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Release After Watch
Hi Pynto R.

Can this addon after watched a movie/episode run a library export only for this movie/episode?
(2013-06-03, 03:12)Pynto R Wrote: download the new repository:

0.5.0 (02-06-2013):
  • Complete rewrite and bugfixing, plz check addon settings
  • Turn off screen (windows only)
  • Rate episode on library
  • Option to rate only library
  • Single progress dialog
  • Scan/clean library improvements
  • Recommendations from imdb mobile and english titles


how to remove the old repository ?
Thanks for the latest update, a few quick questions.

The old version used to work silently in the background, after a movie it would not interrupt my ability to use xbmc, It would just pop up when ready (or not at all if my Internet was down etc)

Now I'm greeted with a progress bar which stops me from navigating xbmc etc while it searches imdb for recommendations, sometimes the dialog can take a while to complete if my Internet is down or running slow etc. Even pressing cancel can take a few mins fr xbmc to stop/remove the dialog box.

Could an option be added to allow the removal of the progress bar (but leave the yes/no conformation dialog) so that after I press "yes" to check recommended movies, the script works in the background (like it used to) without the spinning progress bar and the notification in the top right hand corner?

Other than that, it's a great plugin and incredibly useful, particularly for the recommendations Smile
(2013-06-03, 15:34)Heikommander Wrote: Hi Pynto R.

Can this addon after watched a movie/episode run a library export only for this movie/episode?

I'll try to add this feature.

(2013-06-03, 16:23)nivong Wrote: Wooootttt

how to remove the old repository ?

settings > addons > get > context menu in old rep >info > uninstall

(2013-06-03, 22:34)PatrickBateman Wrote: Thanks for the latest update, a few quick questions.

The old version used to work silently in the background, after a movie it would not interrupt my ability to use xbmc, It would just pop up when ready (or not at all if my Internet was down etc)

Now I'm greeted with a progress bar which stops me from navigating xbmc etc while it searches imdb for recommendations, sometimes the dialog can take a while to complete if my Internet is down or running slow etc. Even pressing cancel can take a few mins fr xbmc to stop/remove the dialog box.

Could an option be added to allow the removal of the progress bar (but leave the yes/no conformation dialog) so that after I press "yes" to check recommended movies, the script works in the background (like it used to) without the spinning progress bar and the notification in the top right hand corner?

Other than that, it's a great plugin and incredibly useful, particularly for the recommendations Smile

Temporarily I decided to make it this way, because if the user quits xbmc in the middle of moving a file or scanning lib, bad things can happen. But the objective is to make the progress bar something like the scan lib bar, I dont know if its possible yet...
ps: the cancel button doesnt do anything Big Grin its there by default and cant be removed..
I see,

I suppose it's not a biggie, it's just last night after watching a movie the dialog came up (I use this plugin ONLY fr recommendations) and I said he's to search... But due to a dodgy Internet connection where we live (down more than up in most cases) it took quite a while to scrape that data, in excess of 4 minutes.

During that time we had to sit in silence and were unable to watch anything else or listen to any music as xbmc was completely locked, due to the dialog box. Previously this would nt Happen and we could strt another movie or listen to music while it searched, which was so much more convenient.

Even if if the Imdb look up only ran in the back ground? Or the option to re ove the progress. Ar from the imdb section only or like you say, like the library scanning progress would make a huge improvement.

I like the idea of working in the background like the library scanning does, this would be superb.

Or, would you consider, re-releasing the old version, (but with all other function removed) as a completly stand-alone Imdb recommendation plugin perhaps? As that one worked perfectly but I no longer have a copy Sad

Still, none of this takes away from just how awesome this plugin is. I have actually found some Incredible movie recommendations because of this, and quite frankly id be surprised if this isn't integrated into xbmc one day as its absolutely essential in my opinion.

Thanks for this plugin Nod
4 minutes? I didnt realize that.
With my connection, the recommendations part of the dialog just flashes
I life in a country where there's no money to eat, but everybody has gigabit internet Big Grin

Ok, I'll see what can be done..
Thanks Pynto,

Yea, it's almost ironic that I live in a country that is relatively financially ok, but the best Internet I can get is 1mbit ADSL on a line so long, so old, that lost 30% of the day the connection is either down or running at 100k or so.

