2013-09-12, 23:28
(2013-09-12, 15:58)hoopsdavis Wrote:Im in Australia so we dont have QAM, we have DVB-T terrestrial over the air broadcast, to an aerial on the roof and coax cable into the TV tuner. So no cable boxes or decoding cards etc. There are about 33 channels, some HD and some SD. Im not actually sure of the differences in each channel ie encopding type etc. Maybe we can add that info to the ServerWMC UI to identify some particulars of the selected channel while live streaming or recording (currently we just show the name/number and show)(2013-09-12, 15:54)scarecrow420 Wrote: interestingly, swapping back to Frodo again, the exact same ServerWMC backend (as just released by krusty) seems to be giving me consitently 1 - 4s backend channel changes (seen from timings in log file) whereas when i was using Gotham XBMC the exact same backend was varying out to 9 seconds on some changes. I cant see how though because there arent any backend changes between the 2, and any client side changes i made for Gotham support were really just about making the new PVR API version compatilibity changes and couldnt possibly impact how the ServerWMC is processing the stream descriptors. Doesnt make sense But yeah I did over 20 channel changes on Frodo and they have all been 1 - 4 seconds at the backend.
That's great. Your channels are they all QAM or are you also running from a set-top-box?
I have both and I get 3 - 4s on QAM channels, and I get from 5 - 6.5s on digital (set-top-box connected) channels.
I'm running hauppauge tuners (hd-pvr for digital channels and hauppauge 1600 for QAM)
Also incase anyone cares im using PS3 PlayTV units via USB as my tuner cards, with a windows driver for another card that happens to use the same chipset... they seem to work brilliantly so I actually bought 2 now (one for dev machine and one for main HTPC). I then have another HTPC in a bedroom with no TV tuner so ideally once XBMC TV stuff is working well enough, I will hook that XBMC through to the one running the ServerWMC backend. My main issue I have is that both HTPC only have 60GB SSD drives so space is an issue, particularly with ServerWMC that records then demuxes and if you leave it on one channel for hours, it takes up GBs and GBs of temporary file space To solve that for now I have mounted via iSCSI a D: drive to the HTPC from my NAS but of course that means the storage access to the recordings and TempXBMC area is over GB LAN which probably isnt great.
My development machine which is where im testing the channel changes etc has local disks though, so the iSCSI stuff shouldnt come into play there.