Android: Compiling In Linux Mint 15 Cinnamon "Error 2"
I have been trying to compile xbmc for android jellybeans for a few days now. But I am unable to fix this error. I ran "sudo make" as for regular make I kept getting File Permission errors. I have added last few lines of the make to paste bin. Please have a look and tell me what I need to do.

PasteBin Dump

Aren't you out of disk space?
Anyway, remove "/tmp/xbmc-android/pcre-7.9.tar.gz" which seems corrupted
(2013-09-24, 13:20)Koying Wrote: Aren't you out of disk space?
Anyway, remove "/tmp/xbmc-android/pcre-7.9.tar.gz" which seems corrupted

Well removing the corrupted file did the trick but now I am getting a new error:

checking for gcc... /usr/bin/gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name...
configure: error: in `/home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/xbmc-android2/tools/depends/target/pcre/arm-linux-androideabi-android-14':
configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details.
make[2]: *** [arm-linux-androideabi-android-14] Error 77
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/xbmc-android2/tools/depends/target/pcre'
make[1]: *** [pcre] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/xbmc-android2/tools/depends/target'
make: *** [target/.installed-arm-linux-androideabi-android-14] Error 2

Any ideas?Confused
Did you follow the docs/ It seems it is trying to compile the arm lib with the x86 gcc compiler...
Did you correctly run "configure" in "tools/depends"? With what parameters?
I did run all processes in file. But the issue was that configure command examples that were given in "tools/depends/README" were for ndk r7 crystax release, so I had to change some parameters. This is the configure command that I ran:

sudo ./configure --with-toolchain=/home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/android-ndk-r8e/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.7 --prefix=/opt/xbmc-deps --host=arm-linux-androideabi --with-sdk-path=/home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/android-sdk-linux --with-ndk=/home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/android-ndk-r8e --with-sdk=android-14 --with-tarballs=/tmp/xbmc-android

This is the final response I got for configure command:

configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating target/
config.status: creating native/
config.status: creating Makefile.include
config.status: creating target/Toolchain.cmake
toolchain:     /home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/android-ndk-r8e/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.7
cpu:         armeabi-v7a
host:         arm-linux-androideabi
sdk-platform:     android-14
'target/' -> '/opt/xbmc-deps/arm-linux-androideabi-android-14/share/'
'target/Toolchain.cmake' -> '/opt/xbmc-deps/arm-linux-androideabi-android-14/share/Toolchain.cmake'
'native/' -> '/opt/xbmc-deps/x86_64-linux-gnu-native/share/'
Mmm... Did you do the
./ --ndk-dir=../../ \
     --install-dir=<android-toolchain>/android-14 --platform=android-14 \

"--with-toolchain" in configure should point to the "--install-dir" above.
I am pretty sure I did that. Well I am re-working on a fresh copy of source code. I will keep the record of things that I do.
Strange I did not get this before. I ran the following commands to create the Android NDK toolchain(changed the location for toolchain):

./ --ndk-dir=../../  --install-dir=/home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/android-toolchain-r8e/android-14 --platform=android-14 --toolchain=arm-linux-androideabi-4.7

But it throwed this at me
Host system 'linux-x86' is not supported by the source NDK!
Try --system=<name> with one of:  linux-x86_64

I apologize for bugging for these small issues, but its been a long time since I last worked on Linux.
Did you try passing the parameter as requested?
./ --ndk-dir=../../  --install-dir=/home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/android-toolchain-r8e/android-14 --platform=android-14 --toolchain=arm-linux-androideabi-4.7 --system=linux-x86_64
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

Yes I did that, and it is currently in the process of make. But it is maybe cloning addons from git and that is taking too long. My internet connection is pretty good, but first time it tried, the server request timed out. I am trying again though.

cd /tmp/xbmc-android; git clone --bare git://
Cloning into bare repository 'xbmc-pvr-addons.git'...
Did it fail at that operation? Because that certainly should not happen - cloning the xbmc-pvr-addons repo bare should result in around 6MB of data - so the connection should not break down over that little bit of data.
Have you tried to clone it manually? Does the "server request timed out"-error pop up there as well?

This confuses me - this is part of the build process of XBMC, not part of the build process of the toolchain (that's where we were stuck, weren't we?)
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

I had to cancel the make and manually had to clone the git repo I mentioned in my previous comment. After that I re-did the things and it well. Now I am having a new error. This time it is when I ran the make apk command. Before this everything was successful.

sudo make apk

Now I am getting this error.
cd xbmc/assets/addons; rm -rf screensaver.rsxs.euphoria visualization.dxspectrum visualization.milkdrop visualization.projectm
cp -rfp /opt/xbmc-deps/arm-linux-androideabi-android-14/lib/python2.6 xbmc/assets/python2.6/lib/
cp -rfp /home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/xbmc-android3/media/Splash.png xbmc/res/drawable/splash.png
cd xbmc/assets/python2.6/lib/python2.6/; rm -rf test config lib-dynload
mkdir -p tmp/res; /home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/aapt c -S xbmc/res -C tmp/res; cp -r -n xbmc/res tmp/ || true
/bin/sh: 1: /home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/aapt: not found
/home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/aapt p -f -I /home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/android-sdk-linux/platforms/android-14/android.jar -S tmp/res/ -M xbmc/AndroidManifest.xml -F images/xbmcapp-debug-skeleton.apk -J xbmc/src
make[1]: /home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/aapt: Command not found
make[1]: *** [extras] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/xbmc-android3/tools/android/packaging'
make: *** [apk] Error 2

Could it be that the process is requiring too much memory? In that case is there a way to increase it.
No, that's not the case - the problem is the make file. The location of aapt changed quite a while ago.
My suggestion would be linking the proper aapt to platform-tools.

For example for Android 4.2.2:
ln -s /home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/android-sdk-linux/build-tools/android-4.2.2/aapt /home/jehanzeb-malik/Documents/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/aapt

That should do the trick.
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

Sorry for replying so late to this thread. I got a little dis-hearted with my progress and took a break. Thanks HenryFord for the answer. I did that and I got the link to file. But I have sdk version 22.2.1 and the aapk files that I have in the package are on the path
~/Documents/android-sdk-linux/build-tools/17.0.0/aapk     //I created link to this file

But then I got new warnings and errors. I have shared the last few lines here. I think I should go to a previous version/revision of sdk. Would it work? If yes than to what version do I need to get?

Thanks for getting me this far. A little push and I think I will be through.
Which version of Java are you using? This problem can arise when you're using Java7 instead of Java6 to compile.
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.


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Android: Compiling In Linux Mint 15 Cinnamon "Error 2"0