OK, so I took a look, and I'm no xbmc-log-expert, but I don't see any db-access prior to launching the video addon, and thus waking my server.
Here's a snip of the log, from around the time I started the video addon:
19:40:08 T:3044233808 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating action string
19:40:08 T:3044233808 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10025
19:40:08 T:2947462224 DEBUG: CecLogMessage - >> 01:8b:00
19:40:08 T:2947462224 DEBUG: CecLogMessage - >> TV (0) -> Recorder 1 (1): vendor remote button up (8B)
19:40:09 T:3044233808 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
19:40:09 T:3044233808 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating action string
19:40:09 T:3044233808 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 2 times.
19:40:09 T:3044233808 NOTICE: WakeOnAccess [] trigged by accessing : MySQL : MyVideos77
19:40:09 T:2947462224 DEBUG: CecLogMessage - key auto-released: select (0)
19:40:09 T:2947462224 DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - received key b duration 1156
19:40:10 T:3044233808 INFO: WakeOnLan - Magic packet send to '00:01:2E:2F:17:4D'
19:40:10 T:3044233808 DEBUG: DialogProgress::StartModal called
19:40:10 T:3044233808 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogProgress.xml) ------
19:40:10 T:2792821840 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
19:40:10 T:3044233808 ERROR: Control 50 in window 10025 has been asked to focus, but it can't
19:40:20 T:3044233808 NOTICE: WakeOnAccess sequence completed, server started
19:40:21 T:3044233808 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyVideoNav.xml) ------
19:40:21 T:3044233808 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://plugin.video.drnu/?listVideos=so-ein-ding)
19:40:21 T:3044233808 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://plugin.video.drnu/?listVideos=so-ein-ding]
19:40:22 T:3044233808 DEBUG: Loading items: 133, directory: plugin://plugin.video.drnu/?listVideos=so-ein-ding sort method: 0, ascending: false
19:40:22 T:3044233808 DEBUG: RunQuery took 2 ms for 4 items query: SELECT files.strFilename, files.playCount, bookmark.timeInSeconds, bookmark.totalTimeInSeconds FROM files LEFT JOIN bookmark ON files.idFile = bookmark.idFile AND bookmark.type = 1 WHERE files.idPath=1484
19:40:22 T:2690643024 NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
19:40:22 T:3044233808 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating action string
19:40:22 T:2801210448 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
19:40:22 T:2801210448 INFO: initializing python engine.
19:40:22 T:2801210448 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(22, /storage/.xbmc/addons/script.tv.show.next.aired/default.py): start processing
19:40:22 T:2912253008 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
19:40:22 T:2792821840 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
19:40:22 T:2792821840 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.image_decode input port 320 output port 321 m_handle 0xa7cedf88
19:40:22 T:2792821840 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.image_decode) - port(320), nBufferCountMin(2), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(81920), nBufferAlignmen(16)
19:40:22 T:2792821840 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.resize input port 60 output port 61 m_handle 0xa817cbd8
19:40:22 T:2792821840 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.egl_render input port 220 output port 221 m_handle 0x9fb36928
19:40:22 T:2650125392 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
The way I read that log, it seems that the WOL is started _before_ the addon is loaded - or is there some hooking deeper down, that does not log anything?
I'm not really sure if it's all the relevant information needed, so I've attached the full logs (with and without cec-logs)
http://pastebin.com/uwvhLhZL (with cec-logs)
http://pastebin.com/27AdVSq4 (without cec-logs)
System info is provided in the log header (OpenELEC RPi.arm-devel-20131110122955-r16361)