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[Release] Backup (formerly XBMC Backup)
If you only get the info screen or configure it sounds like you are clicking on it under the "Settings->Addons" area of xbmc. You can't run addons from here. You'll need to find the program under the "Programs" section of xbmc. Once you've found it just click on it to run it. Don't bring up the context menu or anything, must run it. You'll be presented with an option screen to choose "Backup" or "Restore"
been using this for a while now. worked slick as shit. thanks for updating it. now it dont work worth a dam. sometimes when it aint broken it is better to just leave it alone
(2013-04-10, 15:10)robweber Wrote: If you only get the info screen or configure it sounds like you are clicking on it under the "Settings->Addons" area of xbmc. You can't run addons from here. You'll need to find the program under the "Programs" section of xbmc. Once you've found it just click on it to run it. Don't bring up the context menu or anything, must run it. You'll be presented with an option screen to choose "Backup" or "Restore"

...Unless of course you are running Aeon Nox, with which you CAN run add-ons from the add-on menu (in addition to the programs menu).

(2013-03-13, 17:01)robweber Wrote:
(2013-03-13, 01:50)vijayk416 Wrote: Hey Rob, I just ran a full backup upon reinstalling OpenELEC and noticed that the system setting are not being restored. Is this not something that should be reset or did my backup not update everything properly?

By "system settings" do you mean things that would be stored in the guisettings.xml file? This includes things like language, locale, views in skins, etc.

There are some posts on this thread regarding the guisettings.xml file, I'll summarize them for you. XBMC reads the guisettings file into memory on startup, and writes out the entire file periodically when settings are changed. It also does one final write to the file with current settings when the program closes. This leaves absolutely zero room for the backup addon to replace this file while xbmc is running, and have it take effect.

For example:

You start xbmc - it reads in guisettings and sets up default xbmc views and settings. You restore you files from backup - guisettings.xml file is now a new version based on what you backed up previously. You shutdown xbmc so that your new settings will take effect - xbmc writes the old settings from memory right over the top of you restored guiesettings file.

The only way to restore this file is to do it while xbmc is not running. For systems like OpenELEC this will take some command line magic. I submitted a ticket on trac regarding a method to allow this file to be restored while xbmc is running but nothing has been changed yet.

The way to get round this issue on Openelec is to do the following:-

1. Run the restore of your backup
2. SSH using putty to the IP Address of your media centre username: root Password openelec
3. Type touch /var/lock/xbmc.disabled and then press enter
4. Type kill all -9 xbmc.bin and then press enter
Your media centre machine should now go blank
5. Connect to your machine using WinSCP and copy the guisettings.xml file to the userdata folder (this is the guisettings.xml file from your backup)
6. go back to your putty window and type rm /var/lock/xbmc.disabled

Your settings should be now restored to when you took the backup

Hope this helps, worked a treat for me! Smile

(2013-04-11, 21:30)noway Wrote: been using this for a while now. worked slick as shit. thanks for updating it. now it dont work worth a dam. sometimes when it aint broken it is better to just leave it alone

Could you explain exactly what isn't working for you? The only thing that really should have changed was the addition of the xbmcbackup.val file which validates if backup archives are legitimate and the addition of the 2 custom directory paths in the options. The guts of the addon really function about the same. I've tried it on several systems and everything is working from what I can tell.

(2013-04-11, 21:44)SouthMark Wrote: The way to get round this issue on Openelec is to do the following:-

1. Run the restore of your backup
2. SSH using putty to the IP Address of your media centre username: root Password openelec
3. Type touch /var/lock/xbmc.disabled and then press enter
4. Type kill all -9 xbmc.bin and then press enter
Your media centre machine should now go blank
5. Connect to your machine using WinSCP and copy the guisettings.xml file to the userdata folder (this is the guisettings.xml file from your backup)
6. go back to your putty window and type rm /var/lock/xbmc.disabled

Your settings should be now restored to when you took the backup

Hope this helps, worked a treat for me! Smile


Thanks a lot for these steps. I added them to the FAQ at the start of this thread, and the README file included in the addon GIT repo. I doubt people read this regularly but at least they can be pointed there if asking questions about restoring on OpenELEC now.