Even loading pages on an iPad is like pulling teeth.

No fibre in our area, no copper in our area, no fast adsl in our area, no plans to improve service in our area. And I pay £40 a month for the privilege.

The plugin works well, but just because of speed of our Internet, if the dialog box can be removed to allow us to still pick an other movie or listen to music while it searches would be great.

I can also film this for you to give you an idea of how painful it can be Sad

Try knocking off or resetting your router during the imb recomendation scrape, you I'll see it continues to try and grab data and then if the router is back up in time, it will continue to scrape again... The longest we waited so far is 4 minutes, the average time (most scrapes) 2 mins or there about.

The old plugin was very clever as it was complete transparent, very nice indeed. If there is somethjng you can do, this will be greatly appreciated. I still use and will continue to use the plugin, of course. It's fantastic. Just for now, the user experience is less than what it was (for only those of us with very poor connections).

Thanks again,
Sorry, can't get this work on my windows machine.

XBMC says this. Any ideas.

Quote:18:33:02 T:1296 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.WindowsError'>
Error Contents: (123, 'Die Syntax f\xfcr den Dateinamen, Verzeichnisnamen oder die Datentr\xe4gerbezeichnung ist falsch', u'smb:\\\\Medien-1\\Medien\\Filme-Kino\\Snitch\\*.*')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.hautopc.after-watch\service.py", line 527, in onPlayBackEnded
File "C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.hautopc.after-watch\service.py", line 323, in ended
File "C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.hautopc.after-watch\service.py", line 373, in __delete
delete_files(path, match)
File "C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.hautopc.after-watch\service.py", line 110, in delete_files
for f in os.listdir(source):
WindowsError: (123, 'Die Syntax f\xfcr den Dateinamen, Verzeichnisnamen oder die Datentr\xe4gerbezeichnung ist falsch', u'smb:\\\\Medien-1\\Medien\\Filme-Kino\\Snitch\\*.*')
-->End of Python script error report<--
Very useful add-on. This is almost perfect for my use. But it would be more awesome if there is an option to choose whether a movie or a tv show should be deleted or moved. And also if the moving was done in the background.
Me again. Big Grin

I really would like to use this Add-On but as far as I understand the error message, the script is using the wrong path for the files.

I'm using a sql database for my windows client and for the atv2. I have to use samba (smb) to define the path to my files in the database. As far as I know, this is the only way I can use one database for both of the xbmc clients.

As you can see in my previous post, the script can't handle the path on my windows machine (where sql server is running an my files are also located) to delete my files.

Any suggestions??
I really want to use this add on as its just what I am looking for.
Please can you add support for mysql as I get the impression from the above post it currently does not.
Also would someone be kind enough to tell me if this add on prompts for deletion when a movie finishes, or is the process automatic.

Same problem here... I just use the trakt addon for now Sad hope you fix this soon!
(2013-06-26, 13:00)wgards8 Wrote: I really want to use this add on as its just what I am looking for.
Please can you add support for mysql as I get the impression from the above post it currently does not.
Also would someone be kind enough to tell me if this add on prompts for deletion when a movie finishes, or is the process automatic.


Tried this out and, although I didn't check my server, the awful keith lemon film was removed from xbmc library (after fast forwarding to the end) but without a prompt. Could I persuade you to be my hero and add one please.

It would be really useful for me and I am sure many others, as I re watch some content. For example my nephews have watched Wreck it Ralph a million times. If not I will have to move all and catch the one's I want to keep, adding them back in which can be a real PITA. Maybe a fulfilling a genre criteria would be a good approach as you could set to delete all except "Kids" "Comedies" etc.

I am asking a lot I know but would be cool.
Sorry for the wait, i've been sick. Anyway, currently looking into all the problems posted in this thread.
About the prompt, it should ask by default, there is a setting named 'Confirm dialogs'
Yeh I have that enabled but not working, probably because I use a mysql database.
I'm not sure how it deleted the film actually as it does not seem to be able to do it anymore. Confusing.
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