XBMC 12.1 Frodo: available now
Is there such official repository for Debian? Please give me link, because this one above is only for Ubuntu.
seeing as this was released a little under 2 weeks ago, when will we be seeing a XBMCbuntu 12.1 iso?
Reason why I am asking is that the current ISO is still 12.00
(2013-04-03, 11:07)Marx1 Wrote: Is there such official repository for Debian? Please give me link, because this one above is only for Ubuntu.

It's not "official" (whatever that means), but I think most Debian users have http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ as their source of xbmc packages.
I hope not because this repository isn't good advice, and can break more then repair
(2013-04-05, 05:18)isamu.dragon Wrote: seeing as this was released a little under 2 weeks ago, when will we be seeing a XBMCbuntu 12.1 iso?
Reason why I am asking is that the current ISO is still 12.00

Any updates on this? About to do a clean install and would rather use a clean image of the latest version.
Just install 12.0 and update to 12.1. There is no 12.1 iso, and I doubt that there will be given that 12.2 is being tested now.
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Do you know a page describing how to build debian package of xbmc?
This is an announcement thread in the XBMC Announcements forum. Please take support questions to the appropriate support forum, such as Linux and Live Support.
So we have 12.2 out.
Thanks XBMC Team, great job!
how yo install in atv1 easy way thanks
yo reeds da instruckshuns

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He needs this one: ATV1 FAQ (wiki).

The ATV1 didn't run iOS.
No announcement for 12.2?

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XBMC 12.1 Frodo: available now3