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Win XBMC on iMON Display (LCD / VFD) for Windows
Can't comment on that version, never used it. It may be the second port setting was introduced after that version was released.
(2013-03-18, 21:15)cdenfert Wrote:
(2013-03-18, 18:43)BastiM Wrote: Thanks for your response, now the tool is working fine. Really great tool, thank a much to the developers.

I've another question. Is there any possibility for enabeling scrolling the text on the screen? At the moment texts that are longer than the screen can show at once are cutted on my VFD.


If you have VFD, you can use my version.

two line display with navigation, scrolling, progress bar etc...

replace the XBMCJsonRpcSharp.dll with the one in the "XBMCJsonRpcSharp Lib Eden" directory

Amazing work by some very very generous people.
Thank you very much to the contributors Smile

I am using cdenfert's xbmconimonVFD for my OrigenAE S16V display.
I changed the file as directed above.
Scrolling/two lines work great on Frodo 12.2/Win 8 64bit

I would ask cdenfert (or anyone else capable) to modify it so that the first line of display corresponds to the exact same name as the icons in the home menu. This is what happens in Blackman's version but not on the VFD version cdenfert made.

For example, at the moment when I go into 'movies' it shows 'videos' instead on the top line.
And in 'music' shows 'music/file'

Otherwise it's great and much appreciated.
Look forward to any help
(2013-05-14, 18:34)ck2012 Wrote:
(2013-05-14, 03:58)baijuxavior Wrote: Scrolling works in my Antec Fusion Remote case. I will post my settings after reaching home.

Awesome thank you. My scrolling works fine for news and what not via Imon. When i fire up xbmconimon all features work except for the continuous scrolling. I dont see any setting for scrolling in xbmconimon.

If you could let me know your settings and versions of xbmc, imon and xbmconimon maybe i can figure it out.

I'm so close!


My Setup - Antec Fusion Remote LCD, iMON Manager V 8.12.1202, XBMConIMON V0.1.9.5 by parslej.





(2013-05-19, 14:58)baijuxavior Wrote:
(2013-05-14, 18:34)ck2012 Wrote:
(2013-05-14, 03:58)baijuxavior Wrote: Scrolling works in my Antec Fusion Remote case. I will post my settings after reaching home.

Awesome thank you. My scrolling works fine for news and what not via Imon. When i fire up xbmconimon all features work except for the continuous scrolling. I dont see any setting for scrolling in xbmconimon.

If you could let me know your settings and versions of xbmc, imon and xbmconimon maybe i can figure it out.

I'm so close!


Ok thanks i will take a look at mine tonight. One thing, you have a username as password. I though you needed to remove that to get xbmconimon to connect?

Thanks again.

My Setup - Antec Fusion Remote LCD, iMON Manager V 8.12.1202, XBMConIMON V0.1.9.5 by parslej.





(2013-05-18, 23:17)gibxxi Wrote: Can't comment on that version, never used it. It may be the second port setting was introduced after that version was released.
I got that version from the official page, I did not see any newer versions. Where is this V0.1.9.5 version from?

Ok I got my v0.1.4.0 from sourceforge there is a link to it from the OP.
The OP should be updated with the new link to the latest from google code so its easy to find.
XBMC v16.1 Jarvis, Aeon Nox 5.1.1
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit SP1, CPU: AMD A8-3850 Quad Core Fusion,
MB: ASUS F1A75 V PRO, RAM: 4GB, Video: on board(HDMI), Sound: on board (HDMI),
TV Tuner: Hauppauge HVR-2200
(2013-05-21, 12:19)anibeasts Wrote:
(2013-05-18, 23:17)gibxxi Wrote: Can't comment on that version, never used it. It may be the second port setting was introduced after that version was released.
I got that version from the official page, I did not see any newer versions. Where is this V0.1.9.5 version from?

Ok I got my v0.1.4.0 from sourceforge there is a link to it from the OP.
The OP should be updated with the new link to the latest from google code so its easy to find.

Download V0.1.9.5 by parslej from http://www.filedropper.com/imon-on-xbmc-by-parslej
(2013-05-21, 13:28)baijuxavior Wrote: Download V0.1.9.5 by parslej from http://www.filedropper.com/imon-on-xbmc-by-parslej
OK.This version works. There are alot of dodgy versions /sources of this app. Other versions did not work for me.
Surely there should be an official repository for thiis with open source code. Those others eg. on google code and sourceforge are not being updated.
XBMC v16.1 Jarvis, Aeon Nox 5.1.1
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit SP1, CPU: AMD A8-3850 Quad Core Fusion,
MB: ASUS F1A75 V PRO, RAM: 4GB, Video: on board(HDMI), Sound: on board (HDMI),
TV Tuner: Hauppauge HVR-2200
Those are older versions and only this parslej one works with Frodo, atleast for me.
(2013-05-19, 11:58)dr no Wrote:
(2013-03-18, 21:15)cdenfert Wrote:
(2013-03-18, 18:43)BastiM Wrote: Thanks for your response, now the tool is working fine. Really great tool, thank a much to the developers.

I've another question. Is there any possibility for enabeling scrolling the text on the screen? At the moment texts that are longer than the screen can show at once are cutted on my VFD.


