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WIP PseudoTV Skin
right i can help a little, the background of the epg is decided by what colour xbmc is set to, when you choose the area colour just tick the apply to all areas box and it will change it to orange, also to get the glowy border you need an extended light mode which you can also change when you change colours, so that solves those 2 issues

one problem i had with the epg boxes after using darknauts skin is that my media files were read from skin.aeon.nox instead of default/media. but once i copied your files over it all worked fine and dandy, tommy you said you tried the other skins on this thread so you might have the same problem.
I'm using thedarkonaut's skin right now and it works perfectly on "ace"... Weird because i figured you were all using the same basic code? no?
Well yes and no...his skin is really more of an all-around great looking PseudoTv skin. Mine is really more of a Nox-specific skin. In other words from the looks of his code he doesn't use any Nox-specific files like I did, which definitely gives his skin more of an overall appeal. Mine was really written with only Nox in mind so I actually never thought about how it would function with another skin. I'm off Sunday so hopefully I can spend some time checking out how it functions on ace and see if i can fix the problems you are having.
hey ARYEZ would it be possible for you to add something to your tv overlay that lets you know how far into the show you are? after messing around lthis whole time last night i finally put it on to enjoy it but found it difficult having just the time remaining, especially since the guide has no time bar so if i'm watching something 3 or 4 hours long (like a ufc ppv) you have no idea where you are. love the skin and its just a little thing but then when i changed channels i found myself focusing on the seeking bar which kinda sucks when the overlay looks so good. of course if its too much hassle thats totally cool still love the skin, sure i'll get used to it Smile
I agree to that. Smile I knew I was in the middle of a show the other night, but I had to look at the time reaming and do the math to see just how far. lol
Yeah that's no problem at all...I'll upload a version that has the time elapsed rather than the time remaining for ya guys tomorrow
thanks mate made me a happy man
I think the standard time line (the line that runs down the guide) is the best idea... I am not sure why anybody would give that up? rather than it is hard to code? Otherwise, it seems to be the perfect solution! ")

New finished info screen:
For real? No new posts in 9 days? This is my favorite thread! Sad
ha mine too, gutted cos i was checking the forum every hour for updates, now its more like every 48 hours. still very happy with and grateful for all the skins created; so thanks again to ARYEZ and darkonaut and thanks especially to tman for starting the ball rolling
I've been working on mine a bit. I put together a new layout for the EPG but am still struggling on my Infoscreen. Got two code bases down for the EPG for those who like my last style. Just need to figure this stinking info screen before I do another release.

I should have some new screens coming soon, I'm going to be updating to the latest Nox colors and making a few additional changes.
That looks cool thedarkonaut. Can't wait for the new screens tman. Smile
(2013-04-23, 17:13)thedarkonaut Wrote: I've been working on mine a bit. I put together a new layout for the EPG but am still struggling on my Infoscreen. Got two code bases down for the EPG for those who like my last style. Just need to figure this stinking info screen before I do another release.


I like this.

One question I've had is the ability to move between skins and still have these Pseudo skins work. The different fonts/font sizes 'break' some of the designs I've used to date. Is there a way to address this?

Thanks to everyone for their hard work on creating these Pseudo TV skins.
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WIP PseudoTV Skin9