have it setup this way? could you not just use the ISP router either in modem mode or use it for the DHCP server so you just have 1 subnet range not 2?
(2013-04-23, 03:36)battletux Wrote: Running 2 lots of NAT on your connection can't be helping matters. Can I ask why you have it setup this way? could you not just use the ISP router either in modem mode or use it for the DHCP server so you just have 1 subnet range not 2?
Double NAT shouldn't matter for NFS connections within his own LAN, as there is no NAT involved.
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Looks like I have/had two different problems, the NFS one is resolved. Looks like my server network card was not working as giga, only 10... I had to do a cold boot with power off and with the cable unplugged and when I plugged the cable I had a working setup. Hope this makes sense (not a good english) .
I still have the problem with artwork downloader, when downloading in manual mode all is ok but with batch donwloading is very slow takes several minutes for the first logo to download:

thank you

I'm using the two routers because I have to use my ISP router for IP TV and for VOIP but the firmware of that router is not very good, and had some problems opening ports.
change the MTU in the router to something smaller than 1500, e.g. 1492
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
It would make so much more sense to add a gigabit switch behind the router you have, not a second router.
(2013-04-23, 12:40)fritsch Wrote: change the MTU in the router to something smaller than 1500, e.g. 1492

It was 1492. I deleted the scripts that didn't work and the also the cache folder and it's working now. two separated issues in result of changing my LAN to gigabit and maybe because I changed from 192.168.1.xx to 192.168.2.xx.

Thank you for your help.

(2013-04-23, 16:46)Kibje Wrote: It would make so much more sense to add a gigabit switch behind the router you have, not a second router.

I agree 100% but the ISP router have a lot of problems opening ports to the Internet, I don't know the terms but it lags when playing online games. The wireless range is not good for my house, I tried a Wireless extender and I regreat the money I spend. I had to buy a new router with good range, the question was if I used it just for wireless or improved my connection to Internet. Not a perfect solution but now it's working.
I liked it when ISP just provided a modem which did the job it needed with no drama instead not try to provide fancy routers with shite functions where its all drama and they try to charge you for support.

Greedy barstewards offering more for less ends up costing double to resolve.


* un1versal takes off in spaceship heading towards the Binary Pulsar.
oh god, what did you do to get it to work? i just swapped from a cisco router to the exact same router you are using and cannot for the life of me get my android remote app to connect on any of my androids, tablets or otherwise.

please let me know!

(2013-05-03, 03:02)mrpizat Wrote: oh god, what did you do to get it to work? i just swapped from a cisco router to the exact same router you are using and cannot for the life of me get my android remote app to connect on any of my androids, tablets or otherwise.

please let me know!


The problem I had was with my server network card was not configured for gigabit. The Cisco was gigabit? Your cables are cat5e or cat6?

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Help changed router and now I have problems0