CD Case PM3 Mod

i am currently trying to include the cdcase.jpg from the clearity skin / winamp desktop cover into the current Project Mayhem III

Take a look


It is only a small mod but maybe i can do this in album view too...

has someone a nice dvd box template?
First nice Smile

try these cases
These look really nice especialy the third one ;-)

I will try ...
I remember when blackbolt first put that cover in mc360 everyone complained about it and how it obscured the cover now it seems like everyone wants it in every skin
I never complained.... ;-)

Just wanted to start skinning with a little modification....

I was not sure if someone else has done this before for PM3.
Search returned nothing about that.

And if someone did, it does not matter because i learned a bit about skinning xbmc.

Oh befrore i forget it, xbmc is a rocking program! The skinning capabilities are almost endless!
Keep up the great work!

Blame me for that in mc360 :p IIRC
I personally like it but I do not think it will be to everyone liking, ...would it be possible to make it optional so users could disable/enable it from with the GUI under skin settings (like with bookmarks)?
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I think that would be possible but would require a lot of xml for such a minor enhancement.

If skin settings is on all is fine and dandy.

When off then case and overlay is removed leaving just cover aka thumb but this would need realigning posx/y possibly even width/height.

Cannot see why it would not work but unless jezz/chief see any other workaround i think it involves nigh on duplicate xml code in a lot of places throughout the skin?
i like it and hope it finds its way into pmIII officially.
I believe ORBs was the first skin I ever paid attention to the overlays. I really hope it makes it into the official SVN as well.
That's funny Panic, that was one of the first things I coded for myself a long time ago (you can't help but see that empty space in PM3 as a good place for em), I also added the dvd case the video screen, and it isn't too hard to make it conditional. I used three elements, the nocdcase.png then the the listitem.icon on top of that, then the transparent outside cd case over all that, that way if the icon is missing the background doesn't show through.
I wonder how many other skinners started the same way? Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the hints. The idea with the cover in the back is brilliant to hide the background. Will try it in the evening. I am also trying to add dvd covers *G* same idea ;-)

Will try more and post the screens.

If anyone is interessed and willing to test i can post the diffs of the xml's or the xml's for the latest PM3 svn....
did you ever get anywhere on this?
The MediaStream has it, but I changed my mind since and have to say the I do not personally like it.
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i still like this look, it gives a nice gloss and consistency to all the album icons. I would love to figure out how to do this in pm3 for movies as well...

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