i installed it, i have a problem:
1, it does not make backup from my Apple TV2
(2013-04-12, 19:53)tomigonzo Wrote: hi,

i installed it, i have a problem:
1, it does not make backup from my Apple TV2
Not trying to be rude but I need more info other than "it didn't work". There isn't anything platform specific about this addon so usually it is a configuration error. If you can upload a debug log of when you try to run it that would be a good start.
After entering dropbox key and secret into settings I now get the following error when trying to perform a backup:

Script failed: script.xbmcbackup
(2013-04-20, 00:32)jamiegwillym Wrote: After entering dropbox key and secret into settings I now get the following error when trying to perform a backup:

Script failed: script.xbmcbackup

That is a generic error given by XBMC when the addon has an issue and could not execute successfully. I'll need a debug log to give any further information on what could be the problem.
Hi, I've used your app a few times and it's recovered and got my config back and apps working again but my xbmc crashed recently and could not recover it at all to be able to get to the point of being able to use XBMC Backup to run a Restore.
Now I've done a fresh install of OpenElec 3.0.0 via Berryboot.

When I'm in XBMC I can see the old backup files that I made under File manager but XBMC Backup can't see them when I select Restore! it can only see the 1 backup I've done with Ver 3.0.0 OpenElec!
FYI; When I use File Manager I can see all my backup files with the one new backup I made!

Is there a way I can Restore my old backup?
Try this (from the FAQ). Based on your description this is probably the issue.

If you've created restore points with an older version of the addon (pre 0.3.6) you may see this issue. New versions of the addon look for a file called xbmcbackup.val to validate that a folder is a valid restore archive. Your older restore folders may not have this file. All you need to do is create a blank text file and rename it to xbmcbackup.val. Then put this file inside the archive directory. Your restore points should show up after selecting "Restore" in the addon again.
(2013-05-02, 15:25)robweber Wrote: Try this (from the FAQ). Based on your description this is probably the issue.

If you've created restore points with an older version of the addon (pre 0.3.6) you may see this issue. New versions of the addon look for a file called xbmcbackup.val to validate that a folder is a valid restore archive. Your older restore folders may not have this file. All you need to do is create a blank text file and rename it to xbmcbackup.val. Then put this file inside the archive directory. Your restore points should show up after selecting "Restore" in the addon again.

Thanx for the info.
I just tried that but it didn't work.
I think I might have been using the same version as I reinstalled not that long ago, about 6 weeks tops.
Is there a specific folder I should use, I would have assumed I can put the archive/backups anywhere more or less?
I did reboot but it still doesn't see my other 3 backups, only the one I made after installing OpenElec 3.0.0
Hi Rob,

Just getting started with Openelec/XBMC and installed the XBMC Backup add-on. When I run it, it appears it does what it's supposed to do, yet, when I go to my Mac and search for the backup file (per the location specified in the Configure are of XBMC Backup) it's not there. No error is provided while it runs. I've tried both the browse and direct input selections in the configuration to specify the backup location. Any suggestions? Thank you!
Quick update on my previous post.... I proceeded to reboot several times and test again, and, now when I hit the "Backup" it starts the gathering files process and reboots itself. Gives me two updates, one on CEC update and the other on the XBMC library update.

When I restarted my Mac and reset the sharing XBMC Backup runs again, yet, again it does not save the file to the specified location.
(2013-05-09, 02:24)prkid Wrote: Quick update on my previous post.... I proceeded to reboot several times and test again, and, now when I hit the "Backup" it starts the gathering files process and reboots itself. Gives me two updates, one on CEC update and the other on the XBMC library update.

When I restarted my Mac and reset the sharing XBMC Backup runs again, yet, again it does not save the file to the specified location.

I had this amny times. It's down to the Shares on your network (unless you are saving locally). I spent many a (un) happy hour trying to figure it out and ended up saving to as many different shares I could find via the various set-up options/routes. Eventually, I hooked up to a Public folder on my NAS and managed to save the backups. It does seem that the app is very tempremental when saving to a Share.
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[Release] Backup (formerly XBMC Backup)10