Buffering status

Love the ACE skin. Feel it's a natural progression from Aeon Nox.

I use apple trailers/youtube a fair bit, and admit that not always do i have the fastest internet connection, so unfortunately I get buffering.

But the problem I have is that the info bars come up and I can't actually see the buffering progress. Any chance you Can you move the text that says the buffering up a bit?

Other than that its spot on!

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+1 for me. I've been running this skin for a few months now, and I think this skin is amazing.

I was using MQ4 before but this skin just seems to hit that balance with customization and getting all the favorite add-ons on the home screen.

The buffering being hidden is the one thing that is problematic on an otherwise fantastic skin!
Decided to figure this one out myself:

It's pretty simple,

Open your xbmc settings folder, find addons/skin.ace/720p folder. Make a backup copy of the VideoFullScreen.xml file as you will need to make changes. Open the VideoFullScreen.xml file with a text editor.

Scroll down to the heading

<!-- Buffering Dialog -->

Underneath this heading find the posy <tag>, and change the value to adjust where the vertical position of the buffering text is displayed on the screen. The value 330 worked well for me.


Save the file, and restart XBMC, or reload the skin to see the changes.

(optional) I also changed the textcolor tag to orange while i was there, to make the buffering text orange to match my theme. (reloading skin after making changes)


That is all. Hope it helps someone.

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