If you have VFD, you can use my version.

two line display with navigation, scrolling, progress bar etc...

replace the XBMCJsonRpcSharp.dll with the one in the "XBMCJsonRpcSharp Lib Eden" directory

Amazing work by some very very generous people.
Thank you very much to the contributors Smile

I am using cdenfert's xbmconimonVFD for my OrigenAE S16V display.
I changed the file as directed above.
Scrolling/two lines work great on Frodo 12.2/Win 8 64bit

I would ask cdenfert (or anyone else capable) to modify it so that the first line of display corresponds to the exact same name as the icons in the home menu. This is what happens in Blackman's version but not on the VFD version cdenfert made.

For example, at the moment when I go into 'movies' it shows 'videos' instead on the top line.
And in 'music' shows 'music/file'

Otherwise it's great and much appreciated.
Look forward to any help

Also during playback if you point on setting options the VFD screen sticks to film title and play time as opposed following the mouse pointer.

If only someone could update cdenfert one with the updates from the current one
(2013-05-21, 14:52)anibeasts Wrote:
(2013-05-21, 13:28)baijuxavior Wrote: Download V0.1.9.5 by parslej from http://www.filedropper.com/imon-on-xbmc-by-parslej
OK.This version works. There are alot of dodgy versions /sources of this app. Other versions did not work for me.
Surely there should be an official repository for thiis with open source code. Those others eg. on google code and sourceforge are not being updated.

This program has been worked on by three different developers for a long period of time. With substantial lapses in time between the old developer ceasing working on the project, and a new developer taking it up. Hence the reason there is such an array of confusing / fragmented developers, releases, and download sources for this utility.

Sadly, if SoundGraph actually cared about supporting the products they make properly, rather than just aiming for the OEM cash-grab, such an app like this one wouldn't be necessary to begin with. However, you can only work with what's available, and everyone who has ever worked on this add-on tool deserves praise for keeping it relevant.
Agreed. Big ups to the developers.

I got my VFD screen and it works under EDEN perfectly as its supported out the box, but since the release of frodo it doesnt.

I used this version of the app. I dont get scrolling play times.

I have to use frodo as no matter what i do in eden i cannot use posters for tv shows.
(2013-05-19, 14:58)baijuxavior Wrote:
(2013-05-14, 18:34)ck2012 Wrote:
(2013-05-14, 03:58)baijuxavior Wrote: Scrolling works in my Antec Fusion Remote case. I will post my settings after reaching home.

Awesome thank you. My scrolling works fine for news and what not via Imon. When i fire up xbmconimon all features work except for the continuous scrolling. I dont see any setting for scrolling in xbmconimon.

If you could let me know your settings and versions of xbmc, imon and xbmconimon maybe i can figure it out.

I'm so close!


My Setup - Antec Fusion Remote LCD, iMON Manager V 8.12.1202, XBMConIMON V0.1.9.5 by parslej.






Still does not work. We have the same versions of software too. Would it matter that mine is an antec fusion black and yours is a antec fusion remote? I think the only difference is that remote has remote no ps and black has no remote and ps. I tried a few different file names and got nowhere.

All i want is the file name to repeat over and over again.

so frustrating.
The removal of the password / username was necessary in XBMC because the default support offered by SoundGraph in iMon Manager did not offer the ability to specify this information.

Media display in the iMon Manager software (for XBMC) should be completely disabled when using xbmconimon. Keep the 3rd Party Plugin options in iMon Manager enabled, but disable the "Media Plugin" support for XBMC in the iMon Manager -> iMon Utilities -> Frontview -> Media Information screen.
Any other ideas to try?

I did notice that ISO files scroll once and stop. AVI files seem to scroll 2 times then stop. This has to be a setting some where.

Has anybody tested V0.1.9.5/parslej with the current XBMC 13 alpha 4 (or later)?
It worked fine for me on 12.1, but I can't get it to work with this new version.

XBMConiMon only connects when both port settings are set to the same port (i.e. 8080). It only shows the title that is currently playing at the time of connecting, but does not update when the next title plays.
XBMC in iMon Manager is deactivated.

XbmcOniMon.exe Error: 0 : 06/27/2013 19:22:40 [Display Handler] iMON not initialized.
XbmcOniMon.exe Error: 0 : 06/27/2013 19:22:40 [Display Handler] iMON not initialized.
XbmcOniMon.exe Error: 0 : 06/27/2013 19:22:40 [XBMC] EXCEPTION in XbmcSong.FromJson()!!!
XbmcOniMon.exe Error: 0 : ArgumentException: artist
bei XBMC.JsonRpc.XbmcAudio..ctor(Int32 id, String thumbnail, String fanart, String title, String artist, String genre, Int32 year, Int32 rating)
bei XBMC.JsonRpc.XbmcSong..ctor(Int32 id, String thumbnail, String fanart, String file, String title, String artist, String genre, Int32 year, Int32 rating, String album, Int32 track, Int32 duration, String comment, String lyrics)
bei XBMC.JsonRpc.XbmcSong.FromJson(JObject obj, JsonRpcClient logger)
XbmcOniMon.exe Error: 0 : 06/27/2013 19:22:40 [XBMC Handler] Currently playing item not identified (XbmcAudioPlayer)
XbmcOniMon.exe Error: 0 : 06/27/2013 19:22:40 [Display Handler] iMON not initialized.
XbmcOniMon.exe Error: 0 : 06/27/2013 19:23:18 [Display Handler] iMON not initialized.
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XBMC on iMON Display (LCD / VFD) for Windows7
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